Bald man protests against bots


Its their choice to give him stuff.


What actions were presented in the video? reporting bots?
Again dont be soo judgmental.

You are clearly envious of him and his community lol
Why dude? Soo far all i see was “store mounts not good” which is valid, spit emotions (which the game gives you btw, i dont think it was intended to be a lovely emotion) and hate the fact random people like the dude lol.


They will just start clearing dungeons again, even with the daily lock out, when your running 300+ bots it will still be profit.

I think the implication is that he is a hypocrite. He’s tried to intentionally do the things he is now complaining about.

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i am envious of a lot of people but Asmongold isn’t one of them. I actually feel a bit bad for him since he clearly doesn’t enjoy the game anymore but has to keep playing it because its his main source of income.

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I can’t stand Asmonbold, but in this particular case he is right. Bots problem is getting, hell, it got out of hands for several years already.

He doesn’t “have” to keep doing anything. His viewers maintain the same viewcount even though he has streamed other games. This is more than the 3rd time you’ve said something incorrect. :slight_smile:

It’s sad to see someone so envious of another person that they go online to a forum to talk down about them with lies and fake stories of things they never did/say.


This community is more smooth brained than I thought. OP did nothing wrong to warrant getting his post flagged.


Nothing says “I’m an individual with my own thoughts” more than complaining over something that you haven’t even noticed, only because someone on the internet talked about it.

It’s literally the same on any talking platform.

Don’t like what they’re saying? = Mass report until it’s removed.

Cancel culture is cancer and anyone should be banned/removed for promoting/doing it.


They watch Asmongold which gets you put on a watchlist in some countries

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Did he bot?

Was his intetion to break the server? I found no source of it.

Yes, it is.

Soo you watch him?
lol interesting. Did he create a sense of need on you?

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You’re part of the problem Jeff, all you do is sit in the forums and complain about Shadowlands for the sake of complaining. When a real issue arrises you attempt to shut it down for the sake of getting a few likes on your comment, pathetic …

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a multiboxer is not a bot. big difference.


Now that was extremely snarky. Let me guess, you dont believe in journalists too? lol
Bots are right now in azsuna farming murlocs. 10 boomkins.

Night of the Living Boomkins.


Why would I watch a WoW streamer of all things lol.

Whatever your feelings are about youtube celebrities slash twitch streamers, the bot issue is real, it devalues gold, contributes to lag/stability issues, and basically is a zone disruption.

Watching 200+ boomkins run in a conga line non-stop for hours…doesn’t matter if you’re in Nazmir, Bastion, Suramar, etc. The raw materials, greens/blues/BoE epic world drops, and raw gold is being sucked out of the ether at the speed of plaid.


His intention was to troll the server, via lag and direct harassment.

I don’t care if he botted or not. He wanted to make the gameplay for others worse. Now that it effects him, its an issue.

I am against bots. I just think Asmon also is a person that loves to create drama, because that is what gets views.


How in the blazes you went from 0 to 100 this quick?

I’ve seen a conga line of boomkins at Maldraxxus myself a few days ago, didn’t bug me, and the prices in my realm would get inflated no matter if multiboxers (who are not always botting) are involved or not.

And yet, it is pretty “sheepish” to be complaining about something just because this one dude on the internet he watches says something while the OP admits he didn’t even notice it.

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