Balancing tanks in PVP, everyone has the right to play spec they want

Hey, everyone!

Вon’t like the concept of increasing damage against tanks.

In my opinion for example, let’s take two specializations of the same class to get the point across:

Geared ret pala has = 1.6 mln health,
prot pala has = 2.4 mln health in PVP (x1.5 of ret’s health).

Then logical prot pala should has damage = 66.6% of ret pala damage
(if ret will do 2.4 mln damage to kill him, prot have to do 1.6 mln to kill ret it’s 66.6% of ret’s damage, just a math).

But prot pala has -50% overal damage taken and it means that prot’s damage have to be reduce by 50%.

As a result we have prot’s health = 150% of ret’s health and damage = 33.3% of ret’s damage.

Perfect formula!

If tanks have 150% of melee’s health and approximately 50% damage reduction, they should have 33.3% of melee’s damage in PVP.

Why am I writing this, tanks should not receive increased magical damage as they do now, they are tanks, not multipliers of incoming damage.



I’m fine with this!

Buff tanks and revert the nerfs!

However now tank players can only queue into eachother! This would be a great change for the game that make tanks strong in pvp and lets tanks play with other like minded player.


i currently have a paintdoc that’s about half full of screenshots on players that just straight up afk my rounds, or that entirely leave if i’m like 2-0 or 2-1. for all the weerd toxic players reading this, no i will not show/replyto you.

i don’t think making a post regarding tanks in arena on the forums will be met with any logic. mostly just toxicity and targeted harassments. probably better to just close the thread.


as for your post i think that the changes to tanks in arenas are good, as it makes them less of tanks and more of tanky dps. you do less damage than a dps, but your kit also enables you to survive damage dps otherwise wouldn’t; even despite the damage taken nerf.
the idea that every spec has 10 points of allocation:

tank - 8 mitigation , 2 damage (10)
dps - 8 damage, 2 mitigation (10)
dps vs a tank - 12 damage, 2 mitigation (14)

seems unbalanced at first but its disregarding the fact that 1 damage point =/= 1 mitigation point. 2 damage points will kill someone with 2 mitigation points relatively easily, but 8 damage points will struggle to kill someone with 8 mitigation points; the additional 4 are basically the minimum required to make it possible.

which is good because once players realize you can kill tanks in arena, when they actually understand how tanks work, they’ll stop complaining about them with some farce “its a 2 target game now” and actually learn how to play with tanks too! :smiley:

Hmm. I can’t say that I experienced anything like this.

Well, something that’s consistent across the tanks is relatively low output, no mortal strike and some enhanced durability for their team which just draws games out while also rarely presenting themselves as a kill target.

So even if people aren’t really on the money with their complaints most of them are reasonably founded.

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I look at tank players the same way I look at guys in their 20’s who stand around all day with cardboard signs begging for money.

Both of you could get yourselves together, follow suit and achieve your goals more efficiently (tank players could swap DPS and climb faster, young panhandlers could just get jobs and earn steady streams of income)

But, tank players are bad so they need the blanket of protection of playing a spec that helps them not die as easily (as opposed to just practicing a DPS spec), and beggars are lazy so they don’t take any initiative to help themselves.

And the reason people hate both of you is your tanking arbitrarily prolongs matches, and beggers slow down traffic.

Tanks are barely tolerable in BGs. Quit being a bad person and learn to play Unholy.


Following your logic, why don’t you play FOTM dh or warrior? To “climb faster”, oh wait you play holy priest… so you play atm.

If you don’t understand this, I’ll explain, not everyone plays a certain class like you in order to “climb faster” on your 1.8 k rating, people play different specs and roles because they enjoy the concept of the spec and role they play.

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Is DH or Warrior a spec option for Priest? I forget.

You account hide for a reason, and it’s not to hide how impressive your rated XP is. Lol

No they don’t. People play tank for 3 reasons: when it’s broken, for better access to R1 titles in RSS, or they’re awful and don’t want to die as quickly so living longer gives them the illusion of playing better.

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With Blitz coming out, Blizzard will finally have to balance tanks for BGs, and I hope that leads into better balance of throughput damage and survivability.

homelessness SOLVED

I leave every solo shuffle when i see a tank.

Yea, that’s a real “let them eat cake moment”

If someone’s panhandling in their 20s they’re probably dealing with addiction or mental health issues. Most people won’t trade stability, progress, and a wife for standing in a street 8 hours a day

Truly. If you can lean on a guard rail, you can lean on a register.

yeah that update where they made standing on a guard rail require a fixed residence and ability to interact in a socially acceptable manner really made things easier, especially since all housing is affordable with a cashier job no matter where you are in the US

There’s social services for these people, feel free to Google them. Their issue is in order to benefit from them you aren’t allowed to show up intoxicated.

Half the people I grew up with are dead. You’re wasting your time trying to convince me that addicts are helpless. The people I knew were all reasonably intelligent, functional human beings. You ever think maybe some of the people you drive past just don’t care?


Hey everyone just dropping by to remind you all that this is a video game forum.


Yeah man, I don’t get it either.

Crazy because there’s a 4th option;

We play it because we enjoy making people hate their lives.


anyways you’re wildly weird lately my guy. Probably need to take a break.

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For this reason and this reason only, tanks aren’t welcome in Arenas.

Did the topic change to women?

Why would you enjoy that?

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There’s a guy at work who dumpster dives, sleeps in stairwells, harasses women, and smokes crack at 8:30pm sharp in a north complex interlink.

No amount of offered help would make this guy not homeless.

People need to stop treating them like downtrodden saints - a majority of them aren’t and enjoy living the way they do, or just don’t care beyond their next score despite all the help in the world.