Ban multiboxing

Why don’t all you complainers get more accounts and level more toons? Are you all just too principled?

Multiboxing just to level alts/have fun isn’t a problem, doing it to get more gold/loot than one person would normally get is wrong. Blizzard should pretty much come out and say everyone should multibox because it doesn’t get much easier and rewarding than it is now.

question,what isn’t subjective anymore? because there doesn’t seem to be anything that isn’t subjective and that seems to be a cop-out response to most people when they don’t agree with a rule presented to them.

You’re right. It means nothing. That’s the point I’m trying to make.

Unauthorized programs are against the rules, not just using any third party program, or you could be banned for using a web browser while alt-tabbed on a flight path.

Also, if you have Windows 10, you don’t need any additional software to multibox.

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You can’t have your cake and eat it too, multiple instances of wow is either against the rules or it isn’t.

No, because a web-browser does not directly affect you in-game. That’s a pretty silly comparison to make.

It wasn’t a problem before there was personal loot and multiple use nodes, but Blizz made it into a problem that they either endorse or are just that ignorant about.

But it’s a third party program. I guess my third-party mouse driver that lets me use my 20 button mouse is also against the rules. No? Hmm, I wonder why.

Or how about your graphics card driver? That’s third-party software that affects you in-game. Better ban that as well.

You’re making ridiculous comparisons. Having a program that controls your other characters by making commands on one character is on par with botting.

Blizzard is guilty of breaking their own rules then because there has been an option to run multiple clients on the launcher since day one

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Except it’s not. Each client window is performing a single action in response to a single button press. They aren’t doing anything on their own the way they would if actual botting was occurring.


The fact that guild leaders can recruit a ton of players and give them 0 privileges in the guild, only for them to passively collect gold for said guild master, makes me think that Blizz is okay with people taking opportunities for gold making.

Yet it’s only possible through the use of third party software.

Is Windows 10 “third party software”? Because that’s all you need to multibox nowadays.

And the simplest way to multibox is with two characters and a multi-passenger flying mount. No additional software required and works on multiple operating systems.

Blizzard allows you to run multiple clients, true, but they don’t provide means to control them simultaneously.

It can be done with or without third party software, which also is not against the rules.

Well I’m guessing some of you hate alts too. Why not make every daily cd account wide. Then altaholics can’t benefit from leveling multiple toons. That’ll fix all those people that dare play differently from you. How about restricting how many auctions you can cancel, or putting a limit on times posted. We can make everyone conform or quit. That’ll teach them.

I was referring to the guy who typed “cheaters” many times in all caps.

He can freely choose to believe that Multiboxing is cheating.

Just as Blizzard can freely choose to believe it isn’t.

Since Blizzard kinda runs the game, it’s not cheating.

If he disagrees, he can just not multibox. Problem solved.

Ofc it’s not and you know it’s not. Using it in the sense to control multiple characters at once for should be though.