Ban multiboxing

there is nothing good about a botter going out and farming a herb. if that node drops 6 they could end up getting 60 herb from one node. this is nether fair for other players wanting play the game the way it was made. but has and extream negative effect on the market place buy supplying way to much material that cant be sold. dropping the prices 65% on my server in just 2 weeks. thus making it impossible to buy all the things avaluable from quartermasters. they even opeingly say to look for servers that don’t have any other botters on them to maximize the money they can make. they need to be BANED once and for all!


Multi-boxers are not the same as botters. Just pointing that out bud.


why would blizz ban their income?


there the same thing interacting with them


Agreed OP. They really are utterly obnoxious.

I mean, people paying for five accounts should be able to do what they want with them, and I’m not sure banning multi-box players is an answer. They pay for it. They should be able to play with them how they like.

Still. They’re obnoxious and I can’t stand them.

Edited to Add: The above is not entirely fair. I’ve run into a multiboxer on two occasions who was very considerate and kind. One even helped me and said “hello.” Every other one I’ve run into was horrid.

So…it’s unfair to say they’re ALL obnoxious, but it is fair to say that the vast majority are and make them all look bad by association.


Agreed multiboxing is becoming more and more cancerous.

Outside of ruining the market for some by farming certain herbs on 10 multibox accounts the only way to effectively play the AH these days requires a 2nd account and a 2nd monitor so you can undercut every 3 minutes with your bank alt account

and of course the old fashioned pvp problems they cause


they serve the community nothing positive to play with. I cant think of anything!


They should just bann the 3rd party addons that let them control more than one at a time. IF they want to box manually where you gotta click each toons buttons to make them attack that would be fine. I just don’t understand why Blizzard allows a player to use a 3rd party program to control more than one toon. Greed is the only thing I can think of.


Not botters as last poster said. Also each toon requires a seperate account. They have to sub each one. It’s not automatic eather. You have to manage each toon. It’s not Press a button and they go off and do everything by themselves. Don’t complain if you don’t understand it. I often farm with single toons as there are many nodes you have to skip when multiboxing. You can’t ninja a node with 5 toons, you will pull aggro.


Yeah boi that’s it, that’s the thread they needed since vanilla to ban multiboxing. You did it, son.


That’d eliminate like 90% of all complaints about everything everywhere. What a world we live in.


multi boxer LIVE human giving commands which despite using a program to pass them along still means its an actual player

botter NOT a live human giving commands its using an AI program which keeps sending the same orders over and over or haven’t you noticed that due to the fact it always follows the same path even ignoring getting into fights and terrain

Blizzard has said this already boxing is NOT illegal and there are currently no plans now or in the future to change that


Ok so are you telling me off? As your reply was the entire point of my comment? :rofl:

I wish I had the resources to multibox. Sounds like fun, actually, when you can be your own party and accomplish goals more quickly because you have more accounts working for you.

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oh no im agreeing with you I just put my comment there in order to clarify it to the people that saying MBing is cheating although I shouldn’t bother no amount of logic could get thru that reinforced concrete skull that is convinced they are right on everything


Your server must be dead if a multiboxer is suppressing prices by 65%.

Nobody to date has explained to me how 1% of the population can do this but by all means give it a shot!


botting is bad, but multiboxing is not botting.


that explains a multiboxer perfectly as said in posts above yours

Well, this is certainly a new and interesting topic. :roll_eyes:


Multiboxing only really affects… world material prices? By making them more abundant and thus less gold to buy?

Wait, where’s the downsides again.