Ban GDKPS, Perma ban Gold buyers

I love GDKP runs and will defend them until the day I die. As a healer main, it’s one of the few ways I could make money in Classic 2019. But you’re absolutely blind if you don’t see the hunter bots everywhere

It’s difficult to take you seriously.

Sadly, this is very much how the optics look when it comes to Blizzard’s handling of this issue. Also, since we’re all under the M$ umbrella, I wonder if we’re still ActivisionBlizzard or if they’re split back into two different groups again

there aint nothin wrong with farmin rmt losers like the little chicken people they are. ban the bots. ban the gold buyers. keep gdkps.

I’m kind of surprised that blizzard hasn’t found a way to sell us gdkps in some way yet.

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I mean, I don’t know where you’re seeing them, but I sure don’t. I have yet to see anything that looks like a bot in SoD. I’ve only played Alliance Crusader Strike (2 level 25s) and Horde Lone Wolf (level 20) so far.

I’m not trying to suggest they aren’t everywhere nor that I am always everywhere. I simply haven’t seen any or just haven’t noticed if I have.

They’ll never ban GDKPs. Whales are their most important playerbase. They’ll never drive them from the game. And Blizz clearly doesn’t care about the bot situation.

If someone said, “I’ll give you 10g right now, in game if you can take me to and show me a bot.” would you leave with 10g?

Arresting johns doesn’t prevent prostitution either. If theres a market for it people will find a way. Like everything else in life.

you can’t ban legal things because they can be used illegally… That just doesn’t work, people will just use what every else becomes the default currency. I’d imagine iridescent pearls or like fish oil. Look at POE it doesn’t have money and it changed nothing. Like you’d need to just ban trading/mail if you didn’t want people paying for items from raids


Yes and then also get banned for being a gold buyer

Finally someone gets it. It is market manipulation that really causes problems. It has nothing to do with currency.

As long as there is someone abusing the market, this problem will persist in every iteration.

It’s hard not to start to believe that blizzard really is stupid enough to want to quietly tolerate botters and sellers for the subs. But then again it is blizzard, and, while their reputation has healed a tiny bit recently, they still have a terrible reputation for corruption and stupid gaffs.

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I’d leave with over 100 gold, go to stone talon near the shredders, go to ashenvale by the furbolgs, go to duskwood in raven hill, go to any dungeon entrance. I will be extremely suprised if you don’t encounter 15+ bots after going to those locations.


Any time I’m in the open world, I see at least a hunter with a Chinese character pet every 10 minutes moving in very bot type ways

You can’t just ‘not allow’ vpns. That’s not how that works.

Nah it only works in PoE because each currency can be turned into other things, including other currency. Then the fact that each type of currency has endgame use and is considered liquid.

Pearls are only used for one specific thing. Once supply catches up and the hype fades these will go back to being near worthless as well. If people aren’t still sprinting to unlock runes are you really going to join a DKP where the reward is some pearls that you can’t even move anymore?

I’m not even talking about the buyers. I’m talking about the carries. The carries are the ones keeping these alive and smooth. Nothing has value right now really except for prebis/bis BoEs. Elixirs are dirt cheap, stones are dirt cheap, scrolls are dirt cheap. You think people are going to want to pool 30 pairs of 24 ap leather pants? How many leather pants for a weapon? How do you split the leather pants after raid? Then wtf do you even do with them besides just save them for next run?

you can 1000000% detect vpn usage and kick ppl until they turn it off… wth are you even talking about?

I’ll have to take a look at Ashenvale by the Furbolgs, but I haven’t seen bots in Duskwood, and just completed some quests there last night, and I’ve spent a fair bit of time running SFK and WC to grind ring and belt on war. If there are bots outside if the instance they’re getting wrecked in PVP, so I’m not sure how one would tell…

I don’t get it.

I’ll offer up 10g and up to 30 minutes of my time to invest meeting someone and going somewhere, if they can show me any bot on Crusader Strike Alliance. But if they cannot, and they have just wasted my time, can I have something in return?

I’m all for the bot removal, but 1000% disagree on the GDKP. It’s a perfectly legit way to run a Raid, and the only reason it is a problem is because of gold buying/botting, giving people with extra cash to spend and zero self worth the ability to get an edge on people that actually play. GDKP is not, nor has it ever been a problem.

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