Ban Culture of 2024/2025

Welcome to cancel culture. Worst thing that’s ever happened in the modern age.


Agreed. People should never be banned for words in a box. The ignore function exists for a reason. Words on the internet are NOT toxic, period.

No one is truly offended or shocked by any of these little loudmouth children in game, either. They are pests, easily ignored, without even using the button.

The have no real intellect and can’t come up with anything worth being even slightly bothered over.

I do report people for using racist names. Of which I have seen more than I would’ve hoped. :confused:


Then they shouldn’t sign agreements to follow specific social rules. Break the (very widespread and very reasonable) social rules and you deal with the consequence of your choices.


Which way western man


so, you basically don’t interact with people nice!! you are part of the problem weirdo.

the reason is because the report system is toxic and doesn’t let people truly interact anymore you can report people for saying stink now…it’s really a terrible system that was implemented in dragon flight and has killed social interaction! out of fear of being banned for just about anything.

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No, the people who can’t abide by proper behavior in social settings are the problem. That guy’s just not entering social situations in general.

The rules on chat and language didn’t change in dragonflight. If it killed social interaction it means that all the people you were interacting with either got their acts together or got their accounts actioned for violating the rules.

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You have zero idea of what life was like before the “modern” age. Where manners, etiquette, and polite behavior was mandatory. Where you did not get invited to anything if you could not follow basic social niceties. Where you got detention in school, fired from jobs, or kicked out of people’s homes.

Oh, and getting your mouth washed out with soap sucks too.

The idea that you can just run your mouth around strangers of all backgrounds and ages - without consequence - is “modern” and mostly espoused by internet trolls. People who get upset when others tell them to get off their lawn and run their mouth elsewhere.

You can say what you want, but other people have the right to kick you off their private property. You are not “cancelled”. You can still go find a public street corner to air your views. Just don’t expect anyone to want to listen to you.


Curious how you reconcile these two statements.


wrong answer it 100% killed people being social in fear of speaking how they do, i cus alot irl and i can’t express myself to people saying that’s %^&(ing AWESOME or anything anymore, the system did change. not being able to express yourself in your own way killed it for a lot of people sadly.

if words hurt you so bad then put profanity filter on and grow up, its so childish now and thats why people enjoy banning others because the system actually encourages it.


That was the rule since the game came out. Same as not being allowed to use masked profanity, or insult other players. Nothing changed here.

The childish thing is expecting that the onus is not on you to follow the rules, but on others to not report your violation of the rules.

i agree and disagree with you here, it’s up to the players to choose who they play with and how they want to speak how they do, now there is just a system in place when you say a bad word it litterally puts a REPORT next to the players message AKA encouraging you to report them… if you don’t like them don’t invite them or dont play with them…but this system is terrible and just asks people to get banned just for speaking how they normally do…private property blah blah in classic there isn’t even such a system that’s why people get to play and talk freely also.

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everything has changed its why people disable chat now and why most people don’t express there self. it’s the same in the forums people report posts and it limits freedom of speech which in turn reduces people having an opinion that is different from your own.

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That’s basically all incorrect, but here’s what it boils down to: If you can’t handle using chat without breaking the rules, that’s a personal matter, not anyone else’s problem. You’re the only one who can help with that.


You simply must understand - everyone subjected to my inane, incoherent, unnecessarily aggressive rambling just needs to be totally 100% okay with it. I can’t handle being held responsible for the rules my entitlement told me I was allowed to break. :frowning:


Trade chat isn’t where you should be going to discuss politics or “culture” at all. If you physically can’t not do that, you’ll want to make sure your chatter is as clean as possible to avoid a suspension.

The number of people I see in trade chat, getting into heated, and very stupid arguments about things that neither side will ever in good faith consider the opposite side, is wild. You could spam trade chat with whatever your pet ideology is for weeks, and you won’t have converted a single person.

People’a ideology only changes due to negative/positive stimuli, not discourse.


The rules for WoW have not changed in nature since 2004. The reporting has gotten easier, but the rules are the same.

People can’t seem to grasp that the public chats in game like General, Trade, group finders, etc - are strangers. You talk with them using your manners and follow the game rules you agreed to. Private chat groups with your friends is where you get to pick who you talk to and how you talk. Those folks share your sense of humor and language. They won’t report you.

This is how life has always worked. Why kids had tree houses, club houses. Why adults have private clubs. Why teenagers go to the basement away from the adults and say things they know they can’t say in polite company.

The game is not the private club where people can talk however they want. That is what folks need to realize. They don’t get to push their own language (against the game rules) onto others. They need to keep the colorful, or insulting, stuff to their own friends group.

I can link the 2004 rules again if I need to, but really, they have not changed. People who get reported now, and those who got reported then, still get penalized.

This is 2006, where people made the same type of argument you did. And got told that no, game tools don’t excuse their behavior.



See, you likely know why you’re wrong about what your freedumb of speech means.

It’s always the people who aren’t capable of following the rules that blame others for their own inability.

It’s like saying that if I have my own definition of freedom of speech, I can come to your home, say ANYTHING I want and you can’t kick me out or do anything at all about it because I have re-defined what freedom of speech means to suite my own opinion.


Remember when private companies required employees to sign loyalty oaths that they weren’t communists in order to appease the House Un-American Activities Committee? Or the struggle sessions in China? People were silenced for poor “manners” back then too. Today, a player would receive a silence for insulting the sacred cow du jour irrespective of their actual manners as well.

Or maybe, just don’t go around insulting other people? This is not rocket science.

These are literally kindergarten rules. Save your colorful comments, insults, and “jokes” for your friends who share your sense of humor. Don’t be shocked when the general public (all those strangers in general game chats) don’t want to put up with you. They also all pay for the game, and also agreed to follow the rules.

Make your own group, set up your own chat channel. Say what you want there with your friends. Blizzard does not go LOOKING for chat violations. They depend on players reporting them. It is really really easy to behave around the strangers in game in group finders and persistent chat channels.