Ban GDKPS in era

why would you need new guild recruits when pug raids fill constantly?

also DKP cannot be spent on consumables, while gold can be done with as you see fit.

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Ok, so which is it? You can’t get people to join your raids because of the stacked DKP, or because everyone is PUGing? The people in those PUGs are joining a loot system with infinitely botted, stacking, RMT’d DKP.

Not sure anyone could have ever bought 2 pennies with your 2 cents.

its pretty simple really…

No GDKP: The Game Dies (my experience as a hardcore raider)
GDKP: The Game Thrives (Era has lasted 5 years strong is all the evidence I need)


No, actually it’s pretty simple really:

No GDKP: The game thrives
GDKP: The Game Dies (Era has lasted 5 years as a RMT P2W Korean MMO-slop hell hole.)

See how that works? Are you going to actually attempt to make an argument for anything you’re saying? Is there some kind of supernatural force that makes all RMT-DKP shills dumb as rocks?

We literally watched the same exact thing he’s describing happen in real time, 3 different times in wrath classic with the heroic+ dungeons, in the last year. The sweats blast it out for their upgrades in a couple of weeks, by the end of a month the groups are basically just running for the daily quests and nothing else. The quality of the groups tanks as the only people still going are the ones who still need the gear.

This exact same process happens with raids on every server. The only reason the process is slower in Vanilla is due to the very low amount of drops per boss.

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is this theory of yours one you have actually experienced as I have back in 2006? Or is this just a fantasy that you have decided is true so you stick with it no matter what?

You would do MC if you needed nothing from there? For fun?

This is not how it plays out in reality

when people lose incentive to play… they stop playing…

GDKP ADDS incentive to older content that would normally go away.

This is fact, you can pretend the game would magically thrive for 5+ years without it but those of us who know the game in and out and have at least a simple understanding of human behavior know better.

The funny thing is if GDKP was suddenly banned and the game did just fade away, it’s not like you’d admit your theories were in fact false, you’d just disappear as well and continue to insult people at the end of your every post in some other place.

You are sad, I can see that now. I’m going to pray that your life improves in the direction you wish it to go from here on out so you don’t need to be mad anymore. Good luck friend!

Ok, so what is it? Why are people raiding for "G"DKP if they don’t need any items from raid? Either they have characters to gear up that they could be raiding on - or they are RMTing the gold.
Inb4 you say people are raiding AQ40 4 times a week in order to buy consumes for PvP.

Also, you still need to explain why stacking the DKP across all raids is such a bad idea, when your favorite DKP system stacks all the DKP across all the raids.

You’re crying because you feel insulted, but you’re ceaselessly shilling for the most RMT infested loot system WoW has ever had. You should probably stay off the public forums and hang out with other inanimate objects who can’t explain any of their arguments.

Ok, so what’s your point then because Wrath had RMT-DKP and you could buy it directly from Blizzard. Inb4 your next post says the opposite of this one.

I don’t feel insulted by you. I’m just observing your hostile communication with everyone who doesn’t agree with you and just ask myself “why?”

Usually people lash out in anger when their own lives are miserable so I have to think you must be pretty unhappy to be on here ending every response with a jab. I hope you’re ok, really I do

GDKP is the way


Any point that doesn’t agree with yours you just write it off because you’re not capable of 2+2 I guess?

It’s literally the exact same thing on smaller group scale. We all watched it happen. 3 TIMES. Over the last year. Completely disregarding it happening right now on SoD? What’s YOUR POINT? You just big mad about GDKP even though it has nothing to do with RMT? When do you get this mad about the auction house since it’s been driving RMT since vanilla?

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His point is that GDKP prevents what you are saying happened in Wrath, but Wrath had GDKP.

It turns out that with a lively GDKP raid scene like on whitemane - the joy of getting gold doesn’t end.

I could have multiple gold capped toons and still be happy to get another 5k payout. I can think of plenty of alts to make and ways to spend that gold. I don’t have any bis melee weapons and a gressil usually starts at 100-150k, I’d love the legendary staff, and it nice to never ever have to worry about any consumes for the rest of my time playing wow.

A thunderfury on my paladin would be fun as well.


You claimed what he said doesn’t happen, I provided an example of it happening. Now you want to jump to “Well GDKP so it couldn’t have happened”??? Really? You right, they should’ve GDKP’d those heroic+'s lmao

Raids were popular for all of wrath thanks to GDKP, the heroic+'s which nobody was doing GDKP’s of, died out in a month, all 3 times, what a shocker.

Seek therapy man, you’re deranged. Literally incapable of seeing the differences between expansions and versions and understanding the effects that has on markets/player activity.

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I admit I didn’t realize you were talking specifically about heroics in Wrath.
Doesn’t add up for SOD, though - because there are people PUGing every level 60 raid all day long on Crusader Strike.

SoD went from 500k to 100k players after GDKP ban.

I’m not saying it was a great game mode, but it would be a bit hard to say that the ban was helpful.

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That’s following the mass merge, also they’re rushing through the tiers. I’ve missed 0 resets of BWL and have 3 items to show for it with AQ coming out like next month. Not to mention how easy it is to level your alts (not necessarily get all your runes but whatever). It will probably take longer for the lower tier pugs to dry out on SoD but even ZG/Ony pugs on wild growth are absolute trash.

Question about these prayers. Does whoever is receiving them value honesty? And you do feel that you are being honest when you mock the idea:

When simultaneously shilling for a loot system that… does exactly that?

Do you feel you’re being honest when you pretend that a big part of the “incentive” you keep talking about is not RMTing the gold rewards from a GDKP? And that if players had no gear to raid for anymore (as you say) that this is really the only incentive remaining?

Answers both of these questions independently, please.

I don’t think there’s any way that I can explain it to you so that you could understand. No worries, believe whatever you want :person_shrugging:

Right, that’s what I thought. Thanks for the prayers - surely you were being honest about those at least?

Yep, I wish you nothing but the best

There’s one positive to GDKP…

I have a great time killing all their lowbie customers outside of instances.