Ban addons, IMPROVE your core interface

I have the attention span of a fruit fly. How will I know when it is time to cast Infernal without addons?

I want the game to be good. Removing addons doesn’t make the game better

You won’t have to, people like to say that retail is dumbed down now but if addons get removed the game is going to be maybe a step above Farmville in complexity :rofl: It would have to be reduced down to the lowest common denominator and then divded in half. You’d probably have 1 spell to cast and everything else would just be procs

And all that is at the cost of what and how long to develop / maintain?

You seem blinded by the fact that the player base has asked for countless UI improvements across multiple expansions and most of those requests are still unanswered.

The only reason we saw an AH revamp was because there was a performance problem on the backend servers that necessitated the code change. Had that not been the case we’d likely still be using the traditional ui for the auction house to this day.

Players have asked for an enhanced search feature for LFD/LFG for expansions now and we have not yet seen any effort put into that despite it being probably one of the worst search features in the entire game.

For example, imagine being in tank spec doing open world content and wanting to find dungeons that need a dps. If the group has a tank but has a spot open for dps, it won’t be shown to me because Blizzard’s opinionated search automatically filters out those results rather than giving me the option to dictate my own search results.

The point is you want to remove the very thing that makes the user experience half way enjoyable by the vast majority of player’s standards knowing at the outset that Blizzard has continually struggled to address even some of the basic UI features requested for years.

They can certainly work to improve the user experience over time but its certainly not something they can tackle and accomplish in a single expansion. The resources for that would cost us an entire expansion’s worth of content and there is not chance in hell that would ever come to pass; players would be more upset than they are now waiting for 9.1.5.

Never forget


Are you a raider or an adventurer ? Because why would you have all that in your immersion?

It’s no wonder people are so disenchanted with the game too much junk in your way.

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I barely use addons and still. Hard no.



There are hundreds and hundreds of addons and the overwhelming majority of them are just quality of life things like improved inventory interface or tools to keep track of alts or what instances you are locked out of. Only a tiny percentage have anything to do with raiding, m+, and pvp. To make a blanket statement ‘ban addons’ is just stupid.


Though, you’re still right :laughing:

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Addons add functionality to the game that the Developers might not have thought of or had time to implement. getting a few more customization options for characters is already like pulling teeth by selling candy.

It would take a team of 1 million devs at that rate to get the number of customization options provided by existing addons. sure, they could cut corners and have the existing addons whole sale get added into the game but assuming you want them to make their own versions we’d be here for several expansions with no content to make it happen.

hay i want to know X when Y happens. well no addon exists for that BUT with a weak aura you have your addon ready to go. the strings of data are open for that purpose.

sometimes addons use too much info and those hooks get removed or protected which effectively kills the addon.

and then there is the impact to performance that you would have to fight having all these addons you might not have wanted. there is the “crippling number of options” that are thrown at you the first time.

By allowing Addons, Bliz basically gets tons of free developers who do the work for them. some might get donations some might just do it because then can and it gives them the tools to make the game more fun or improve how the content is seen.

Go back to classic with your no-addon interface. Stay away from retail.

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So you want blizz to stop allowing addons and add those things to the UI themselves.

Are you nuts? We can barely get them to add any content now a days that isn’t some kind of power system that has to be fixed by the content of the patch after it and you want them to take time away from the mediocre development they already do to do that .

They open their api for people to make the addons so that they don’t have to and to be honest any addon they would make would most likely pass through the monkey’s paw.

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Success of WoW is long past . WoW only exists as a cash cow and that is it now .

THey only care about how can they keep players logging in to get their numbers up and not about the quality of the game.

No, addons don’t need to go anywhere. They provide versatility and some accessibility options not available with the base of the game. They’ve also been around from the beginning.

‘Classic’ when it was current still had them.

I play both FFXIV and WoW for different reasons. They don’t need to copy each other to the letter. Raids in WoW are generally good. I raided up until Legion and they were still pretty solid. There haven’t been any complaints about them in the general fandom in recent expacs. It’s usually other PVE and PVP content that gets the most complaints. Not instanced content.

Iskar I felt was designed for WA for sure. Azshara def helped with WA

Whelp I was going to go there but you already did, so I’ll go off of this.

FF14 uses a very distinct, clear, and explicit combat mechanic design language. WoW
 does not. It’s that simple. At this point it would require an immeasurable amount of work to rebuild, reteach, and rebalance all that content to have the same universal combat design language and that’s just considering combat addons.

That doesn’t take into consideration things like RP addons that extend the game to help facilitate RP. UI improvement addons that don’t affect combat per se but make things easier understand. Bag and storage improvement addons that make storage easier to use.

Removing addons actually hurts blizz too, it means they can’t steal the best ideas from the community. So that increases cost too

Are there things blizz should do going forward in that regards: yes they should have a single universal combat design language, they don’t. They should also do a major (but optional) overhaul of the default UI.

But that costs money and right now they don’t appear to be investing in WoW much
 so we’ll see what happens.


Congrats on showing you don’t have even the SLIGHTEST clue what are you talking about. Go back to trolling /b/, dude.

Classic is a joke compared to retail. Oh, you have to dodge the fire wave every 30 seconds!

Wall of text
i read it. I’ve now got a headache for every time i yelled NO in me head
oy. :woman_facepalming:

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