Balancing tanks in PVP, everyone has the right to play spec they want

Tank players enjoy the fantasy of their spec I am sure, but yes a majority of them also love annoying people and just being bad at PvP without the consequence of immediately dying. Does this mean every person that plays a tank falls into those categories? No, but the majority definitely do. Blizzard just needs to remember the “fun” of the few should not outweigh the fun of the many (i.e. non-tank players). Keep your boots on their neck lest they get up and grip you into a lake under a bridge and micro cc you until you drown.

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This thread is gold.

I’ll bare knuckle box Kennie in international waters on a rusted oil rig to see tanks removed. Blizzard, set it up.

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that would be quality entertainment. find the sealand twitter and ask

I wanna see all tank specs turned into melee-healers for PVP. Increases the number of healers. Improves queue times.

Blood DK can have its Death Strike healing reduced by 60% and have that 60% healing go to teammates.

We’ve already seen prot pally

Prot Warrior can apply second wind to teammates and damage can apply barriers to teammates

Vengeance can cleave souls that get consumed by teammates

Brewmasters can get teammates drunk so they don’t feel pain

Guardians can keep Cyclone.

Nobody wants more fistweavers; they’d still be equally lame to play vs.

They all need the WoD glad stance treatment.

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That’d be a good way to kill the arena side of PvP. It might be good for bgs n such tho. Melee already have a hard time of killing anything in a bg that has range and unlimited room to kite.

Yeah, like strip and gut their tankiness. Make them a utility/healing role instead of a dps.

Less dps roles and more pseudohealet roles would be good for the game, at least imo.


Similar to Augmentation/Retribution they’re either useless or enable a team with infinite stops/outs.

See, that’s the exact opposite of what most people think. At least unless they do it right, and knowing Blizzard they won’t.


Pls no

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This is a fact.

If prot/x doesn’t auto win vs any physical team game is bad. :dracthyr_nod:

I think you’re maybe misunderstanding. I’m saying make these specs fill the role of a healer amd have them actually be functional as such. Not create some aug/prot paladin thing where people can basically queue double healer

Oh, so make Blood into Fistweaver. I’d be down. :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:

Yep yep give me Bloodweavers for instant shuffle queues. Just make sure tank healers can only queue into other tank healers though. Skill expression will lie in which tanks can avoid cc the best and which teams can cc the other tank the most. We will actually be full circle from when shuffles had tanks filling healer roles but this time they will actually be healing their team instead of just running around like idiots.

Yeah. Like in PVP, a significant chunk of your death strike healing goes to your most wounded ally.

Would it also apply Blood Shield? :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

Kennie is it true youre a gay furry

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Omg hey I just saw your message the other day. Apparently using old reddit blocks incoming requests.