Bald man protests against bots

What’s immature is you accusing people of doing something that never happened. :slight_smile:

I understand that you’re jealous of someone like Asmongold being popular but you’re no better than the people harassing others on MG since you’re doing the same.


I am very jealous of the man with rotting teeth who lives in garbage and plays WoW all day while still making blizzard lots of money

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Asmongold doesn’t have any credibility, yes there is a bot problem, but this video was just a cheap stunt. The bots return when Asmon and his fan boys leave. Asmon has made millions from acting like this abusive, toxic, elitist gamer, he uses the R word and more frequently, he sets a very bad example for the wow community. He then claims to be all righteous and wholesome on his other channel.


The great thing about not being a streamer is when I don’t like WoW I can just unsub like I’ve done now. Asmongold has to play the game no matter what because its his primary source of income lol

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The bots stink for people who enjoy gathering professions and want to make some gold while engaging in a part of the game they find fun. I can usually gather enough for myself but it’s usually not worth my time to farm any more than that.

I know some like to try to tunnelvision what they feel is the “real” game and ignore the rest but not everybody is like that.


Do a google search. We are not getting banned for linking “offensive” material

I mean you obviously are since you’re accusing him of doing something that he never did. :slight_smile:

People have been hating on/harassing RP’ers in WoW since the RP servers were in the game… They do this on their own and not because a bald man says to (which he never did).


If he really wanted to protest he would unsub. One of the most popular streamers quitting WoW would actually hurt Blizzard a lot more than a lame in-game protest Blizzard will never acknowledge

I did, and there’s nothing to prove this statement. :slight_smile:


I understand.
And I have a gathering profession. The thing is, I only gather for my self and rarely go buy 1 or 2 plants (Not stacks, just plants) when I’m lazy.
So you see my problem ? I don’t like bots, but they make my life easier.
Should they be banned ? YES absolutely.
Will I report one when I see ? Nop

Remember when Asmongold encouraged harassing people who bought store mounts despite owning several store mounts himself? That was a funny one


Remember when he literally never said that? Because I do. He doesn’t encourage harassment of others and that’s completely on his viewerbase, which you cannot 100% control.


People playing the game and willingly joining a poor hardwared(or virtual machines?) server are nothing alike robots lagging the server so they can destroy the game economy. Quit the petty hating.

Dont judge a book by its cover.

There are plenty of bots running everywhere in several servers. I did report, blizz did send an in-game mail saying they took action and i went back to the same place. Guess what i found? lots of moonkin bots.

Pretty much a lot of those places have no reason to have hyperspawing anymore.

Oh the horror.
Soo petty lol.

Wierd thing to be proud of.

Except for players that have gathering professions, they get screwed because robots that shouldn’t exist are there.
btw giving out the economy to gold farmers is really, reallly not beneficial in the long run.

How is it an abuse if they are bots?

just did, there is nothing, literally all of your accusations throughout the thread there is no source. Again, accusations but no sources. You enjoy fake news i guess.

Irrelevant, people want gather to make gold with it.

In the big picture, they don’t. Might aswell bot m+ so you never screwn your rotation too i guess, that would be benefetial to everybody too.
Sounds like a fun gameplay. the same one you wish to gatherers.

What a brave man.

TL;DR if the thread: Bots are bad but since soo many people are envious of a random neckbeard on the internet they deflect the issue and just throw personal attacks. They also like cosmetics that they pay(twice lol) on the store.


But he does.
“Oh come on boys, spam him, spam SPAM !!!”
More !!!
YES we won, he disconnected !

Link a clip or video where he says this and I would agree with you, but alas you will not find one because he does not do that. :slight_smile:


Oh, I judge it by the inanity of its actions.

Show Asmongold that nobody can get away with using such a nasty word!


if it wasn’t for asmon and other hi popularity streamers stuff like this would never get addicted ever

A completely harmless spit emote you mean?

Also the mounts were given to him due to the sub-promotion


Remember when Asmongold kept going on about how hard and difficult classic was going to be and then just had his followers give him gear and gold lol