Baine Is Really Epic

Where is this referenced?

The old god lore. Something big is coming. Or so you will hear. dissection of data mined lore and bits from ptr content tells you that the old gods are preparing throw down. So here you have the factions wasting each other on a dumb little conflict, then on comes the old gods to thoroughly wreck everyone’s stuff… The old gods are on the move and if you do watch some of the stuff done by bellular and others who do lore speculation, you get the feeling that this is what it is coming down to.

The devs said it themselves. this is the swan-song of the faction conflict. Swan-song meaning the last we will realistically see of it if you take it literally. And given the history of what has been happening with the game, it’s lower number of subs, jobs being gutted, and devs being moved to other projects, this is one of the few paths that makes sense if you wan’t to keep the game going while also making it simpler to add content to.

Most of it is still speculation, but with everything that has happened, and the way the lore is going, this is one of the major steps I could see them taking.

Not what I was asking about.

then what precisely were you inquiring about? where was what referenced?

Wowpedia: “For reasons known only to herself, Magatha gave more aid to the Forsaken than to other high-ranking tauren such as Cairne Bloodhoof or Hamuul Runetotem. This included arguing on their behalf when the idea of forming an alliance with them was first suggested. Ostensibly she’s helped them and continues to work closely with them because she feels the tauren and their ways can help the Forsaken find a path back to being human. Skeptics believed her motives to be much less altruistic, skeptics which also did not trust the Forsaken.”

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I’m really torn now… okay no I’m not, she helped kill Cairne I want her head on a platter.

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My only complaint is that he should have tried to body Nathanos before being restrained and forced into a cellar.

And yes, it’s okay to show a spine but apparently not when it’s being show to Sylvanas.

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It stuns me that people cant seem to get their head around the issue that it isn’t just what he doesn’t do but what he does do. Yeah he did something but yet again he is basically hurting the horde to help out his Alliance buddies for the sake of ‘honor’.

This is a guy who outright informed an enemy of an attack, in secret, behind his allies back while they were preparing for war. That is the very definition of treason. You can say he owed Jaina but it doesn’t change that fact. Ironically Garrosh counted on Baine’s treason and used it to draw more Alliance forces to Theramore to be killed by the mana bomb.

How about one of these ‘champions of Honor’ challenge Sylvanas’s actions to her face. Use their influence to rally the public and communicate with their leaders. If Sylvanas is able to hold the entire horde under her thumb by herself then the Horde and it’s leaders are a joke.


This won’t work. Sylvanas doesn’t care to entertain such gestures. Baine would be dead and then undead. At this point after all that has happened, the alliance may be the best hope out of this bizarre and mentally deficient regime. Knowing the horde was becoming scourge 2.0 would be enough to make me give the enemy information. I fought against the lich king and am now pitted against a lich queen (who is apparently my leader whose validity for being chosen is being brought under question due to shenanigans) and her army of mouth-breathing hot-topic customers. Sometimes things get so rotten that treason is a good thing.

Same on alliance as it would be the Horde. Again sometimes the only good season is Treason Season. We are talking about a leader here who thinks that being undead is a form of collectivist utopia. In other words she is a zombie commie. And it is only a matter of time, as she is using our flesh and blood as meat (and bone) shields till she “introduces” everyone to her utopia. She wants to blight everyone. Including org. She is scourge bait. Saurfang did nothing wrong, Baine did nothing wrong. Hell I would get others in on this, like the Shado-pan. Maybe even the earthen ring.

It stuns me that people are actually angry at genn for pwning the nu-scourge at stormheim. And again, little do they know, they did the races of the entire world, both alliance and horde, a huge favor. She was not there to fight the legion. She was not there to get the macguffins of the titans. She wanted to enslave the valkyr because she wasted almost all the scourge hold-overs she had. She wanted to find a way to reproduce her fodder to use on the wider azeroth, because as we all know, undeath finds a way. Genn may have had his own reasons for what he did. But the blow he struck did more to help the whole of azeroth than most people know.

From a horde perspective, I say, hey man nice shot, what a good shot, man. Wolf-thing.

P.S. Also, the horde has become somewhat of a joke. Why do you think so many of us are irritated at the writing thus far?

Just go play alliance dude


I love me some Baine, but I can’t help giving you the side eye.

No one believes that.

'Cept me.

I can sympathize with the desire to annoy the edgelords though.

Baine just did that and got imprisoned for it. He said she spit on the Horde AND the things Forsaken hold dear, such as free will.

It’s at moments like this I can really empathize with Grand Apothecary Putress.

Y’all ain’t worth saving, blight it all.


C’mon bro I saw you in a BG the other day and we owned the Alliance. 3 cap in a Twin Peaks.

I mean this entire factional war hasn’t made me hate the other members of the Horde that much, I still like waving the red flag over the corpse of some blueberries ya know? at the same time like, I really do not like Baines attitude. I like him a lot more now that he’s actually done something, but it did tie back into the Alliance again.

I don’t mind Sylvanas getting dethroned, hell if they pull it off right I don’t mind if she DIES outright. But man, it is really…really hard for me to get behind the Pro-Baine and Pro-Saurfang crowd because they basically send the message we can’t fix our own problems, we have to deliberately lose to the Alliance to save us from ourselves.

And I just can’t subscribe to that mentality, in my brain that just turns the Horde into a vassal state for the Alliance.


I mean I just can’t take it as seriously these days tbh and am just going along for the wacky crappy ride Blizz is pulling at this point, havin’ fun w/e ways I can out of it


I mean that’s perfectly fair, gotta find your fun.


My issue with Baine and Saurfang mostly goes back to them being written more for alliance fans then horde ones. I’m fine with honorable and moral horde members, like vol’jin and gazlowe, and while i may crap on thrall a lot, his ideals were not the issue, it was him not being ready to build a nation.


Story of the last two expansions.