Baine vs. Sylvanas vs. Saurfang

You locked us up in internment camps after we destroyed ourselves from within. Prior to that Doomhammer was destroying you left and right. We beat ourselves, not you.

Stromgarde is currently contested but prior to BfA, Arathi was decisively in Horde hands.

Our own Warchief did destroy her own city and yours. Again, you did nothing.

So thank you for the list, it just proves that Alliance have no victories over the Horde. The Horde defeats both the Alliance and itself every war.

4 out of 7 not bad but not good enough.

You conceded that we destroyed you during the Second War so that’s 3 now.

Stromgarde isn’t contested and is well within Alliance control.

Sylvanas left her own city in ruins and raised your own from the dead which triggered one of your own leaders.

Lol no, we destroyed ourselves during the second war. Rewrite history much?

Stromgarde IS contested… that’s why the warfront is there?

Sylvanas did leave her own city in ruins and raised our own from the dead… so how is that a win for you? You didn’t destroy Undercity, we did.

And for the others?

Yea, we went to the Zandalari for a navy, so what? That isn’t a defeat. That’s pragmatism.

Jaina didn’t defeat anything related to the Horde. She massacred a bunch of innocent Blood Elves. That wasn’t a war.

We defeated ourselves in the Siege of Orgrimmar.

So again, when has the Alliance EVER defeated the Horde? Never. Every war has resulted in either a Horde victory or a Horde Civil War. First War, Horde. Second War Horde was winning until we had to fight ourselves. Third War NE and Humans were useless and needed the Horde. Garrosh’s War, Horde was conquering everything (except for Baine losing Southern Barrens) until the Horde had to take down Garrosh themselves. BfA isn’t over.

“Well you see you guys actually didn’t wreck us because, the master plan after all was to wreck ourselves! Checkmate Alliance.” - Snikrot

Sorry the truth hurts. :man_shrugging:

Sylvanas kills Anduin
Genn becomes King of the Alliance
Unparalleled bloodbath ensues
Sylvanas, Genn, Baine, Thrall, Saurfang, Jaina, Malfurion and Mekkatorque all die
Both sides nearly exterminate one another

Thalyssra becomes Warchief of the Horde
Velen becomes King of the Alliance
Both sides resolve to make amends by uniting and ruling together to protect Azeroth from future raid bosses.
Enter Azeroth v3, undoing most of the Cataclysm-themed terrain

Please clap

You had me up to bloodbath, after that it went downhill.

That is the dream.

god I hope baine does not get the title saurfang is to old now jr would have made one hell of a leader with his dads giving him advice.

then N’zoth Strikes!

This would be GREAT for the game. We would never need to buy an expansion again. Never need to have a story that moves forward again.

Static world maps that people just PvP in with no new dungeons or raids since there will never be a new big bad for us to team up against. No new world quests needed.

Faction war means players create their own content and Blizzard can get away with creating none!

If one faction has players that quit (like Alliance) the game just dies.

/sarcasm off

BTW - not saying you are saying this. It just popped in my head :wink: