Balance Druid Experience not good So far

At least you are showing that the spec feels dead for you. Can you clarify more on this post onto why? There could be others feeling the same way and blizzard needs to see this.

yeah this mechanic doesn’t fit in our current version of wow. I gave some ideas on how to make it more capable. IDK if you read through it or not. But i felt the changes i made brings back that playstyle that made it fun to begin with and allows us to utilize stars urge more often.

I like the visual aspect of eclipses and i think it can easily be fix if we just makes changes similar to what I’ve made.

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Druid need more focus regen, dot damage, and the starsurge; its like shooting a flower against a truck, if nothing change, guess we have to reroll other stuff, only viable thing in the druid roster, is resto i guess… Shame on you Blizzard

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Druids have no synergy between offense and defensive utility, which is a must for PvP casters in WoW. Balance can always escape and always run away but they’re spending GCDs to do it and spending time running instead of doing damage. Their DoTs don’t heal them, they don’t crit vs. rooted or frozen opponents, Cyclone makes the opponent literally invulnerable. All of the balance utility is just resto spells that we’re trying to shoehorn into caster utility.

Plus all the ramp-up. Balance will only be good for padding meters in BGs until they make changes.

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Thank you both for sharing your voice.
This is necessary more than ever now, especially with time drawing close.
Hopefully blizzard will listen at the end.

Make sure to comment on the Druid SL feedback forums. Make sure to tweet the blizzard devs with your concerns of Balance druids – respectfully of course!

I Was originally a warrior. I liked druid because I got to keep my stance dancing but at this point the class is too messed up to even salvage, and has too much stigma attached already. I’m not going to fight stigma again an entire xpac.

naw ill just go back to my warrior and deal with the fact they diluted my class into a combat rogue

It’s a mess.

I get it, balance is in a weird place design-wise because it started off as a sort of awkward analog to fire mages. It wasn’t even really designed to have a rotation, and they had to take our existing spells and kind of create one after the fact. But where we’ve ended up is so awkward.

In terms of nukes, I’m at the point where I’d be happy with a total balance redesign.

Like, instead of a builder spender, just have us use cat combo points or something. Wrath adds a combo point, Starsurge has a cooldown or charges and adds a combo point and debuffs the target, adding a slow and crit damage bonus to the next Starfire for like 2 seconds, DoT ticks have a chance to add a combo point. Starfire has a longer cast time and hits/crits very hard. Every combo point makes Starfire cast faster and at 5 it is instant. Those combo points can be used for cat form abilities, which might make Feral Affinity useful somewhere. Eclipse is a cooldown that for 10-15 seconds (or whatever) makes Sunfire and Moonfire ticks add combo points guaranteed and increases haste, giving us frequent instant starfires.

I’d redesign defensive utility for balance druids too. Almost all of it is a bunch of spells designed for Restoration druids and tons of it requires us to already be getting hit. Remove owlkin frenzy, make Eclipse reduce the cooldown of solar beam by a flat amount, make resto affinity spells castable while in moonkin form so we don’t need 3 gcds to swiftmend. Give defensive spells synergy with our offensive spells like other good PvP casters.

Whatever, they’ll never listen. We’ll just have ramp-up forever. I’ve played balance druid almost exclusively since Vanilla but It might be time to reroll.

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if they don’t do something to buff it i will most likely be doing a lot of content as resto

I suggest for everyone to use this moment of SL release delay to express your thoughts on Balance druid so they can fix them before release.

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