Ban spy addon users

rogues are like subs you need to spend most of your time in stealth if you are out in the open you die. which is why your die and why your a scrub because you want to see your opponent before you stealth which is just asking them to guess your location after spotting you and aoeing you out of stealth.

Good luck in your endeavors buddy

Sorry you’re bad and have to rely on hacks.

um, you ressurected a two year old thread to cast shade?

What’s better. Weizpvp or the new tbc spy that just got added to curseforge

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You’re damn right. You responded to a 2 year old resurrected thread just to ask a dumb question?

I didn’t respond to a two year old post, I responded to yours.

I wonder why it took 2 years for you to come up with a response…

I use spy as a form of self protection and I main a rogue. I’m an honorable rogue but my rogue is a troll not an undead :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

If you had any sense at all, you’d realize I obviously don’t frequent the site. Congratulations on making yourself look dumb with every post you make.

Says the person frequenting the site.