Ban addons, IMPROVE your core interface

Honestly, it really isn’t. The addon community has been engaged in WoW since the beginning, it is essentially embedded in to the fabric of the game, from transmog helpers to raid assists to UI overhauls. Any suggestion at gutting a part of the community like this is dead-on-arrival,



I use my addons to customize my UI with Bartender, but I’d accept something like FFXIV’s interface editor, which lets me do the same. I also use a damage meter so I can see how well I’m doing. I’d accept one that shows my performance relative to unnamed others in range or group.

Nah, I’d rather not have Blizz messing with my ui. Let the already established addon community handle that, Blizz has enough on their plate

That wall of text made me want to :baby: :face_vomiting:

FF14 didn’t have bardender addon so it wasn’t the same playing with a Razer tartarus. Quit at level 14 after buying “GET THE COMPLETE ALL EXPANSION DELUXE DEFINITIVE LIMITED TIME SALE COLLECTORS EDITION COLLECTION FOR $50 AAAAAH”

The funny sad thing is because I FOMO bought FF14+all expansions during the Christmas sale it ate up my entire 3 months of game time and kicked me out of the “FREE TRIAL FOR ALL FOREVER TILL LEVEL 60!!!” - So I’d have to re-sub to FF14 to play my account with 3-6 hours /played. Scam game.

While I don’t think add-ons should be banned, I’ve long advocated default UI improvements.

Just to list few off the top of my head:

1.) Improved cast bar (think Quartz). If the devs really wanted to impress, theme the cast bar based on abilities! At the very least, make it larger and more interesting. Casters spend a lot of time looking at that bar!

2.) Ability to hide or rearrange elements. This is a big one that drove many players to add-ons in the first place.

3.) Continued improvements to boss event notifications (they’ve already made solid strides on this). I don’t expect DBM-like timers, but nothing in a raid event should require an add-on.

4.) Just make things prettier, while still keeping to the WoW art style, such as class-themed unit frames.

5.) Ability to see and edit all server-side cvars from an advanced options panel, as well as the ability to globalize all UI settings across an account (many are global currently, but some are character-based, and it’s not always obvious which ones are which–it makes standardizing all UI settings across many alts a bit of a chore).

I get along fine without add-ons in retail but must have a threat meter in classic because my damage stacked frost bolts routinely pull off the tank. Dps needing to stop casting to prevent that is kind of dumb though.

Well personally speaking, i really don’t need to know if the person is a retail gladiator or not, since it doesn’t really have any bearing on wanting addons banned or not.

Gosh, you’re pleasent. /s

Plus, your thread is about banning addons from World of Warcraft. It’s not unreasonable to ask or remind you that it’s a thread about that, while at the same time, were in WoW’s GD where it talks about WoW related stuff. :confused:

That would be like me making a thread about why WoW’s open world is great and me bringing up GTA Vice city for some reason.

I don’t think anybody would attribute addons having any bearing on the success of an MMO.

Any particular reason you keep on talking like you know better then the Devs do?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t know game design, but you don’t see me throw those terms around willy nilly. Unless were talking about glitches/bugs.

Correct, you can’t design a WA or DMb to respond to the mechanics if they are not even out yet.

So it’s not just the addons ruining it, but the existence of the internet. I mean people play WoW multi-montiored, with their information from a web browser to the side. Myself somewhat included.

…Okay. I mean it’s a neat idea, but in practice, this wouldn’t really matter too much a whole lot, considering… the internet exists as an alternative to this idea.

You do know i was being sarcastic, right?..

Also… why you thought bringing this up is an argument for banning addons exactly?.. I mean if anything, addons also help people who don’t have the best of eyesight, or might need more then visual cues or the ones Blizzard provided isn’t enough.

Again, sarcasm…

22 quotes in total.

But seriously, i don’t see how WoW being an open source sandbox project is a bad thing.

Well you made it this far. And i don’t mean it sarcasticly or snarky. Kind of actually glad you at least read and respond to some of it, instead of doing the “I’m not going to read it” thing… :man_shrugging:

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I like my addons, thanks. Get out. lol

They should also ban hotkeys and force everyone to click. That would level the playing field.

Every addon that shows information like Weak Auras uses the Combat Log. All those addons do is put that info in a more convenient place based on the users needs.

Blizzard would have to disable the Combat Log which is completely different discussion.

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Click? Amateur. You should have to type out your abilities.

Why do i have to be either of these? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If a mate wants DBM and all he does is pick his nose in the middle of Orbios while yelling obscenities in the trade chat, let the mate have it then. It’s no literal skin off of my nose. :man_shrugging:

Because it’s my choice and i get to practice that whenever i feel like it. Immersion is subjective by the by. I personally don’t feel the addons i’ve are hampering the immersion.

Nobody is forcing you to have 100+ addons, those are always (if not almost always) done by a choice.

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I promise, nobody cares about yours either. Ban add-ons = hard no.

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I do agree with improving the core/default interface BUT banning addons is a fat no from me my guy.

We are going to war if you are gonna touch postal :rage:

The only addon you’re allowed to remove is that horrid auto guild invite one.

No one should have that installed. If you’re too lazy to manually look for people to invite, don’t make a guild.


DBM is all you need. The wow interface is fine otherwise. I like the mission table add on to save time and altoholic and damage meter. But none of those require any setup

How do you ever see the ground or your surrounds with all that on your screen is mind baffling And you just proved my point. You choose to do so so don’t blame the addons for your lack of immersion.

You do know that FF14 has addons too right?

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