Bald man protests against bots

“Source of truth”? lol no.

Just because he says one (actually, two, considering what happened on twitch with a recently hired mod that immediately went on a power trip…) thing that is true doesn’t mean everyone should “revere the ground he stands on, for he is a god among mortals”.

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You can go hunt for whatever vids back when he was doing Project 60 or whichever level it was the second time around. They were leveling together for days, not hours.

In one ear and out the other, it seems.

Name calling isn’t acceptable in the CoC, but you’re a special case and I’m fine with being suspended from the forums due to it.

I’m done, though; no point talking to someone who goes “I read what you said. Here is my initial sentence A SECOND TIME!!!”


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Wasn’t that at Classic release? Servers were messed up without him…far as I remember?

I addressed your points, lag is lag

Very well, toxic behavior is acceptable to Chawana

I read what you said, and what I said the first time still applies and will continue to apply no matter what you say, lag is lag.

Take care, don’t call too many people names or you may find yourself on involuntary vacations lol

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It’s so interesting how a ton of people go into karen mode on GD as soon as a content creator is mentioned lulz.


Yup, it is

Looks like he has a full head of thick hair. Just a bit bright lighting.

A FULL head?
Shalashaska plz

You watch…the only thing that idiot is gonna end up doing is getting moonkins nerfed…

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Convoke will take care of that :rofl:


i find it more interesting how people go directly into “nothing to see here” mode, and actively derail any thread which attempts to highlight how bad botting is.

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Listen Nobully,

rubs my forehead

It’s not botting alright, it’s the multiboxers. Nope, stop looking at Nazmir and look at this one player riding a Druid who also happens to be him, that’s the problem.


lol you may be right

Greetins fellow player!

Stop posting against bot, fellow player.

fellow player.



Back before Classic was announced, Project x became the hot deal for streamers. Sodapoppin, Asmongold, and others said “hey let’s level to 60 and try to emulate a vanilla experience with the raids and stuff at the end”. Then it became Project 70. Pretty sure there was even Project 80.

Because streamers didn’t want sharding involved (cause sharding didn’t exist in vanilla), they decided to invade RP servers since they dont have as much sharding as PvE servers. So then the trolls who followed the streamers were at war with the RPers (lots of harassment and disruption on multiple servers), and the RPers were upset on the forums. Fast forward a couple of months or whatever and suddenly everyone was apparently done with the Project scene, but Asmongold decided to do another one.

Instead of taking however many followers he had involved to a low pop RP server (there may have been two guilds, but I cant remember)… He decided to go to MG which is already clogged with tourists and gold farmers.

I logged on and immediately noticed lag. I brought it up and someone I knew explained that Asmongold was doing a project thing. I pop over to the stream to confirm, and yup he was leveling with a ton of followers. I think it was a few days before enough players stopped caring for the lag to go away.

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Asmongold should be banned from the game. He’s a degenerate that promotes harassment of other players. Blizzard needs to put him in his place.


Ah I remember the threads of people complaining about Moon Guard lag

Bruh, this thread is about how botting is a problem using a dude’s video because otherwise people fall back on the caveat of “I don’t see any bots so there is nothing to see here” even when there is a botting problem. Jesus Christ if you want to make four paragraphs about something Asmongold did years ago make a thread about it yourself instead of de-railing a thread about something that actually is an issue.

Well, this went way farther down the rabbit hole than intended.

My point is that someone who decides to mess up a server for other players with lag has no leg to stand on and complain about lag.

Bots are bad. Old news is old news. Other than reporting them, theres nothing players can really do. It was low hanging fruit for WoW drama.

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