Balance of Power Acc Bound

They just need to make a little option in settings.
Setting 1: account wide. Everything below the current tier is account wide. Currencies, progress, everything. Plus you get extra catch up mechanisms for the current tier for alts.
Setting 2: character specific. You receive nothing from the other characters on your account. Your current tier will only reflect that characters progress. Plus, you get to buff blizz’s #timeplayed by spending needless hours doing things over and over again.

There. All fixed.

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The thing is… this doesn’t remove content. If people enjoy the questline, it’s still there— because everyone has to do it once on the account. They can go back and do the questline all they want. Just like I go back and do certain questlines that I like. I don’t get anything out of doing them. I just like them. If this person truly just wants to do the questline over and over… then they wouldn’t have an issue with this, because the option to do it doesn’t go away.

It would save so much time to have it account wide. BoP takes such a long time to do. Did it twice and that was twice too many…

Hopefully it becomes account wide to save some time so I can focus on my more important things like pet battles, mount farming, old questlines and just the enjoyment of solo play.


This is true, I hadn’t even considered that because that is really far off my own radar. I just know that if really cool mogs weren’t locked behind balance of power I most certainly wouldn’t do it repeatedly.

You cannot complete a mythic Emerald Dream raid with an iLV 226 arcane mage at the moment, you know, the catch-up character. Other class do not have this problem. Priests have also a few issues, depending on the raid.

Tell me what effort I am doing, if they changed this, to get the remaining ones I don’t have? I will log in and have them for free - no effort at all.

none of that is respectful - telling someone they are ‘raging’ is trolling. Ridiculing what they enjoy is trolling.

it does remove content - you keep telling people they should do a series of tasks for nothing and enjoy it. You aren’t in a position to say whether it harms someone or not yet you continue to spiel this nonsense.

for the third time…why can’t you even stick to what you say.

You strongly disagree with me wanting to enjoy the game?

If you don’t like earning things then don’t. I see no reason for everyone to get everything in the game just because they don’t want to or don’t like doing certain content but expect to have the reward.

I don’t like doing mythic plus dungeons - that content is boring and tedious to me. Should I get the rewards given to me because I don’t want to do them?

Um, how do you get anything for free? The game doesnt reward anything unless you have already done it once.
Let me clarify. When YOU, the player, completes something then you have EARNED it and therefore you are entitled to it account wide.
This notion that someone is just “given something for free or hasnt earned it” because they did it on another character is just BS. They experienced the content and therefore they should be awarded it.
Go play classic if your ideal game is to mindlessly and painfully grind the same content across multiple characters. That no longer fits in retail. Thank God.


You don’t. That’s the false narrative to belittle others.

You can, and you can also easily get your mage well above 226. But why mythic in the first place?

Interesting concept. It would be nice to receive all transmogs from a raid account wide once I defeat its bosses one time on one character.

…what? I’ve been doing mythic emerald nightmare on my druid since Shadowlands launched, meaning below ilvl200. And I never used a single heal so a mage sure as heck would be able to.

Everyone of us has so many characters, I’m happy to get them up to this level at this point so I have them available for other content.

Mythic because I need a specific transmog gear from there.

I cannot do it anymore since SL. Corruption Gear BfA was no problem but I can’t pass the first boss with my arcane mage.

Thats ummm, how to put this. An issue with your performance output. Perhaps try frost, I believe its a bit easier to get the hang of.

No need for a backhanded posting, Saltykeg. I already posted before that I had no issues doing the same content during end of BfA. Not everything is a skill-issue all the time, did no we have another iLV drop with the beginning of SL?

You lost cape, neck, and with it essences. If you didnt bother to get any gear on your mage from the current expansion its gonna be a tight request.

There is a vendor in zereth mortis that sells solid gear for barely any anima. That may help.

You cannot complete a mythic Emerald Dream raid with an iLV 226 arcane mage at the moment, you know, the catch-up character.

Honestly find that really hard to believe but aight

It’s specifically only to this raid and the later Antorus stages, if you do it alone. Everything else is fine [in Legion]. Although, I haven’t tried doing Gul’dan yet.

It has to be a skill issue. Ive tomb, nighthold and emerald nightmare on this mage, dk, warrior and dh since the start of the expansion multiple times.

Thats indeed a skill issue.

Again, this is a you issue.

I was doing mythic EN and Nighthold in 9.0 on multiple classes. This is before even ilvl200 gear.

Tomb and Antorus are another story.

If I can do LFR Emerald Nightmare on a level 50 mage, you can do Mythic on a 60.