Baine vs. Sylvanas vs. Saurfang

My issue with Baine happened looooooong before any of this crap. All his Alliance “shilling” is icing.

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When was he relevant before he became High Chieften?

Baine = Not Horde enough for me. Not his father.:-1:

Saurfang = Horde enough for me and friend to Thrall. :+1:

Sylvanas = Wants to kill Alliance. Good enough for me. :wink: :+1:


Well… he did get kidnapped in WC3 which caused Cairne to be depressed while Tagar had to work with the Horde until Rexxar and friends could rescue his worthless butt.

Wasn’t he a “kid” (in tauren terms) when that happened? Are people REALLY salty about a kid getting kidnapped by the species of people that nearly drove his own entire species to extinction? If full grown Tauren were having issues … not sure how Baine could have done much?

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Anyone can construct their own list of pros and cons for each of the Horde leaders. I feel that Baine has more of a right to Warchief than anyone else at this point. Who Baine is as a character, his mindset and relationships with the higher ups of both the Horde and Alliance make him seem most fit for the role in comparison to any other option.


Not before but during the transition:

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I mean … in peace times assuradely. He also does conceptually (on an architectural level) have a fairly good character … its just the execution thats piss poor. It is SUPER surreal to me that it was Christie Golden who first created that Darker Side of Baine we saw in War Crimes (and that he accepted that part of himself) … but we have yet to ever see that side of him again since then?

Lol no he doesn’t. He hasn’t done anything for the Horde. Hell, Usha Eyegouge has more right to Warchief than Baine does, having fought in Alterac Valley and leading us during incursions.

Again, Baine has not led us on missions anywhere other than the Tauren newbie zone. He has not led any raids, any dungeons and he doesn’t even show up for WQs or dailies. The only time he shows up in lore is when the Horde need a bridge to the Alliance (which more or less comes down to Baine helping the Alliance despite the Horde).

As a major lore character, he has the fewest accomplishments to his name. Even if we’re not looking at the obvious Sylvanas or Saurfang (who both have long lists of accolades), Lor’thremar has led us during the Throne of Thunder, the harbor assault during the Siege of Orgrimmar and is currently leading us in Nazjatar. That’s three more things than Baine has ever done.

Who is Jesus?

I really hope they keep sylvanas as way chief and keep working her the same way. That way she can keep working towards the complete destruction of the horde.

I’d rather be destroyed fighting for an independent, self-reliant Horde than live and be servants to the Alliance.


I hope we give you your wish. Destroying evil is always a righteous cause.


What’s this “we” business? The Horde has never lost to any version of the Alliance.

The Horde defeats itself. So feel free to sit back and be pretentious with the rest of your homeless elves while we figure out if we want to destroy you again or fight ourselves.



What comic? I’m curious.

That’s why you ended up in prison camps. Keep up with that attitude. It’s killing you.


Fire all 3 into the moon

Lor’themar would be my choice. level headed, makes tough decision, probably wont murder all of you while you sleep

Along with killing your precious demigod and burning down your tree. It’s a mixed bag.

The alliance will still be here. You’ll be a mindless dead slave serving at the feet of your banshee queen. For a little bit at least.

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Yea, the Alliance will still be there AKA Stormwind. I know you enjoy worshipping your human overlords and doing whatever they want but we’re not like that (unless Baine becomes Warchief).