Bald man protests against bots

I can’t either with you because you would easily fail an algebra test.

X=y (solo player)
4x=4y (playing multiple characters)
4x=y (what you erroneously think)

Great! Now blizz is going to nerf hyperspawn mobs to “fix” the bot issue instead of… actually fixing the bot issue. Oh, AND they are going to nerf starfall too.

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Ahhh I see the video now. I thought it was a Classic one so I disregarded it at first, but it’s clearly retail after viewing it for a bit.

Yeah, that event does stray from part of my defense of him, so that’s valid criticism. It’s still players having fun, so I don’t think it’s as bad as bots (I know someone who would disagree,) but it’s still irresponsible from my perspective.

That said, those things are more rare, so I personally think it’s fair for anyone to fight against botting since it affects more than server lag. Not to downplay server lag, of course.

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Why would anyone care at all about that? Do we get cash per like or similar?

No, I mean everything I say.

So Bots are bad and Bald man is worse ?

That’s exactly what I think. I don’t buy into the cult of personality. The streamers are all about stirring up controversy to get more views. No thanks.

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I’ve been hoping they do this since forever lol

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Gotta make that money :man_shrugging:

You don’t get it. Those players Asmon was calling bots may not even be bots. Also, it’s bad for everyone on that server/shard to have such a huge amount of players at once in one area. This causes server issues and instability. Instead of promoting everyone come to his specific area and bogging down the shard, he could have just reported them and moved on if he thought they were bots. It’s plain and simple harassment to enable his followers to do what they did. He’s not a GM or Blizzard staff, so he should stop acting like one.


He didn’t stir up anything. He used his platform to shine a light on a guild of cheaters. He helped the game.

Maybe try not being so presumptuous and negative?

I don’t bother listening to streamers even if they’re right once in a while. More often than not they are just trying to drum up views and that’s enough for me to put them in the pay-no-mind list.


Same reason I don’t care what a manufacturer has to say about their own product :+1: Oh it works great? Tell me more!



Why though? xD. I think it’s not something bad in itself.

lmao, did you watch the video?

It’s not, I loved the idea of hyperspawning mobs, no matter what there’s always at least 1 mob up, sounds good!
But if hyperspawning is removed then bots will have to figure something else out. Maybe they’ll all head back to Botanica lol

I’m willing to live with waiting on mobs to respawn if it will mean the end of these threads :rofl:

Because he’s their neck beard prophet

No, I don’t watch that degenerates videos. His videos don’t prove anything. The only proof is when Blizzard decides to look into the report and take action if they deem the person in question is botting.


You’re missing out on the conga line lol
It’s actually pretty cool looking

oh, honey. bless your heart.

see - this is what happens when you let your rabid, blind hatred of random streamers cloud your common sense even in the face of overwhelming evidence.