Ban Culture of 2024/2025

Playing a game is not a privilege. Anyone who wants to play should be able to, and you cannot forbid someone from playing or label the opportunity to play as a privilege.

That’s absolute nonsense. It’s on the level of dictatorial countries where people are imprisoned for their opinions.

No, it’s not. You aren’t going to jail, this isn’t a country, and there’s nobody saying you have to stick around. If you want to use language which is not appropriate to use on this platform, bring it elsewhere. If you choose to break the rules, that’s going to get you in trouble.


Wildest take so far

“Nah people can be as racist as they want cuz they’ve developed a dependency on wow and it’s mean to ban them”


I agree with Blizzard’s rules; they are reasonable. However, I don’t agree with the unwritten rules of the forum members. Just recently, my thread was labeled as racist simply because I asked which server players consider the most toxic and which the most friendly. It was reported, and I was called a racist. There are many people on the forum who are not in their right mind.

What is your understanding of racism? Please provide an explanation of how you define this term.

Well considering the entire thing is about people saying things

So probably stuff that revolves around making degrading remarks based on race or usage of slurs

You know, stuff that’s against the rules to say in the ToS you agreed on


How do you determine that a player you consider racist is not of the same race as the player who, in your opinion, is experiencing racism?

How do you define racism in the game?

I have never encountered or witnessed racism in WoW.

Why do you think the person’s skin color while they’re saying slurs and degrading others based on race matters?

It’s still against the ToS


I have never seen anything like that, probably because no one knows who is who in real life, and, in reality, no one cares about who is who in real life.

Let me repeat: I have never encountered real racism in the game or on the forums. What I do see is a crowd of irrational people who label anything they dislike as homophobia, racism, or intolerance, even though what they call racism, homophobia, and intolerance is not actually any of those things.

This statement means literally nothing lmao

The person makes a statement that degrades a race, it’s a racist statement

Doesn’t matter who said it or who it’s towards, it’s a racist statement

I’ve seen many people drop slurs over the years, I also see plenty of people who are openly bigoted defend their stance by saying it’s simply a “disagreement”

End of the day your opinion on this means literally nothing, it’s against the terms of service you’ve already agreed to and it’s Blizzard right to close your account if you continue to break them


Irrational is thinking there is no racism involved just because the target of a slur isn’t around to hear it.


I do not violate Blizzard’s rules or oppress any race. You are an irrational person.

Hear what? What are we talking about? What is it that someone can’t hear? What are you talking about?

Good for you

You just get really defensive around the concept of it and say people shouldn’t be banned for it so idc lmao

Just remember you agreed to the terms

Thanks for the laugh this morning, because this is the most entitled thing I have read. Lemme say this again, there is no ban culture, there is no cancel culture…

…there are only consequences of peoples actions.

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Where did I say that racism shouldn’t be punished? Stop right now, take a look at yourself, and think about why and for what purpose you made this up.

Well good luck with that, just don’t make a thread down the road for breaking the ToS and how innocent you are

I strongly recommend that you work on yourself somehow; you’re not in your right mind.

Well good luck with that as well

The guy defending these things is not somebody who id want to consider me “in the right mind” cuz his mind is fried

What things am I defending? When I said that people shouldn’t be banned for words, I meant profanity, aggression in arenas/M+, because we have an ignore function.

Your statements are equivalent to saying that if a chef picks up a knife, he will inevitably hurt someone.

The world is not black and white. Work on your extremism and your thinking that tends to extreme exaggeration, if that hasn’t happened naturally when you were 16-18 years old.

You literally attacked me and called me a defender of racism. This is irrational. Grow up.

You are correct, but the rules for entry to this private space are posted on the door.

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