Ban GDKPS, Perma ban Gold buyers

They should but they won’t. Blizzard only pretends to care about all the bots and gold sellers. Those are active subscriptions for them. They could easily wipe out bots and gold sellers by banning them frequently and often. Making it unprofitable to keep buying wow and a new sub. Instead they do these nonsense like every 6 months banwaves that don’t work.

Oh look this thread again yawn.

Thats alot of lost income they just arent going to do that . How many subscriptions a month do you think buy gold. Theres a reason its a two week ban . So they dont cancel there subs .

So why are you ignoring every single fact? You can /who and clearly see bots farming.

Also again, would you like to see my mail full of reports and action taken against BOTTING?

No they don’t. They encourage drama-free, guilt-free, chill fun raids. No one cares if they lose out on a bid because they get gold instead then.

It’s definitely the most chill, amazing, way to raid as a casual pug.

Buying and selling gold has been a staple since the very beginning of MMOs. It wouldn’t truly be classic if it didn’t exist. It has and will always be a major driver in how people choose to continue to interact with the game.

I miss the massive piles of dead bodies in SW and Org spelling out gold selling sites. It was an entertaining event when they were forming it.

Just to get an idea of what GDKP incentivizes.

In a game where leveling is most of the wow adventure, you realize that someone banned will just make a new account and continue to level…

I mean if they’re buying gold they obviously don’t care about a ban.

I don’t agree with banning anyone who buys gold until blizz openly throws down on some resources to fight botting.

The reason botting is so prevalent is because they spend 4x the resource to bot vs bluzzards resources spent to stop botting.

They’re not winning because they’re better. They’re winning because bluzz won’t spend the resource necessary to stop them… Who knows why they don’t but they don’t.

A loot system that works well? Thats a bit of a reach, even in my books. If a method causes more problems than it solves, i wouldnt call it good. Inflation is never good, you are intentionally harming a majority to satiate the demands of now.

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You can only report for name violations when they are instanced.

Well if the person that bought gold was banned, the only way for them woould be to spend money to make a new account to do so. In otherwords, there becomes a point where a player will eventually go destitue if they keep breaking the rules.

How is this a problem? This is more a win than anything, as blizzard still profits and the people breaking rules get banned

Thats why you ban the buyers AND the sellers AND the bots.

When the sellers and bots get banned often and swiftly it becomes unprofitable to keep buying the game and paying a sub to farm.

When buying gold risks your entire account you are less likely to buy it. Its so rampant right now because its basically consequences free for both sides.

Bud, they don’t care.

They use to have Game masters, IN game dudes for things like this… They got rid of them all…

They’re 100% needed now more than ever. They just dont care.


Sad but true.
Bring back human GM’s.

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I’m very against GDKP. Especially in pugs or carry groups. I will never participate in one.

Still, I don’t think it should be banned. The GDKP is in theory a valid system. It encourages poor behavior, but you can’t ban everything that is totally legitimate because some people abuse it… (trying to resist political commentary here)

I’m fully on board with perma bans for anyone confirmed to be part of gold selling/buying though.

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There seem to be a lot of assumptions here. But even if we ignore the fundamental disagreement that GDKP is a loot system that works well, the assumption that banning a grass-roots, player-community driven system of distributing loot is relatively easy or even possible in general is eyebrow raising.

Let’s keep inline with that assumption and propose that you just ban RMT and Bots.


Practice what you preach….

If the gold sellers had no customers they would stop selling gold.

Stop thinking with the false morality that considers the customers of gold sellers better than the gold sellers. The customers are the core problem - they deserve permanent bans just as much as botting accounts. No second chances, one strike and you’re out.

Never going to happen. Gold selling is the only reason servers continue to maintain life. It’s literally always been like this and will always remain.