Baine vs. Sylvanas vs. Saurfang

I was with you until that last part. What’s the fun in being part of a faction if there’s not a slight risk of being brutally murdered by your own leader while you sleep?

As a side note, I do think that they’ve done well in developing Lor’themar. Remember when you’d get a chorus of “Who?” when he got brought up?

Remember when we’d have a hard time even spelling his name? He was like Geyha…female Thrall.

You’re not? Seems to me like your grovelling at the feet of your banshee queen dictator to me. Defending her for all your worth. You sneer at the 2 war chiefs who would give you free will, while doing everything you can to save the one who takes away your self.

Good job. have fun with that


I did say “probably” because with Blizzards knee jerk writing of Horde leaders, theres no guarantees

Who are these two warchiefs? Baine and Anduin?

Because I like Saurfang.

sylvannas aaaaallll the way…

i like chaos

Look at that, orcs can walk in reverse. You’ve evolved.

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Yea, you can evolve too you know. Into the much superior Blood Elves.

Ooff you got me there. Man I don’t know how I’m going to recover from that one. Dang.

For a mindless drone you’re pretty sharp. Or did mommy sylvanas feed you that one?

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Well, we are able to invent giant spinning metallic balls capable of destroying the vaunted pinnacle of holy science, Lightforged Warframes.

It should go back to the trolls. They had it first.

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Thrall’s going to die by the end of this xpac, most likely as a hero with last words that’ll reignite the Horde.

If not, Metzen’ll be a regular and BlizzHQ again.

I wonder if they shared the same goals for Darkshore. The entire Darkshore invasion/plan except for the burning of the tree, was Saurfangs idea.

Sorry. Not going to happen.
I lied. I’m not sorry.

I hope not, I always liked Metzen and his stories. Putting him back in that pressure cooker might not be good for his long term health :frowning:

We locked you all up in internment camps.

You lost control over Stromgarde.

Your own warchief destroyed her own city and has left the Blood Elves alone on an Alliance dominated continent.

This is the second time that the Horde is politically falling apart.

The only reason why your faction sided with the Zandalari is so you could compete with the Navy of the Alliance and you still failed that.

We walked into Orgrimmar with your own faction and invaded it.

Jaina started an ethnic cleansing of Blood Elves on Dalaran and you did nothing about it.

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Yes that’s literally what I just said.

And no Baine does not share the same goal to conquer Darkshore. They share the same goals to overthrow Sylvanas. We’re looking at present, not past.

The story is leading to a period of peace between the alliance and horde, after they band together to take out the honey badger warchief aka Garrosh 2.0. You can see this at the end of the Thrall/Jaina cinematic.

Both factions will have to deal with the old gods aka Legion 2.0.
The honey badger warchief will disappear and end up working with the old gods and will try to destroy both horde and alliance.

-Will sell you out for a bale of hay at the nearest Alliance outpost.

-To the Alliance, Next time he tries to commit suicide by Alliance, let him succeed.

-Now we are talking, some of us just want to put the torch to the world.

Victory for Sylvanas!

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Just here to say Baine sucks.