Bald man protests against bots

Starfall is a box’ers dream spell. Its been op since inception.


Pretty sure thats against people that abuse exploits to gain advantage over other players, like that thing about getting on top a building to evade the bodyguards and use them to kills everyone that comes near and not get attacked.

Most of them are usually pointless, like the one that allowed him to move at ridiculous speed for like 3 secs after getting out of a specific dungeon

You mean just the spit thing which is just an ingame emote?

When has he ever bot?


In this scenario they’re just running in a loop of hyperspawns and vendoring trash. It doesn’t help anyone. It just contributes to gold inflation and lag. As well as interferes with lowbies trying to complete certain quests.


Whether you like Asmon or not, and regardless of what he’s done in the past, this isn’t about him. This is about a wide spread botting problem that needs to be addressed. I don’t care who the messenger is, I care about the message and the message is that this is unacceptable and needs to be remedied.


Trash mentality.


And interference in questing should be a major no no you don’t do.

People who cheat piss me off. Why are they not putting a stop to it?


Exactly, people put too much focus on the person reporting about it

A similar thing happened on another of my post where The Quartering was getting harassed by Reviewers of IGN because he told one of them to do their job after doing a poor review of CP77 where the person barely even played it
(yeah this so called “professional” reviewers now even attack people that call them out for their laziness)


Not sure why people are reporting you, doesn’t seem like anything that breaks the rules on the forums.

Might just be salty anti-streamer people though being as toxic as usual. :slight_smile:


The botting going on right now is insane. I’ve never seen so much of it going on so blatantly like this in this game’s entire history.


except he’s making it about himself lol

It’s irrelevant to the problem though. I don’t care that Asmon, on his stream where he is “creating” content, is making it about himself. You’d expect that. It’s the problem that he’s bringing to the communities attention that I care about. And it needs to be addressed by Blizzard. The last thing they need right now is another fire on their lawn lol.


No, direct /w insults.
When 1000 people create lvl 1 toons just to /w insults and disconect he SHOULD be banned

And BTW he was laughing during that.


Can you source this claim? :slight_smile:

Never have I ever watched Asmongold and heard him go “yeah guys log onto MoonGuard and harass these people”


He should have been banned after he encouraged harassment of RPers when he hopped on the project 60 fad. but blizzard isn’t going to ban a streamer that makes them money unless he does something illegal


I think it was probably worse for a bit in Classic. For a long time on the bigger servers, you could do /who Stratholme and see more L60 mage bots in there farming than could be shown in several refreshes, and there were fully automated bots selling Zul’Gurub boosts that would trade gold, join group, run into the raid, and start flyhacking and bombing down all the trash mobs. It was really, really blatant and only really got addressed after streamers made a fuss about it.

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Can you source this? You keep saying it but provide no evidence or proof he ever said/did that.


Banning multiboxing wouldn’t get rid of them either. Blizz plays the long game and bans bots in waves after they’ve learned how the code works.

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Asmongold and Sodapoppin’ have mocked and derided RPers for years and that behavior encourages their fans to do the same.


Mocking does not equate to “log into MoonGuard and harass these people” :slight_smile:

Those 2 completely and totally different things.

You should look to stop accusing people of doing something that never even happened, it’s quite immature.


How these farm bots impact your gameplay ?

If you are a farmer for gold, there will be always a chineese farmer who will do it faster than you.

If you raid/M+/other group content, they have 0 inpact.

Note : I’m AGAINST botting in an online game. But beeing realist, they don’t bother me and they give me (a poor toon with only 150k gold) an edge for buying thing at AH. So forgive me, but I don’t care about druids botting

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