Ban Culture of 2024/2025

So we can agree/disagree then glad now lets move on we obviously have a difference in opinion or do you want to keep going? I’ve told you my opinion and you have told me yours you disagree with me and I disagree with you

Follow that with some guy rubber stamping to get his daily quota filled and you have a problem.

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On that point? Yep. But you just cherry picked me. I thought you hated that behavior? :wink:

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Disruption to gameplay is disruption to game to me but I already live in discord so its whatever

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It is actually a really good security blanket. Again, I have never ever been penalized in any game, forum, or anything else on the internet. I know that there is a time and a place for things and I don’t say them where I know they will get me in hot water.

I think the internet has simply gotten people used to having no real consequences to their actions. They think being kicked out of a game, or silenced, is something terrible. The real world we got physical consequences from parents, friends, schoolmates, coworkers, bosses, etc. We got detention, we got told we were no longer invited to someone’s house, we could get fired.

Whey do people think they can just read the rules and then break them without consequences. Then act like they are somehow a victim? What???

At least own it when you do something. It is not someone else’s fault if you type/say something.

Ugh. I am trying to do grinch stuff and keep getting distracted here. Heh.


I’m not sure what this has to do with what I asked.

Top that on with the flawed logic of “you can report anyone for anything you want” which fuels the weaponization of reporting.

Punishment-obsession is one of many things ruining western civilization.

We’ve gone from Blackstone’s Formulation to the converse.

It’s depressing.

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GOTCHA :stuck_out_tongue: I did amend my statment to agree/disagree meant to change that to begin with but my kid was talking to me

Kiddo is definitely more important!

Got 3 of them I can spare one if you want :smiley:

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I know your not sure

I would argue that western civilization is far far more lenient on behaviors than many others. Japan, Singapore, much of SEA, Middle East. They call us decadent, immoral, etc. The folks on the Mayflower would be rolling in their graves over our indecency and lack of moral fiber.

Current Western Culture is really really lax compared to many others.

Seeing as you don’t get in trouble if there is nothing in the report, it can’t be used as a weapon against you. Even if there is something in the report (on the forums anyway) they often just remove the post or thread as a gentle reminder not to do that. They don’t suspend for minor things usually. You know all that though I think.


I don’t doubt it. Classic really kills it with the 21 and under crowd. Probably because twitch

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How come you said that while violating the rules lol

Least two events I can recall inthe past 2 months from LFG adverts getting reported and causing suspension (Not squelch) until they could get a GM to overturn it. So far the first GM to respond to appeals never has, always takes more than once try. At least one of which posted in the CS forums.

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Send one over! I hope they like cats. :grin:

They love anything, that’s why I had an chinchilla, I have a dog and a bearded dragon. They have been begging me to get a cat for a few years now. My wife is allergic to everything under the sun so that’s why we don’t have one, she should live in a bubble lol. Not to rattle on the story on my chinchilla is actually funny we were going to name him Loki but my middle daughter was really little when we had him and she kept calling him puppy over and over but the way she said it was Buppy Buppy so we ended up naming him that.


This right here.

I think it might be a good idea for Blizzard to suspend those who report stupidly instead, providing they realize there is an ignore option.

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I actually found this out once though a person who absolutely WOULD not stop whispering me. I was puzzled how they were pulling this off after I would /Ignore them each time until a GM told me they could most likely be using multiple accounts.
It was something like 20-plus whispers from 20-plus accounts over the span of a few weeks…for leaving their guild…

I had one, too! :smiley: She was with me for 18 years before she got sick and I had to put her down. :sob:

I need to live in a bubble because I’m so freakin’ clumsy. :rofl:

When I got mine, I thought she was a he, so I named him Nicodemus. Then I took him to the vet to find out he was a she… and renamed her. First, it was just going to be Nika, then somehow a “T” got stuck in there and she ended up as Nikta.