Baine vs. Sylvanas vs. Saurfang

As Warchief…


  • Ashenvale and Darkshore would be returned to the NE
  • Alliance will be allowed to fortify Southern Barrens to “help” the Horde
  • Arathi will be ceded to the kingdom of Stromgarde
  • Hillsbrad will be vacated and returned to the Alliance
  • Lordaeron will be returned to the Forsaken but governed by the Alliance
  • Anduin and the Alliance will determine who and where the Horde go to war.
  • There will be peace


  • Nothing returns to the Alliance
  • Horde cease hostile actions but will defend themselves against Alliance actions
  • Cold War ensues


  • Nothing returns fo the Alliance
  • Horde will continue to be the aggressor towards the Alliance
  • Open War

In summary: Baine sucks.


I just want Thrall back. He’s not perfect, or my dream pick, but at least he’s normal.


It doesn’t really matter because I will be ruling the world shortly.

The alliance and horde both will quake in their boots when my plan for world domination comes to fruition.

You will all fear Göstav!

Attempts to strike an evil pose but somehow manages to fumble his staff, which clatters to the ground.


Batle for Göstav ensues…?


Trying to turn into Jesus is not normal

Agra already did it though. She saddled him with like 10 kids. He’s probably a shell of a man now.


Ya let’s have the alliance sympathizers baine and saurfang as our leader

Why not just have anduin be warchief

Basically the same thing


As Warchief…


Horde get Kalimdor and survive.


Horde get Kalimdor and survive.


Horde get exterminated by the demigods on the Alliance side.
Alliance get both the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor with plenty of elbow room.


What makes you think Baine would be able to take and hold on to Kalimdor?

His standard operating procedure is either

  1. Retreat and don’t fight back
  2. Surrender to the Alliance

The last time he was in charged the orcs were starving. I hate to see what he do after all that happen. If lucky he disband horde. If unlucky cringe

But…isn’t Arathi pretty much already Stromgardes? (while factions battle over it)

Horde has one large military base and trying to establish a second.

Alliance is trying to establish it’s first military base there.

At best, it’s equal but for the most part it’s still Horde dominated.

We were starving in Wrath?

One of those demigods would be dead were it not for Saurfang. Seems they arent that strong after all

The OP gets it. Baine sucks

And we celebrate with a Feast Of Gnomes

I will have my baby back ribs darn it!

In summary: This is an exaggeration of what might happen based off of nothing but assumptions and bias.

Doesn’t matter anyways, because Baine is supported by both Thrall and Saurfang, so what you just said means nothing because Saurfang and Baine are both working together and share the same goals.

But again, it really doesn’t matter because the Warchief almost certainly will be neither Baine, Saurfang, nor Sylvanas. The Warchief title is most likely to return to Thrall.


Lol if Anduin tells Baine to give the NE Darkshore and Ashenvale back you think Baine would say no? If Anduin tells him to vacate Arathi? Hillsbrad? If Anduin tries to establish “peace” with the Forsaken by allowing them back into Lordaeron but under Alliance rule? If Anduin wants to build a fort in the middle of S. Barrens, you think Baine would actually say no?

Baine has never said no the Alliance.

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Yes. Because it makes sense. This group thinks the burning of Teldrassil was wrong.

What’s up with Hillsbrad? Also, no. I don’t think he’ll vacate Arathi, just demilitarize it against the Alliance since they don’t have to defend Quel’thalas anymore.

Why would Anduin do that? Because he wouldn’t. Regardless, Baine would allow his people to do as they please, because he respects them.

Why so specifically Barrens? Are you seriously talking about Camp Taurajo? And no. Baine would decline since there’s no need for war, so a fort wouldn’t even be there.

Again an example of exaggeration and bias. Baine was once asked if he would abandon the Horde when Garrosh was Warchief. Baine said no, because he wouldn’t dare abandon his people.

Oh well, I know you hate Baine without reason, but I’m sorry, Thrall is more likely to be Warchief anyways, and he is in support of Baine’s actions. You’ll have to get used to him, and if you don’t like it? The Alliance is there waiting for you.


For the horde. Peace with alliance? Never!