Baine is going beastmode

what about them? they still picked her. that’s their side. they’re free to choose her for w/e reason they wish but that’s still the side they’re picking. they’re also not really smiting anyone blizzard probably dont care.

Yes, given that I currently have exactly two options. And given that I am quite aware that this is an invented world where no actual people are or have been harmed, and given that I am pissed at what Blizzard has done to Sylvanas, to Saurfang, and to my faction.

But I never cared for Baine. He’s always been a weaksauce character, IMO.

Please keep in mind that I don’t think of these guys as people. I think of them as characters in a story. I think Baine is just a laaaame character.

Someone should open up a portal to get the AU Baine who actually did something about Garrosh after he killed Cairne. That guy sounds interesting.


The best thing about Baine is that he put his sense of virtue before in-group loyalty.

As much as it sucks to admit, the Horde has no moral high-ground in this faction conflict. The Horde is simply a tool Sylvanas is using to conduct a genocide against the Alliance, and a world ruled by Anduin would be better than a world ruled by Sylvanas.

Baine did the right thing by depriving Sylvanas of a weapon to conquer the planet.


Thing is:

There is a way where these traitors could have gone about it to not make the Horde the Alliance’s slave. The thing is, the Horde may not have a high ground, but neither does the Alliance, both are responsible for this war. The only victims so far are the Zandalari who were not involved in this war and then had their priests murdered, the few guards that still remained killed by the Alliance and many Civilians genocided, their holy city defiled, their treasury plundered and their King murdered. For what? For not bowing down to these violent invaders. The Alliance would have the Horde die. Anduin does not speak for the Allianc,e Rogers and Genn speak for the Alliance, and they want the Horde erradicated. And Baine would bow his head and let the Alliance do it, considering how often he excused Alliance war-crimes and Saurfang don’t get my started on his hypocrisy.

As I stated multiple times, I may like Sylvanas, but I get why other don’t, but at the same time Baine and Saurfang are not better choices then her. I prefer the one who is willing to fight this war, to hold the Alliance accountable, rather then two morons willing to be slaves to the Alliance once more, gimme a better option.

just wanna say nothing in the story indicates that the goal of the alliance is to enslave or eradicate the horde. the alliance immediately retreated from the city after killing the king and from a meta perspective we know that anduin and jaina both decided against pressing the attack while the city was weakened.

so all this talk bout slavery and eradication and baine letting them to do it, this is all completely unfounded fan fiction.

people keep repeating this. i dont care. what makes you think i believe real people are involved?? it’s just a story and i still like baine better. i think he is better written and has better values and motives than sylvanas in the story. sylvanas was morally conflicted but not too bad in classic-wrath. she was even decent in legion cinematic when her and varian work together, that was a cool moment. but as she is written now i think she can’t be repaired.

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While from a meta perspective we know the Alliance would never seriously harm the Horde if they just stopped being aggressive, the entirety of the Horde does feel their way of life is threatened by the Alliance. Are they wrong? Yes (except for Blood Elves) but irl humans aren’t analytical either.

As for the Blood Elves, they do have to fear the High Elf and now Velf exiles inspiring the Alliance to “retake” Silvermoon. Both Alleria and Vereesa want it back in the Alliance where they believe it belongs. Are they delusional in that regard? Yes. But there are plenty examples in irl history of a small amount of exiles being used as an excuse to conquer an area. Medieval and Renaissance Europe has countless examples of that. Glorious Revolution anyone?

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I don’t think 8.2 is going to go well for those who prefer Sylvanas. Your freed prisoner becomes a raid boss and you obtain a dagger N’zoth plans on using that leads you to losing your remaining fleet to the Naga…

Ya not the smartest of decisions there.

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I mean, do they though? Is like nothing in game to suggest it aside from your example of blood elves. but like is Durotar being threatened?? Mulgore? I don’t see it. Seems like we’re kinda just fighting… because we have to and don’t have much a choice. I like the little encounter between a orc and his son in Orgrimmar where his son says he feels bad for the night elves. I see a lot of Horde players mad about this saying it shames them but why and how??? it’s actually a really cool little details that humanizes the orcs…

edit: there is the war missions table which has a barrens section i forgot but c’mon we dont even see that stuff lmao

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I’m pretty sure in the pre-BfA short stories it’s mentioned by at least Saurfang agreeing that Anduin at some point could be a threat (as ridiculous an idea that is). And in a Old Soldier Saurfang expresses a similar thought. That they are fighting for the survival of the Horde.

It’s not rational that members of the Horde feel that way but it seems like that’s the majority’s thoughts.

Saurfang has since radically shifted his position, plus he’s one guy AND he had to be convinced by Sylvanas. pretty sure he would not have started at the war all on his lonesome like a cowboy had he not had the devil whispering into his ear.

like ya maybe were suppose to think that but they didn’t write anything in game to make us think the horde does or should feel this way.

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What’s worse than Nathanos is this loser. Check this dweeb out. He’s not even bothering to wear Horde Red. And that thing on his gauntlets? I dunno what he was going for, but that don’t look like the Horde symbol. Looks like a spiky toilet seat.

Black and gold? What is he, a luxury pokeball? And a hammer!?! Does this dork know he isn’t a Dwarf? What kind of Orc uses a hammer???


that’s an orc, thrall more specifically who liberated the orcs from the camps. that’s the horde symbol on his armor as well as the doom hammer, the legendary hammer of Orgrim Doomhammer who smashed through the human kingdoms and who Nathanos was probably shaking in his boots from back in the day.

not sure what the point of this was a lol.

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He knows it’s Thrall. Pretty sure the point is that caring about characters having giant Horde symbols all over their armor is pretty insignificant when most major Horde characters do not. Most just follow their racial/class aesthetics. Don’t see y’all crying about Baine and Voljin not being decked out in Horde paraphernalia.


I mean do you? Because it seems like you dislike everything that makes the Horde unique and the characters of that uniqueness. It seems to me you just want the Horde to be another light wielding Paladin faction, Paladin being deeply ingrained as a human themed class in lore. But only being Paladins who nonsensically have burning hated for the Alliance. While you also want the Horde to be led by a genocidal dead raising High Elf because to you the only thing you want of the Horde or what you find interesting about the Horde is just killing and hating the Alliance by whatever means and any Horde character that strays away from that you deem as a traitor. If you want to look like the Alliance then the Alliance is waiting for you.

Thrall does have a Horde symbol though. And he’s done more for the Horde than Nathanos ever has. Gnome Horde alt.

Yeah we get it. You want the Horde to be populated with gold eyed Elves, fake Night Elves, Zandalari trolls and humans that kneel to their undead overlords as loyal servants and you hate everything Orcish and the foundations of the Horde. You want a revisioned Horde that looks similar to the Alliance but only being a “cool” and “edgy” version of the Alliance that hates the Alliance because you have spooky plague bombs instead of gryphons.

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Yeah, Saurfang’s writing and motivation in BFA have not been great.

Sylvanas: Anduin is bad.

Anduin: Sylvanas is bad.


Thrall gave us Garrosh so that pretty much evens everything out. His judgement is pretty suspect, maybe take him off the pedestal you have him on.

Yes, I post on a gnome. Who cares? I mean you obviously do since you seem to really get triggered by Blood Elf posters.


I think trivel and spud are alts of each other, otherwise he would have no one that agrees with him. I mean seriously, NO EVIDENCE THAT THE ALLIANCE WISHES TO ERRADICATE THE HORDE!? Lol! I guess he neglected to actually do Horde questing. I guess now we know who the actual Alliance alts are.


Were you a traitor to Garrosh while you preach about treason against Sylvanas oh Gnome Horde alt?

Yeah, almost certainly. Same guild posting exactly the same way at the same time. Always agreeing with himself and telling himself how smart he is.


Oh boy… this nonsense again, Garrosh is different then Sylvanas, unlike Garrosh, Sylvanas does not murder those who speak out against her. She just sasses them and points out how stupid they are. Garrosh: What? You disagree with me?! BLOW UP THE BUILDING THEY ARE IN! KILL THEEEEEM!

See the difference, my small-brained peon?