Ban multiboxing

Why not? It’s third-party software that effects how you play in-game. That means Blizzard should be anyone who uses Windows 10.

And how about a person who uses multiple computers and controls them through a KVM switch? No additional software required.

As long as the person is in direct control of one character and isn’t mirroring/replicating inputs in any way I don’t see a problem with it.

Why is it a problem if each client window is performing a single action in response to a single button press initiated by a human being? No automation whatsoever is occurring in that setup.

No it’s not.

“AHURRFUURuuRrrrr notagainstduhhhruuleeezzzz”

Is that all you CHEATERS spout? DO YOU LACK MORALS, ETHICS, DIGNITY? You know EXACTLY what you’re doing and the only reason you defend it is because you get an ADVANTAGE. You are SMUG CHEATERS

You didn’t create wow. It matters little if you see a problem with something.

Neither did you, what’s the point? Am I not allowed to be a free thinking person?

Point is you are trying to tell us what is right. Blizz determines what is right for their game. What else will you try to control me about. How many alts I can have. How many accounts? Maybe just how I can play the game. Hers a good example. I for instance can no longer do group content. I feel blizz should remove raiding as it’s unfair to me. Where does it end.

Well you’re welcome to do it yourself… you’re essentially complaining about not taking advantage of something that you are allowed to.

Don’t argue with these boxers, they’ll just mass flag you and get your account suspended when they start losing any sort of argument.

Edit: lol they shut down me again for this comment. Boxers are the most toxic crybabies.

judging by the erratic typing I wonder how much longer until he pops a gasket? :thinking:


Yeah it shouldn’t be allowed but it makes more money for blizzard so they allow it.

Your account won’t be suspended unless you actually break the rules.

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Activision-Blizzard makes billions of dollars a year. They could ban every multiboxer tomorrow and not even notice.

I’ve wasted enough time here today. I’ll have my longboi gold before the end of the week. None of it from multiboxing. It will be nice to get my other 3 accounts back up though. Keep crying instead of finding your own way to make gold. L8r

Yeah I bet they could but money is money lol

If they were really worried about money, they could just release a pet or mount.


or just have another 6 month promotional event or as players called it “the whatever DOESNT float your boat event”

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Honestly shocked Blizzard doesn’t pump mounts and pets into the cash shop at a faster rate. Or even toys, since that’s a thing now.

im sure they would but it would end up costing us a raid tier :rofl: