Balance Druid Experience not good So far

I am no Druid pro – I am just currently trying to find a caster class to main for SL in case i just don’t like the way SP end up in SL.

This is from a PVP perspective PTR.

  • Eclipses
    • hard to maintain and make use in a pvp setting.
    • Starsurge weak outside of them.
    • not enough astral power generation for starsurges.
    • wrath and starfire feel too weak even though our main dmg is being shifted
      into them.
    • too much casting & too much prepping!
  • Heart of the wild
    • i think this talent is lazy design and its not healthy for the class.
      • Druids are supposed to be hybrid yet you further push them out of that playstyle. this “2000” mana you are giving hybrid casters is a joke and I’m generally against this.
    • 5 min cd…
    • a must talent to get tbh and i hate it.
  • Incarnation of Chosen of Elune
    • simple – no reason for the nerfs, no reason to remove the astral power gain.
  • Dots
    • I can’t feel them.

Eclipses – I love the effects. I think the visuals are an aesthetic that should be more than welcomes into the kit.
–However –
The way the mechanic is being designed for Balance druids is by far a step in the wrong direction.
Eclipses is basically BFA shadowpriest Voidform all over again.

idk if beta is any different for booking in pvp, but this feels kind of sad.
Seems like Bookin has taken BFA SP’s shoes.

Anyone has anything to share from their experience, maybe in beta that might give me hope? lol


unless balance gets some buffs it’s going to be DOA


Pretty much feels that way tbh.
They buff shadowpriest right now… They are literally Omega level at this point with rogues with these buffs…

Yet – balance druid – gets nerfs in a row???
Its pretty much DEAD at this point. it won’t arrive anywhere lol.


i have pretty much said this to several people now i think balance is the new spriest for pvp in shadowlands. pve its probably fine but pvp is another story

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They literally said that Voidform was bad design for Spriest. Then they design Balance to be Voidform with eclipse and think it is good design.

Blizzard really working hard on their social distancing because they aren’t talking about their ideas from dev to dev apparantly.


This post needs a bump!!!
Balance at the moment is the lowest performing dps on the beta. Tanks in dungeons are doing more dmg. We are literally playing for 30 seconds when we press incarn. and that is it. Our dots are non existant, we generate less than half the AP per second compared to bfa.
Simple fix to make boomy at least playable: Increase our DOT dmg, increase our AP gain from casting wrath and starfire. That alone is a step in the right direction. Could also make New moon baseline.
In conclusion, nobody will be playing competitive arenas, or progression raiding with a boomy at all unless we get some damage tuning. I mean come on we are getting out dps’d by tanks! in dungeons as a boomy. You cannot even press your dots when trying to aoe. All aside, I am liking the direction boomies are going we just need some major love before SL release. If any of you dev’s have time to watch youtube… please checkout slooty mctoots video with Gape, Tettles and Sang. They address the current issues with boomy. Please watch if you have a day off xD Thank you.


Honestly, i don’t see dot dmg increase due to them nerfing dots in general in SL. It feels like they don’t know how to balance dots so they rather push away from it.

For boomkins I think this is fine, Their dmg should be focused on their burst abilities instead. The issue is… that this is also not the case lmao.
I remember when starfire hit like a truck when it crit.

AP generation is horrid. needs to be improved by a lot imo.

If I were to change things while keeping eclipse idea:

  • Remove the cast Wrath or starfire to enter into Eclipse.
  • Allow sunfire to have a chance of procing Solar Eclipse and Moonfire to have a chance to proc Lunar eclipse.
  • The same goes for Starfire (lunar) and Wrath(Solar).
    • Also make it so the more you cast starfire or wrath in a row, the higher the chance for its eclipse to proc.
  • Allow starsurges to Proc both.
  • Allow Starsurges to EXTEND the duration. (have a cap on this if needed)
  • Rework one of that bad legendary to work with this system
    • make it so the chance for moon and sun fires proc the eclipses increase. Prob would like to add that the chance for shooting star procs to increase as well.

Shooting Stars: more astral power gained form it, i can’t feel atm. More dmg plz.

Solstice -- needs longer duration.

New moon – make baseline Period.

  • replace this talent slot with new talent (don’t be lazy blizzard).

Twin moons - > Lunar rush.

  • make it hit everyone in a certain yd radius instead of just one extra.

Make Moonfire and Sunfire generate more astral power

  • lol 2 astral power so sad.

Starlord – allow it to refresh the buff or gives us a different talent imo.

Soul of the forest – wrath give it more generation. Starfire give it more burst damage instead of area effect dmg. Maybe allow its critical dmg to hit hard at least – So base dmg isn’t affected but if you land a crit, I’ll hurt like it used to.

Heart of the wild – No.

  • Lower to the cd to two min. (question mark)? Or last 20 - 30 sec and cd is 1m.

Return old swiftmend.

i honestly wish solarbeam was a lower cd. 45 sec instead of a min?

Typhoon’s cone range is weird and clunky at times the closer they are on you. Make it wider imo.

  • effect is so boring. Make bird or Fae wings appear behinde druids back, flapping harshly as it casues typhoon like winds to blow from it.

It would be cool if Celestial Guardian Pvp talent enhanced the AFFINITY you picked. Not only bear form

  • Bear: while in bear form, you take 10% less damage from spells and receive 20% increased healing.
  • (New) Celestial Affinity – Guardian: you take 10% less damage from all sources and receive 20% increased healing.
  • Celestial Affinity - Restoration: Mana pool & mana regen increase and reduced mana cost of healing spells.
  • Celestial Affinity - Feral Affinity: Critical strike dmg and haste increases by a flat amount?

So you have ether more Defense, More dmg, or more sustain.

These are some ideas. I can go crazier if i wanted to.


so you want eclipse proccing to be somehwat out of your control via dots proccing

Eclipse won’t just have a dot proc chance.

They will proc from – Sunfire , moonfire, Wrath, Starfire, Starsurge.

  • Sequential cast of ether wrath or starfire can increase chance of causing the eclipse to activate.
  • Starsurge can proc both and extend the durations.

You have multiple instances of procing and some level of control. Since dots don’t do dmg anyways. Choose which dot you want to focus or rather have a higher chance of procing – Ether lunar or solar .

Starsurge can proc both and extend the durations of your eclipses.

TBH, this systems will allow you to have eclipses up very often and for a long duration.

It would be nice if the Lunar and Solar moon animations begin to phase out visually on the side so you can see when your eclipses are running out. like similar to how they enter into eclipse, as they fade, they leave elipse and turn into a full moon or sun etc.

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stop tryna reinvent the wheel and say we should get moonkin aura on crits to a lesser extent in pve environment or something that actually matches with lore like owlkins having a frenzy lol or a free starfire insta cast on crits or something

I understand humans don’t like change by nature. But reinventing the wheel isnt a bad thing.

Look at shadow priest right now. I suggest be more openness to change.

But again these are some IDEAS that i created. You like them or don’t /shrug.
IF you want me to explain them further, sure go on ahead and ask and ill try my best.

We already have easy starfire instant cast.
I wouldn’t mind moonkin aura to not be a pvp talent and be more baseline… but this alone won’t fix the core class issue.

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should i re roll on my fury war at this point

Or you can just be open to change and help your druids fight.

Before shadowpriest got the rework, I was advocating for all players and shadowpriest players to express their opinions in a respectful manner on the forums and on twitter chat @ the blizzard accounts etc.

And look at them now – Omega level with rouges.

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well luckily for my drood all i need is my utility to stay in the fight. as long as they dont nurf my utility ill always have a place in m+ next xpac regardless of my dps output compared to others. the more complex the dungeons get the more useful i’ll get. the one thing that needs to change more than anything you said for our class is our 1 min interrupt SUCKS. who cares about dmg output? utility matters more.

droods as they are right meow might save a group from wipes more effectively than any other class.

i mean if you are happy being in a sorry state then ok.

I for one want every class to have a chance and it can be accomplished. No reason why not and there is still some time left.

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this is a silly statement. utility is nice but you can’t have your dps in the trashcan


dps never won me a single duel unless we rewind back to WOTLK when I was a fury warrior killing people in a few globals flat after popping reklessness.

My drood taught me one thing: dps doesnt matter unless I’m doing half of another class straight up.

earlier in this xpac I used to cream people on bosses in m+ but I’d be near useless overall in m+ and until I server xferred and saw 15 keys for the first time I didnt even think it was possible to ramp up in any dungeon on trash unless someone left or my group is trash and im the only capable dps.

on mythic orgozoa I saw every possible flaw with my piece of crap spec, watching feral droods :poop: on me, seeing a 95% boomy parse on par dps with a 45% rogue dps. that means the drood doing an orange parse is doing the same dps as a rogue who is doing green parses. nothing can ever fix our class flaws at this point, and the only thing that will ever give us value from now on is utility period. no one will ever let a balance druid dominate in any performance apsect of the game EVER again. at this point I’ll take what I can get and have a class that is usable in any given situation except cutting edge raiding hands down over gimped utility again.

I give you SL ShadowPriest rework.

This is false.

A simple rework will easily fix them. If you try to make something that doesn’t work, work. Then yeah, nothing will change because you really haven’t changed anything. Sometimes numbers alone won’t solve the problem, sometimes its the core mechanics as well.

We have time to give Boomkins a good rework. Its all up to blizz to do it and the community to seek it. Period.

You only have two options, reject change and stay the same as you wathc the world leave you behinde.


Seek change, evolved and adapt. Become something new, a better version of yourself. That is what boomkin needs, a new breath of change. Not a copy and paste of a past expansion’s mech.

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I mained Balance from 1.5 on, even before it was considered viable. But then when Blizz introduced the Eclipse mechanic I backburnered it. I was happy to see it gone in BfA, figuring Blizz had finally gotten around to caring about the spec. Instead, it turns out they were just asleep at the Wheel of Uncaring for an expansion and are now back at it. So my oldest surviving alt drops out of my first and possibly second tier once again. Bad Blizz is bad!!


welp looks like im just going to pick a different class probs next xpac cause im not going to play a dead spec and have every elitest prick think hes better than me because his class is better

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