Ban Culture of 2024/2025

Have been the same for 20 years.


The social contract is just verbiage in the TOU that was separated and made its own thing to try and curb the unsportsmanlike behavior going on in game. It isn’t new.


Dude remember people trying to find work arounds to “agreeing to the contract”? :dracthyr_hehe_animated: “i pressed esc and closed it then logged in and got banned for verbal what the heck blizzard”

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I was just using Blizzard’s own terminology re: “new” social contract An Eye on Player Behavior and Reporting Improvements. If nothing has ever changed in 20 years, fair enough (I find that hard to believe).

Like, actual children I’ve worked with understand the concept better than the adults yelling about them there soft younger generations

“If you can’t play nice, you don’t get to play”

Very simple rule that a 5 year old can understand, but these literal adults struggle with


Mirasol has the links to the old ToS and current EULA to show that nothing really has changed. The in game code of conduct has pretty much always been the same.


It’s literally a “okay we know you people aren’t gonna read all these rules so here’s a short version” and people are like aaaa tyranny how could they do this :dracthyr_hehe_animated: Muh freedoms

-literally agreed 15 years ago-


Sure but 20 years ago there was a different type or person that played this game not soft whinning kids who cant take it when they say bad words. People need to grow up (that includes the people who are saying bad things) Move on with your life you dont have to police everything said or done in this game. Play the game stop crying about what everyone else has said. Use the ignore thats what its there for.

People were way softer back in the day. :dracthyr_shrug: Blizz is just better about actioning for offenses now, that’s all that really changed.



Lmao even


And the short version is genuinely just “TL;DR don’t be a jerk” and people are still like “MUH FREEDOMS!!!”.

I’m sorry but I don’t know how to take that any other way than people just telling on themselves that they are just incapable of not being a jerk.


Ok well how about the children who are whining on the forums because somebody called them soft because they cant take conflict?

Dude their defense is “back in the day I used to get away with it” :dracthyr_hehe_animated: Gz grandpa


Cazadori’s quote was referring to Blizzard’s Code of Conduct - both of you have claimed it’s been unchanged in 15-20 years.

I did a diffcheck from 2017 (, and it’s even changed since then. So…please don’t make this incorrect point again. The terms have changed over 20 years:

Not in the sense that you didn’t get banned for verbal, racism, hate speech, etc, which is the context.


Sure show me some of that, cuz so far it’s mostly people being made fun of cuz they can’t figure out how to follow rules that children easily understand


That would be you, you’re whining on the forums because you can’t take conflict, ie. just don’t start it by saying some wildly offensive things to other people and just don’t be a jerk.

You are calling out yourself lol


Not my original assertion, change the goalposts or strawman all you like.

Blizzard’s penalty system for social infractions does depend on players reporting those who can’t follow the rules they agreed to.

However, player reports alone don’t result in account penalties. The logs that are submitted with the reports have to actually contain something that breaks the rules such as profanity, masked profanity, slurs, insults, advertising, spam, trolling, etc.

Blizzard does not tell a player if someone else got a penalty, and one report alone won’t usually do it.

Anyone “bragging” about getting someone suspended is not being honest. Their one report would not likely be enough, and it Blizzard would not tell them about the outcome.

The in-game ignore list is limited. People should just follow the game rules in public chats and groups. If they want to be colorful do so with friends who share that humor. Private groups or Discord are better fro that.

WoW has not changed the basics of the rules in 20 years. They have only made it easier to report infractions.

Because Blizzard wants them to STOP. Silences did not deter the behavior so now a first penalty is a week Silence. Next is a week Suspension. It goes up from there until they close the licence.

Blizzard actually does not want the customer in game if the customer won’t learn to follow the basic rules.


That general lack of empathy is endemic because we live in a capitalist hellscape.