Ban GDKPS, Perma ban Gold buyers

The botting problem is already out of hand on every SoD server I play on, there are hundreds of pickpocket bots going in and out of stockades at all hours of the day, prices are inflating at a rocket pace.

Let’s call a spade a spade, GDKPS encourage gold buying, this isn’t some hot take that is a shocking revalation, participation in one should result in the removal of all gold/gear going forward along with a temporary ban.

Gold buyers also need to stop getting a slap on the wrist. A removal of gold isn’t enough, how do I know this? Because gold buying is still rampant, Blizzard needs to ramp up the punishment on this, personally I suggest a 6 month ban for a first offense followed by a perma ban.

It is abundantly clear blizzards current tactics are inefficient at handling botting, if you can’t stop the bots themselves its time to go after the botters customers.


All they need to do is region lock the NA servers and not allow VPN usage. This would INSTANTLY remove bots and it isn’t too complicated…wonder why they dont…


BoTz AnD GoLd BuYiNg Dont CaWz InFlAtiOn. TheY KeeP ThE PrIcE oF mAtZ LoW, yoU ShOulD bE ThaNkFUL.


Activision loves whales. The devs support GDKPs. The bots are not only obvious, the devs have removed many ways to report them or made the task nearly impossible when the bots are instanced into a dungeon, there are no GMs.

It’s pretty easy to see that Blizz and the dev team have no pride in the integrity of the game. They support botting and are frankly dishonest in most of their communications to the community. They pander to streamers, which are some of the largest whales, and those whales don’t want anything done about RMT.


Where and how do you notice?

I’m tired of hearing this. That’s like saying “the AH encourages gold buying”.

Just look for the hunter pets with Chinese characters in their name. They are EVERYWHERE.


Here come the thousands of posts knuckle draggers to derail the thread and defend their lady Blizz


They’re intentionally ineffective, so that they can justify implementing the Token, which they will eventually try to smuggle into the conversation, thus pleasing shareholders. They love the ‘if you can’t beat em,’ join em’ philosophy. They’re very aware that cracking down on this would also crack down on their revenue. Blizzard has a symbiotic relationship with RMT. Bots, GDKPs, and gold buyers are a net good for them. A net bad for ethical players like us, but a net good for them.


All excellent ideas here’s the primary problem though, Blizzard doesn’t care. We have been pleading for years on Classic-TBC-Wotlk era for blizzard to do something about the bot, GDKP and inflation problem. What did they do? They added the WoW token because according to them “This is an un winnable fight”. Not only do they not care, they saw how much money botters were making and wanted a piece of that pie. Nothing will be done about bots and the economy will inflate just like classic did. It is what it is.

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I mean…


The OP is asking for the dismantling of a loot system that works well. And also making claims of bots being everywhere. I’m curious as to the actual motivation. I certainly have not noticed bots everywhere…

Admittedly, I’m quite a casual player with only two level 25 toons, and am only traveling the world in search of quests for runes, hunter pets for training, and other quests, etc. that offer gold or other various farms, but aside from that, and of course leveling.

Where are all the bots?

Anyway, while I am not in favor of attacking GDKPs, I think that it would be reasonable to more strictly enforce anti-RMT rules by implementing bans and fines to fund anti-RMT GMs. So if someone is caught buying gold, they may be subject to account ban or suspension, that requires a fine of say $25, $50, $100 (perhaps ever incrementing) to be paid in order to regain access to their accounts.

This is a fresh take on an important topic.

Thank you for your service, subby.

Oh, yeah.

Because civil forfeiture has worked so well.

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And prohibition?


Besides, I’m actually proposing fines (not that the gold itself be taken and used) to fund enforcement.

This, combined with this:

Makes me despair for the youth of America.

Hey, I’m just looking out for Azeroth through funding the fine members of in-game rules enforcement and bringing quality gaming experiences for all.

You really can’t be this much of a naif.

+1 for truth.


idk what that means, and I’m not going to look it up, but what’s with the ad hominem, and incorrect descriptions of what I’ve stated (fines are not civil forfeiture at all).


Gold buyers need perma banned accounts. Getting a ban for a couple of days, having gold removed, is NOT a prevention measure. It’s a joke.

Gold buyers are WHY bots exist, not the other way around.

Arresting hookers don’t do anything about the demand.

Personal Loot and Gold Buyer PERMA Bans are the only way to stifle this insanity. Gold buyers hurt legit players, preventing their realistic chances of obtaining gear from raids.


So, ban bots… if perma bans work so well. Don’t we already have this system in place?

What you’re saying is ban gold buyers? I.e. stricter punishment for offenders?

I don’t have any issues with that. It does make me wonder why that isn’t the default already though. I suspect it may have to do with budgeting resources towards ensuring that bans are accurate vs damage control of false positives, but idk.
