Balancing the Vote-Kick Penalty: A Call for Change

The only way this happens is if they remove looking for group ques and force people to make their own groups.

Most people don’t want that, but it would make the classic Andy’s happy.

First Boss: 30 minutes debuff.

Second boss: 20 minute debuff.

Third boss and any number past: 15 minutes.

There has to be enough time passed where you don’t wind up with the same group again.

Dungeons and LFR.

I would like something like this (ideally):

  • your first leave of the day is penalty-free, this would be a common courtesy/good convenience thing for a lot of players… for example: joining a “non fresh” dungeon (such as 2/4 bosses already dead), joining an unfun BG map (such as Wintergrasp offense), etc. This 1 “freebie” penalty-free leave resets/recharges everyday at the 9 AM server reset time
  • each subsequent leave is a flat 10 minutes debuff/penalty each, none of the (bad) “stacking” ideas mentioned in other parts of the thread
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I feel like aside from the VTK system, the system for “Role Que” needs to be tweaked the most if your a class that’s purely a dps role, either looking for filler gear(heroic mainly) or just to level you have to wait pretty much a BG Deserter Penalty just to find a group
I feel like That needs to be cut shorter, one way aside of follower dungeons(which is just a way to teach mechanics while filling out leveling gear.) is that it should take the bots from that aspect then Replace with a Player, a separate idea to punish vtk abuse would be to tie the follower dungeon aspect to main on the LFG system(not pugs like Mythic-M+ from the finder tabs just mainline Random Dungeon/Random Heroic/TW) that way if you get removed, it keeps you in the dungeon and fills it with the follower bots and phases you out of the old group’s dungeon to be able to finish what you sought out in the first place, and boost loot drops(excluding mounts) based on the amount of followers in the dungeon by eh generous a 2x as max and the min be 0.5 per follower.
counter 1.5x per player to reward you to put up with the group that way it’s 6x likely to get an upgrade/gear compared to just the 2x.
and seeing what someone else said a penalty free leave per day would solve a lot of issues. but the BG function it just needs the Black list function back to veto 2 maps you don’t want for each bg type WG(counting as one and something like the Legion azerite extraction as the other as my choice.)

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I don’t know if blizzard realizes what they’re doing long-term here.

A similar example-- in pvp, solo shuffle, it’s best to NEVER TALK. You can be reported for saying literally anything, and the automated punishments are escalating and quite severe. So no one talks.

Good work, Blizzard!

Now that dungeon deserter penalties are getting ridiculous, it’s probably best just to never queue for content. After all, you will receive punishments you didn’t deserve, and there are no appeals.

Good work, Blizzard!

I suspect they have good intentions (such as “making players nicer to each other” or “discouraging mean people”)… but the unintentional side-effect is a dead/anti-social “community” where almost no one talks in public pug chat channels outside of very basic “hi” pleasantries at the very start of a group :sweat_smile:

The consequences of false reports and automated silences basically killed any spontaneity/randomness in public pug encounters. They have good intentions (…promoting a “friendly” community with harsh punishments for meanies or whatever), but the actual results/side-effects were a chilling effect on what little social scene was left - and people not talking/chatting AT ALL most of the time (I don’t think this was “intended” by devs)


the more proper question is “How many times do Players get kicked?”
Its not about him or me or you its about us.

The only thing that is automated is a less-than-24-hour silence for many spam reports in a short period of time, I’m quite confident that you need more than a SS lobby of players for that anyway. Anything past that is a GM investigating reports and actioning based on the chat logs.

That only takes three characters, a troll and two friends.

Except it’s not, which is why I suggested that there should at least be some message that tells you why you’ve been kicked.
Besides, we were literally dropping down to hit the last boss in Dire Maul. Who seriously kicks someone when you’ve reached that point?

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So still the majority lol. Also, if it’s 3 grouped up, it requires the 4th person to also not want you there.

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Only if you leave/get kicked within the 15 minute timer. Granted most dungeons are shorter than that.

i’d be cool with that since the pvp deserter is also 15 min.

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As I was saying the other day I like the idea of getting rid of Dungeon Desert altogether because I don’t think players should be penalized for leaving a wipe fest. But lets take that oof the table. Instead of penalizing players for getting kicked and to deter people trying to get kicked on purpose to avoid the penalty they could institute a reward system to encourage players to stay until the end of the dungeon. They could pour over the data and see which dungeons players are getting kicked from, or leaving early the most and implement a reward system for finishing the dungeon. This already has precedent in the history of the game. For example, Oculus. Players were willing to leave the dungeon as soon as it popped up and take the deserter debuff so they added a goodie bag to encourage players to stay. They could do the same thing here. They still have the system in place for roles that the dungeon finder is lacking and in need of which mostly incentivizes tanks and healers to que up. They could easily implement something like that, they have done it before. So whatever the dungeon was that people kept leaving or trying to be kicked after the first boss. Instead of punishing all players kicked for any reason, many of which are not just, they could give people incentive to stay.

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Posts like these are always good for a laugh.
Makes up random stat to fuel their agenda.

What is really funny is it worked fine prior to tww.
People qq’d too much about the ara trinket. So guess what blizz did? Gave the players what they wanted :joy:
Oh boy did they punish those stinky leavers.

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You seem to be ignoring the fact that you don’t get to vote on your own vote-kick.

Why, you going to vote yes to kick yourself lol?

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Sabbia you said you haven’t played in 2 and a half years. Why are you even here if not to just troll. You don’t have a dog in this fight? It literally hasn’t mattered to you in years yet here you are defending trolling by trolling.


Going to have to point out where I defended trolling.

OP made a well thought out post about a problem that many of us think exists and this was your first reply. "Sounds like OP got kicked and needs to cry some.

Probably deserved it lol." That’s trolling taking the sides of the trolls that created this problem in the first place.


I spell it C O N T R A R I A N.
Just a need to disagree.

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How is that taking anyone’s side? That’s just pointing out the high probability of the situation.

People that aren’t getting kicked aren’t making posts complaining about vote kick lol. Example: I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been kicked from a group in 20 years, vote kick or manual, and I never make posts complaining about getting kicked.

Once again. If you haven’t played in over two years why are you here if not to troll? You admitted that yourself. You have no stake in this and are just here in bad faith. If you have left the game behind then maybe you should, I don’t know, leave the game behind.