Balancing tanks in PVP, everyone has the right to play spec they want

if it were me, I would suggest having tank queues separate from DPS/healer queues. let those roles battle it out in a “king of the mountain” type deal. dampening ramp would remain the same so self healing hyper decays as usual but it becomes who can trade better into each tank.

this preserves the shuffle queues, the tank queues, and the healer queues. George also confirmed they are adjusting RSS healer MMR in TWW so it would be the least frictive, the most logical, and let the tanks literally just have fun tanking each other. :grin:

Cook this loser :skull:


Sounds like the standard RBG player.


Comparing straight health and damage isn’t how this works unfortunately.

Will be super interesting to see what happens when PvP balancing comes around in beta. They already made the revival change targeting BGs. Hope to see more.

There’s an entire community in both classic and retail that play sub rogue in open world PvP specifically to bother people.

That doesn’t answer the “why” question. Probably because they hate their own lives??

But yeah, they exist, same mindset as tank players (at the least the ones not trying to cheese a r1)

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Hmm. More than a little off the mark with this one.


You’re going to make the argument that most people play tanks in PVP to immerse in a class fantasy? Instead of to abuse something broken, get titles, or because they can’t play anything else? (Or I guess to annoy people, as I was informed)

I was born on a Thursday, but it wasn’t last Thursday. There’s not a lot of convincing evidence to suggest it’s incredibly fun.

I mean my little spec is pretty far from durable unless it’s into an all physical lobby which doesn’t exist. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Who out there is only playing any of the tank specs in their current state, though

if they want tanks to function in pvp they need to introduce a pvp talent thats mandatory for them to use which basically turns them into a dps. in pve tanks are already just dps that do less damage but hold threat. something like gladiator stance for prot warriors. Not this weird math formula of health and DR = damage done

I BG a lot. They’re out there. Ohhhhhhh they’re out there.

And unless they’re a bear they die like a bot

Unlike healers which are actually incapable of dying without a Rogue or 8 people present considering there’s no dampening and people randomly DR cc


So, you’re dismissing the age-old notion that tanks disrupt flow, and instead expedite by dying faster than anyone else?

In the context of BGs they do nothing and/or die unless they’re a bear.

In the context of arena there’s specs that are tankier and stall games out longer that we’re somehow arbitrarily okay with just because they don’t have an official tank label.

doors face when someone plays one of the bottom 5 specs in pvp because they find it fun.

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You can only achieve balance of three branches in a rock, paper, scissors universe and PvP does not exist in that universe. They should remove healers and tanks from PvP and just let the DPS scissor themselves.

I find it literally pointless and annoying when someone plays a tank in a BG and tunnels me for 15 minutes straight. If they could kill me, I would at least find some logic in the exchange.

My only experience with them in arena was Prot/healer/x, or pre-patch when Guardian could 1v3.

I’ve just never seen a tank exist in PVP in a format where it didn’t come off as degenerate. Even as spinners/FCs in RBGs, while perfectly suited for the task, you’ve got to wait 9 years for one to apply and 9.9/10 it’s just someone who specced tank for an invite–even when they have XP.

PVP would just be better off without them in every experience I’ve ever had that included them.

This should be reason enough to ban them. It should honestly be considered griefing.

I’ve seen Blood DKs live extremely long, even with a flag–probably more the fault of the people failing to kill them but I’ve been arguing since 8am–I’ll never concede.

More like a reason to buff them. :dracthyr_love_animated:

I’m an exception and so is Ashran.

I don’t think a single dps in the game can kill healers who are competent solo in a world without damp. Outside of someone being completely overtuned or stacking a saltwater and zerker with lust or PI IDK. Again I think tanks should be accepted in pvp but they need to be tuned different beyond just a dps that does less damage but wont die to phys dps but falls over vs magic damage.


they can’t. simply put, you will never kill a competent healer without dampening (and other factors like pure numbers vs. them). I have died a few times without it but I didn’t press because greed so that’s on me.

I think that’s how it should be. in the face of adversity, we power through and make it happen. low performing healers in any game means no player will EVER play them. you NEED to make healers (and supports aka aug) powerful. healers by definition hold the power of divine intervention where that teammate would otherwise die.

the people who don’t appreciate healers need to rethink their purpose and perhaps they’ll arrive at the point of supporting your healers so you can all reach the goal.