Ban GDKPS, Perma ban Gold buyers

thumbs up. gold buyers don’t deserve to play, they slowly turn this game into p2w

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you realize p2w is only possible if the Game allows it though, right? haha

Literally nothing wrong with GDKPs. Gold buying happened long before GDKPs were a thing. Fix the bots - that’s the real issue here.

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Well it does fall on Blizzard to do something about this, in the end, the players have the tools to get rid of them. Why aren’t players mass reporting boosters, etc. No one would advertise because they would be instantly given a 3-day ban.

Why isn’t this done with bots? Why aren’t there entire guilds dedicated to mass reporting bots when they’re found.

The players could easily do this but they don’t. So in a sense, this is deserved.

Yes you can. You can ban known vpn IP addresses.

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GDKP will never ever, ever go away. Any other actual 04’ guild masters here that never stopped running? Here’s the thing, it’s just on the surface now. The kind of players who mass buy gold were the same ones sliding into my dms with bribes for loot. You are waging a impossible war and hillarously GDKPs gave more power back to the average player as the wealth is spread around. But keep kvetching, it warms my soul.

The tests they have are for giga popular ones. You can do private ones or just less popular ones and be fine.

People want their vidya moderated.

The west has fallen

Sure are a fair few gold buyers trying to justify their gold laundering in this thread.


I normally don’t notice them, but for some reason they were inviting everyone in Elwynn Forest to group with them last week.

Someone from my guild asked why they were doing that. Mh best guess: they were lonely.

I’m glad blizz seems to be cracking down on the bots as they have responded to my reports with actions. But I also agree GDKP needs to be banned, it’s bad for the community and the economy and it heavily encourages gold buying.


You can ban the known ones.

Not that you should, but it’s very possible.

You think bot farms use commercial VPNs??? they run their own which you can’t ban the IP of. What are they going to do ban the IPs of all hosted servers in the world? Fine then they route the traffic thru a server in a house or commercial property somewhere with fast interwebs

Electricity in NA is so expensive for bots to make a profit.

At this point i know youre trolling. You reply to every single bot thread saying youve never seen a bot. Im on the same server as you, alliance side. The bots arent as bad as they were on wotlk classic but to sit around and pretend like youve never seen them in SoD is insane to me.

Honestly whats the point?

Want to see my ingame mailbox? Full of “action taken” for me reporting them? Or what is it going to take

I mean, I’m literally offering gold. Put your money where your mouth is.

The fact that they refuse to discuss this, ever, and to act on these things makes me think they have a financial incentive to keep the gold buyers happy.

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I bet you all 50 of my gold I can show you 5 or more with /who. Just /who scarlet monastery any rogue 20 or lower is a bot fly hacking to get grave moss. Do /who Shadowfang Keep any rogue under 20 is a bot fly hacking to loot chests.

Report bots whenever you see them, get a nice thankyou from Blizzard when Action is taken against the account.

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Yeah seems like it’s just a vicious cycle. GDKPs are inflated because of gold buying so idiots buy more gold to participate, but then it drives the price to participate higher.