Ban addons, IMPROVE your core interface

That’s going to be a big no from me


For the like fifth time this thread it’s about the game working for the player and not the other way around. It’s got nothing to do with being stupid, and you aren’t Stephen Hawking for knowing how to install and customize addons.

The point, AGAIN is that ease of access is hugely important to modern gamers. OK, maybe this will make sense…

Have you ever played a new game where you just want to jump in with some friends and then the matchmaking just literally DOESN’T WORK?? Or there’s a bug that prevents you from being able to press a certain button??

This is just the NEXT layer / level of that. Obviously it’s not a connection issue or massive bug in the case of addons (although addons can an do CAUSE bugs), but players expect that in 2021 (whether they’re just acting entitled or not, and I don’t think they are in this case) that they can play the game, without annoying (key word ANNOYING, NOT HARD) barriers to entry to even be able to begin learning the game in the same competitive realm.

If everybody is using Battleground Targets and Gladius or SArena, plus Omni Bar, plus Quartz (or take the raid equivalents for PvErs). If you have to download Bartender to more easily place and hide your action bars, when we’ve had these drag and drop grid systems in other games for years… it’s frustrating to those players.

I’m not pearl clutching, these people are my friends, and on top of that, I selfishly don’t want to deal with addon setup across multiple characters in order to reroll on retail. I just simply refuse to play and stick to one character because I prefer my limited time in-game to be spent PLAYING, and I won’t put up with a sub-par experience that takes me hours to build out (FlyPlateBuffs custom spell additions not included in base addon for example, TellMeWhen or WA custom setup etc.).

Paralysis by over analysis MAY be a personal issue, but when it’s ENABLED by the state of game design then that’s a problem that Blizzard has some control over.

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and I think the game allowing the use of addons IS the game working for the player.

ok? then maybe helpless is a better word.

new players are perfectly capable of using addons.

Are there players who refuse to? sure. but feigned helplessness is not a reason to prevent literally every other player from modifying their UI to suit their preferences.

you are. You’re pulling out a giant “think of the children” here…it’s obvious to everyone but you.

again. I 100% fully agree and support the stance that the base UI is bad. The base UI should absolutely be more customizable. 100%. yes. they need to do this.

but what they don’t need to do - and any intelligent person knows they won’t do - is remove the ability for addon authors to write addons that mod the ui.


Shuuuuuuush :joy::shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face:

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I can understand that, people feel differently about things and that’s cool :+1:

I’m not an immersed player but there’s nothing that stops addon developers from making a UI that looks like it belongs in the game. Everyone who has wow on their computer has access to all the art files in the games UI, it’s about 4 gigs worth of images, thousands of files lol.

I can appreciate this :ok_hand: though I’m also not a social butterfly in game, I do all my socializing in community discords

Most notably

Where I help people configure their addons :smiley:

This goes back to two points you made earlier

Sorry Blizz but at the moment your tutorials aren’t the best :laughing:

Because I need complete control over every tiny little bit of my UI. This for example is an image I posted in Discord a few months ago

It’s my player frame magnified 1600% because it looked like it was just a half a pixel off to me and that bothered me. This is why I say that what you’re suggesting is a monumental task. Blizz could never give a player like me the kind of control I have with Lua over every miniscule aspect of the UI.

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Dont use em if they bother you. Learn to be sub par.



I can add my own sound files into the game thanks to addons. SO BACK OFF. HSSSSSSSSS!

I can’t play without addons. The suckage is real bro.

You can also selectively remove individual sounds :heart:

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without addons, we couldn’t have the weak aura that plays the jon cena intro music every time bronn pops up.

and that would be a dang shame.

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Oh btw, Ner’zhul is down! :slight_smile:


There really is no need for this.

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that’s awesome!! congrats!

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Have you ever played and loved a game that you didn’t have this level of control over?? Are you saying you’re incapable of being invested in a game that doesn’t do this?? My assumption reading this thread and the vehement opposition to it is that players have been conditioned BY the game to expect certain things, and that’s where this is coming from.

That doesn’t mean those things weren’t a kind of mistake or that the game couldn’t be better without them. In the very least, I’m pretty positive that the game’s audience would only return to the broader state in some ways that it used to be in when addons were less complex and less “meta” or expected.

This in conjunction with a modern gaming culture where again ease of access matters to so many players, kind of makes it a no-brainer to me. I’m a boomer in a millennial’s body asking a bunch of other people in my situation to be open minded for the good of the game.

I think you COULD let go of your extreme need for control if it meant the game and it’s tools were better, it would just be a process of transition, but you can and I’m sure do disagree at the moment.

This man said raided mythic uldir AOTC and mentioned his classic parses

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Yeah I mean that one’s a real shame. I’d love it if somebody made an addon that gave us the old Kael’Thas VO back in TBCC… you have to understand though that allowing players to mod files like this in a multiplayer game can have major consequences (and has many times in the past).

I know they have better anti-cheat systems now but removal of addons woulddddd simplify that.

Because boring losers like you make a big deal out of it in trying to gate-keep arguments behind irrelevant qualifications. I’m not a PvE hero, I was getting Gladiator before it was easy and no longer % based, and AFTER the battlegroups were merged (no easy backwatering), AND playing WLS / WLD, AND while being DDOS’d repeatedly on final push nights.


Glad I was raised with a bit of class. This whole thread you have been throwing out insults at everyone everyone that disagrees with you. I hope your forum holiday gives you enough time to learn to get along with people

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Posting on a Dwarf when clearly a Troll main…

Faaaake. Forum suspensions are like 2-3 days. Have fun spam reporting me to our bot overlords on your power trip. Literally comes into the thread insinuating that there’s something wrong with me and therefore I’m wrong blah blah nobody worth their salt is convinced of your righteousness.

Why are you so mad? I promise it’s not the addons fault.

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Back in the 90s when I was a kid :laughing: Sonic, Donkey Kong, Super Mario, classics like that :+1: But once I got Morrowind and had a taste for customization I was hooked :smiley: And then I played the crap out of the Smackdown! games and spent hours customizing my characters lol.

Yep, I can play lots of games without the customization of course, I play Overwatch everyday and that has very very little customization but I play wow daily and I work on addons daily as well. That’s a part of the game to me :man_shrugging:

Addons were always around but addons weren’t always what they are now. Back in the day my addon list was Prat, DBM, Bagnon, Mapster, Dominos, QuestHelper and a few other addons you probably haven’t heard of lol. Now I have over 100 addons :heart: What you’re suggesting is to remove something that’s just as much a part of the game as mounting for some players.

You could argue that if Blizz stopped adding in new API for addon developers but every patch brings more. This is a list of each patches api changes, might not be exhaustive but it should show every patch more is added for addon development

So you might consider it a mistake but Blizz certainly doesn’t see it that way.

I am positive that they game could be better without them for some players, I’m not one of them, I wouldn’t quit playing if they removed addons but I would do essentially nothing. I would pretty much be an NPC :rofl: I’d wander around the game world aimlessly just jumping around.
Quests? Without my quest addons? :-1:
Dungeons? Without my aura addon? :-1:
You want me to mouseover every World Quest to see what the reward is? :-1:
You think I’m about to look through all my bag slots to find items? :-1:
You think I’m going to manually organize my bags? :-1:
You think I’m going to click gray items in my inventory to vendor them 1 by 1? :-1:
Nah, I can go on all day of the things you’re never going to catch me doing if Blizz removed addons.

Legit I would do absolutely nothing, I’d give Blizz $15 a month to be an NPC in the game :rofl:

This is a good point :+1: I don’t know if I’d say “ease of access” though.

I don’t like saying “people are gonna quit” but :laughing: I can tell you that at some point during WoD Blizz made a change and it broke the addon MasterPlan which I used to deal with the mission table. When it was broken you know what I did? Not a single mission for a whole week until it was fixed. I’m not doing missions manually :laughing: That would be amazingly tedious and unfun.

Those tools would have to be nuts, I’m not the type of person that says “well, this is good enough” no, I hate when people say “good enough” I don’t want “good enough” I want the best possible.