Balance of Power Acc Bound

Yo blizz its been like 5 years can we make it account bound and stop wasting our time


I would prefer they didn’t. I like having things like that to do when I get bored of current content.


Yea, that’s you. The rest of us want it account wide.


Some things are account bound some are not. I don’t like this and it feels messy. They should do one or the other.


At least they can allow us to shut off that incredibly annoying “Dadgar’s head in a bubble” that they have designed to nag us to repeat it even if we’ve already completed it on that class. Including, why in heck does that come up out of the Paladin class hall to nag me when I fly into the Light’s Hope Chapel flight point on another class?


To OP,
In the time it has taken you to have the idea to make this thread and then reply later on you could have run 2-3 characters through emerald nightmare for the week.


Y’all are crying about pennies when compared to needing 10 RBG wins per class that did mage tower for that skin variant or the time it takes to reach honor level 80. Both of which are far more annoying than running balance of power 12 times.


Imagine writing that and then finishing your sentence with “for the week” thats the issue.


You can literally trip and stumble your way to revered for the valajar, nightfallen and court of farondis. So those are no issue. And it takes like 2-3 lockouts for EN and NH each. Trivial.

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Says you no one wants to go back and do old content when its already been done once or twice during the content


If no one wants to do old content then why do so many people complain to have bosses of prior expansions nerfed for mog runs? Quit being dense and just use it as an excuse to get tier 19 mog pieces (since EN shares appearances) while you do the questline.

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Theres a difference in doing a mog run and hours of hours of quest chains that are time gated


No, we don’t. It’s not hard, and there’s very little RNG to it. Considering the rewards you can put in the effort.

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There is no hours buddy. And the only timegate is the rng of raid drops (as I stated already).

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says you lol

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The only reason why old content like Balance of Power isnt account wide is #timeplayed. Thats it. Its not about effort, or time, the content isnt exclusive or has any worth in current content. Its about already having done it multiple times when the content was revelant and having zero desire to do it again.
Overall, they just need to make an option in the settings where you can turn all progress account wide on and off. So for the white knighters who want to feed the #timeplayed metrics they can while the rest of us can enjoy the game how we want without all the crap we already completed.


I’ve done it on mage, warlock, demon hunter, hunter, Druid, shaman, paladin, death knight. It takes about two weeks and every new toon you make of a class who has done it can use the appearance(s) and never have to do it again.

Honestly you should be thankful they didn’t remove it after Legion because they tend to remove prestigious content once tue expansion is over. Choose your battles friend. I just finished it on my shaman this week. Despite doing it already on all those other classes it felt GOOD. I accomplished something permanent that took time and effort and had a legitimately good payoff.

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So two to three weeks the of the same stuff over and over and over for every single class.

Imagine thinking that’s fun design. LOL

I do.

No one said it was difficult.

One transmog. Mkay. Last I checked, this isn’t a challenge mode.

No reason to remove it. It’s not a challenge mode nor specific to Mythic only.

Reading this entire thread, I can’t even remotely imagine people who are against this and thinking it’s a positive in their favor. It’s so ridiculous and makes me think people just want to argue just to argue. It literally affects no one negatively to have that achievement account wide.

Hilariously, it’s okay that the PvP one is account wide, the MT appearances are account wide… but people are literally fighting over Balance of Power. I mean… do y’all hear yourselves? :rofl::woman_facepalming:t4:


MT is account wide for classes only and so is balance of power. Thallia I usually agree with you but either you just don’t know or are just trying to be condescending here. You only have to do balance of power on one Druid one mage etc and all others benefit. The mage tower is the exact same. I did mage tower on a fire mage and a destro lock. So all fire mages akd destro locks can use those appearances. It’s the same for balance of power only it’s for tue whole class not just a spec.


Imagine doing it over and over saying “yes i cant wait to do this 9 times this will show all those people that want it account bound how prestigious it is”