Ban GDKPS in era

are you under the assumption that it wouldn’t take months to get geared in naxx with just guild only runs and 39 other people?


GDKP isnt much different than the other systems as far as time it takes to get geared if you don’t buy gold.

if you do buy gold than nothing you buy will be of any value to you because you didnt earn it and you’ll quit the game very quickly.

I think you just hate GDKP because of this perceived idea that everyone is RMTing and because you are moral and good, you don’t do that. So your crusade against RMT as a system is out of envy of other players who may be more geared than you who you imagine didnt earn any of it.

its pretty transparent man. Find value in yourself outside the game and you wont have this envious feeling towards the people who play differently.

I’m against the new GDKP system because it has been perverted and stays from its original form.

Todays GDKP has so many taxes
host cut 20-25%
Tank cut 5%
top healer cut 5%
Top DPS cut 2-5%
You have 32%-40% taken off the top before the rest of the raid gets there share. and alot of the time the RL/HOST is the MT so theyre taking 25-30% cut
60/40 = 1.5% of the pot
back in the day the pot was split evenly between everyone in the raid in a 40man raid that means that each person got 2.5%

but now today you have greedy players that ruin the game.

start your own then with completely even split. see how happy your tanks and healers are. see how hard your dps try


I spent about 2k on items, enchants, and of course epic riding.

You’re acting as if making gold is somehow this unclimbable mountain, when it isn’t. If you feel compelled to buy gold because you lack the ability to farm for a few hours a day and make use of the heavily inflated AH, then by all means go for it, but dont put your shortcomings on everyone else, then project those shortcomings on us for the explicit goal of calling us gold buyers.

Couldn’t be more wrong.

Back in TBCC, the last time I seriously raided in wow, I was spending every day online for my SR guild. When I said nah imma gdkp in my free time over farming, so don’t invite me to the older tier raids, I had more free time.

Gdkps opened up my schedule and I could actually log off of wow without feeling like i was missing out on farm.

Just because you feel like getting the gold needed for a gdkp is impossible without rmt doesn’t mean it’s true. Your entire argument hinges on the notion that we have to buy gold to gdkp when that notion is objectively false.

And there is the hand wave. If the removal of gdkp didn’t kill rmt, then bots wouldn’t actually be there because they only exist to make profit from selling gold.

I don’t play current phase sod, I don’t know why someone would buy gold for it, but I also don’t know why someone would buy gold in the first place because making gold is braindead easy to begin with, but the fact of the matter is, is that your entire argument hinges on gdkps being massive for rmt, when there is a whole version of the game running without gdkp, while still having rmt.

It’s almost like you just hate gdkps and use rmt as a shield. Crazy.


Here, have a taste of your own medicine. If Gold is so easy to make, why do you even care if people can buy it?

Yeah, the reality is that all the people you are talking to right now do GDKP as a job. They have 5 warriors running bwl,aq,naxx 15 times per week. That adds up to a decent amount of money even for someone living in the USA.

I watched the taxes go up as well and that’s because GDKP is an RMT rat-race that low IQ people are treadmilling on while the botters are LOLing all the way to the bank.

banning gdkps would effectively kill era this post is bias.

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Just because there are still bots does not mean it had no effect. Do you need to see zero bots on SOD for it to have worked or what? This is a bit like saying, “people still commit crimes if you make something illegal, so laws are jails are pointless.”

Era has two types of RMT: Bots, and GDKPers selling their cuts. Why do you only care about the first kind of RMT? Is it because they are your competition?

they care more about being correct than caring about the collateral damage of what would be done if any of their ideas were actually implemented. Its pretty crazy to observe honestly.

Era would be fine with or without GDKPs. They’re not banned in Era because they are not a problem in Era.

it really wouldnt though…

now you can log in at almost any time of the day randomly and join a raid of some type.

without GDKP the game would become a ghost town because when people log in randomly to find a group, they can’t form a whole one because players who are geared are no longer looking for groups to content they need no loot from.

Not only will it get harder and harder to find people for the raids, but the people you do actually find will be undergeared because those are the only people who actually want to do the raid.

undergeared pugs fail most of the time and fall apart.

people no longer log in randomly to look for groups as it gets harder and harder as more people quit.

GDKP literally holds the game up in a way it just wouldn’t exist at all without it.

I really don’t.

Inflated economy this bots that I really don’t care at the end of the day as long as I can get on and play what I want to play when I want to play it. The actions of those around me, even gold buyers, doesn’t actually affect me.

It is still against the tos, and I personally prefer to not play with cheaters, so if someone I know does buy gold, I’ll still hit the report and choose to not play with them, but do I care if they bought gold or not? Really, no, because it doesn’t actually impact me.

Is there a point to this question or are you just trying to deflect? Because at the end of the day, I’d prefer no rmt in game at all and support banning sellers and buyers. Without rmt in any capacity, I’d love to see the anti gdkp arguments, because they’d prove me right all along.

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GDKP without any RMT is possible. It’s official untradeable DKP and it’s been explained to you many times. You can’t pay your rent with it, you hate it.

It’s the same on SOD and GDKP is banned there.

now add 4-5 years to SoD and see if that remains true

If there’s no one who needs any gear on era - wtf is anyone raiding for? You really think that there’s 2 guys on era who are raiding for upgrades and 5,000 who are just doing it to get gold that they can’t use for anything?

Thunderfury alone will keep most of the server raiding MC for the next 10 years.

Yeah I highly doubt that or anything you said in relation to it. Its a loot system with a twist, not what makes the game worth playing in the first place. The game’s got that covered already, its Classic Era. Blizzards own “private” server" largely based on the MMORPG that started it all - the game we lovingly refer to as Vanilla WoW - and never saw again.

Would some people quit over it? I imagine there would be at least 1 and probably more but enough to effectively kill the game? Again? Suffice to say Im skeptical of that position.

On a personal note, I played through one death of Era already and I liked the ghost town way more than when it was a factionless 10,000 player layered RMT hell scape megaserver complete with a totally regressive WB parsing speed clear meta and honor mafia brackets by people who couldn’t hate this game and its actual fans anymore if they tried.

Ive been through it already, everyone quitting is no threat to me. Ill take 20 people who love the game over 500 people who love GDKP every single time.

it’s a fact.

If its a fact then you’ll have no problem showing it to me.

Prove it.

2006 when it became nearly impossible to form groups for old content
2021 when it became nearly impossible to form groups for any content when people went to TBC
The fact that humans are a creature entirely based on incentives so if you remove that incentive than they leave.