If we use ignore, they will do it to someone else. If we ban them, they are often too lazy to try again with a new account. Like with any disruption in society, if you choose to look the other way, that person can still hurt someone else. Lock em up and toss the key, at least people are safer.
Kind of showing your hand by saying stuff like this when told not to verbally abuse people or say slurs.
Like, I’m thinking it but you just went ahead and said it.
The problem is the younger generations dont know how to deal with conflict. They were coddled all their lives and dont know how to ignore people. The most likely is people are just way too soft.
Are you like 70 or something cuz calling wow players the “younger generations” is just kinda funny at this point
I don’t know. I think reporting people for bad behavior is a pretty effective method of conflict resolution.
And some people don’t know how to read the rules that they agree to.
If you haven’t done anything that goes against the ToS, you don’t get actioned, and there is an appeals process because, rarely, the tragedy of human error raises it’s head.
The ignore feature isn’t an excuse for one to act however they please, and I highly doubt people are going around gloating about having someone actioned. In fact I doubt many people are ever aware if anything comes from their actions.
There are alot of kids that play this game not sure if you are just new here. I was an adult when this game came out. So yes there are a lot of younger generations that play this game. This game has been out for 20 years some people in this game are not even 20 so ya its applicable to say younger wow players
Or hear me out you can ignore people who are saying things that are offensive.
That’s nowhere near as funny, though.
Also since vanilla ignore was never excuse for verbal abuse, racism, hate speech or any other chat violations.
You agreed to follow the terms of service
Your own fault if you get actioned, own your behavior like an adult instead of blaming others
Thats my point people are just vindictive just move on and play the game you dont like what somebody says click their name and ignore
Yeah but then they don’t learn anything. Getting them sanctioned is akin to a Gen X getting the belt. And being a Gen X I know what that feels like.
The only thing that should result in a ban is real life threats and other illegal activity. Full stop.
Other things (automation / botting for example) should only be a progressive suspension that may result in a permanent ban.
All the other policing of speech - and the code of conduct - needs to be scrapped. It would free up staff resources that could be better used to solving real problems.
I know I am. into Davy Jones’s locker with their license.
Wrong, and their rules will never change.
You made two points there:
The new social contract was introduced in 9.2.5. So it’s been shown that rules can and do change in the past - you are wrong. Rules do change.
Feel free to elaborate on how my assertion is wrong: “The only thing that should result in a ban is real life threats and other illegal activity.”
I would bet $100 OP thinks the American Civil War happened because of just a little “disagreement”
Social contract was a tldr of the rules that’ve existed since vanilla.
Break rules, get punished, throw tantrum.
The WoW chat hurting feefees vs. American Civil war analogy is pretty wild NGL. Ya’ll need to move away from black and white thinking + catastrophizing.
Interesting. I don’t see this quote in this thread. Can you quote it for me?