Baine is going beastmode

You act like they even bothered to give us the illusion of choice back in MoP lol.

That included, though Garrosh going full on Orc Hitler made any choice but rebellion a no-brainer. Considering that what he did is in no way comparible to Garrosh. Yeah, Sylvanas did some bad stuff, but she never killed Horde soldiers for funsies or even those that disagree with her. She just waves them off or gives them proper verbal lashings. Which apparently makes her Garrosh nowadays… who knew. I guess it is like some people going around calling people they don’t like ‘literally Hitler’. Cringy.

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There’s a difference between the Horde symbol and the Orc symbol.

The Horde symbol is similar to the Orc symbol because that’s what it evolved from. But it is still stylistically different than the original symbol that appears on Thrall’s armor.

It’s important because one symbol represent the collective Horde as it exists in WoW while the other represents just the Orcs.

Thrall’s armor has the latter symbol, not the former.

That, and he’s still a dweeb.

Yup. You got me. I’m found out.

I support a multi-racial/multi-cultural Horde because I want Orc culture to be drowned out and eventually erased. I’ll only be happy when Orcs become second-class citizens who are farmed for their bountiful shoulder meat.


Yeah, though admittedly I was cool with Garrosh until he started down his True Horde path and somehow I also thought he was one of the more sympathetic characters in War Crimes just on the basis of how incredibly stupid the premise of the novel was.


She’s murdered plenty and she arrests those who disagree with her. Free Baine.

Nope. We’re definitely different people. I’ll tell you what we don’t have though. We don’t have little discord servers where we collectively speak about how bad the story is but how we must support Sylvanas in it and remove anyone in it who disagrees or dislikes Sylvanas. We don’t abuse the flagging feature on anyone who disagrees with us like you guys do. You Sylvanas fans act like a cult.


It was written by Christie, what do you expect? GOOD WRITING?

Soldiers died as collatereal because they pushed beyond their designated lines, you complete moron. This has been debunked time and time again. And she did not arrest Baine for disagreeing with her, she arrested Baine for murdering Horde soldiers and aiding the Alliance. LITERAL TREASON.


LMAO this made my day

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yeah, forsaken soldiers died as collateral damages because they didn’t let baine free derek proudmoore who was being held unlawfully against his will by them

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That’s still killing fellow Horde. She was also behind the Wrathgate which killed Horde soldiers. Baine didn’t murder Horde soldiers. He killed undead Sylvanas loyalists.

Free the homie Baine. Bring Sylvanas to justice for crimes against all the good natured races of Azeroth.

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You two are cute. I’m not sure if you’re friends IRL, if you’re not then I’m happy for the both of you that your mutual hatred of a fictional character, her fans, and the people you perceive as her fans has brought you together.


Horde Soldiers, sorry, and no, collateral is if it had somehow advanced Horde interests, what Baine did, didn’t. Derek was a ENEMY. And he returned him to the ice-witch responsible for the genocide of a entire people and several attempted genocides. Sorry, Baine never was beast-mode. He was always just Alliance-mode, as you two idiots are. And you going back and forth between your alts does not convince anyone.

nope he wasn’t an enemy. he was a freshly raised forsaken and by forsaken law deserved a choice and free will upon being raised.

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Thanks. I admire your foaming at the mouth about fictional TREASON!!! AHHH TREASON!!! Not the treason! It’s cute how you post as a rabid Horde loyalist on a Gnome.

It feels good standing out from the usual chorus of hating on Baine.

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Will you just keep your idiotic rmblings on one post on one character? Sheesh, you are fooling no one. He was a enemy, if Baine was so worried about Forsaken free will, he could have just killed him, if Derek wanted to go to the Alliance so badly (WHICH MAKES HIM A ENEMY!) but no, he helps the Alliance boi get to his sister and sends Anduin a little love-letter.

Gimme a B, Gimme a A, Gimme a I, Gimme a N, Gimme a E, what does that spell? TRAITOR!


I’m sorry that you don’t find my Gnome avatar as adorable as I do. Maybe one day you’ll stop frothing at the mouth about the toons people choose to post on. MAYBE!


Maybe one day you’ll stop frothing at the mouth about fictional perceived “treason” too. I’m sorry you don’t find Baine as awesome as I do because he doesn’t kneel in total obedience to Sylvanas. Gnome Horde alt afraid to post on your Horde main.

Not perceived treason, actual treason. Sorry, it is by definition treason. He helps the enemy and is more friends with the enemy then with the Horde.

It’s perceived because nothing in the game actually says it’s “treason” and in fact the game will allow us to free Baine. It’s only you guys who flip out over it because you want nothing interesting in the story besides total obedience to Sylvanas. You just want the Horde to be bootcamp pawns to whatever Sylvanas orders.

Don’t tell me what I want and don’t want. I’ve posted my opinions about the current Horde narrative many times. If you can’t be bothered to check, then that’s on you.

I don’t like to give unsolicited advice, because it’s rude. But, since you feel free to explain to me what I think, it’s merited.

You don’t know what other people think or feel. You don’t have the right to tell them how they think or feel. Doing so is horrible. Grow up and learn to treat other people as people. There is a world outside your narrow perspective.

Edit: Don’t expect any further responses from me on any topic.


I haven’t been doing any of that buddy but you seem to confuse people a lot. I mean you think Carmageddon, Hackbrew, and 3slot are Sylvanas loyalists so I guess I forgive your confusion.

Eh, quoted the wrong person and can’t change it on phone.