Is it too late for change

Here is ideas that i gave up.

The mech i made will do as follow:
Eclipse won’t just have a dot proc chance.

They will proc from – Sunfire , moonfire, Wrath, Starfire, Starsurge.

  • Sequential cast of ether wrath or starfire can increase chance of causing the eclipse to activate.
  • Starsurge can proc both and extend the durations.

You have multiple instances of procing and some level of control. Since dots don’t do dmg anyways, choose which dot you want to focus or rather have a higher chance of procing – Ether lunar or solar .

Starsurge can proc both and extend the durations of your eclipses.

TBH, this systems will allow you to have eclipses up very often and for a long duration.

It would be nice if the Lunar and Solar moon animations begin to phase out visually on the side so you can see when your eclipses are running out.