Baine is going beastmode

Arthas? Perhaps the most prolific undead to ever exist looked completely human, most DKs are undead and still retain their mortal appearances. You are bringing the most stupid arguments I ever heard.

Lol! Sure! Cause what Sylvanas does is totally the same as the Alliance. Do you even realize how stupid you sound?

As much as you hate it, Forsaken are part of the Horde, thusly Baine murdered Horde soldiers, sorry.

Why would it matter? He wants to die anyhow, might as well do it like a honorable Orc rather then become a coward.

From what I see, the most Orcish character in the Horde, which ironically is Geya’rah, supports Sylvanas, sooo… yeah your argument is invalid.

No, since I main a Zandalari, I would say Talanji, but Rokhan is fine too, better then the other three failures you mentioned. Again, I do not judge these characters by their races but by their actions, but then again I guess you are truly a racist.

No, I would like it to be made of golden pyramids, with a shrine for every Loa dedicated in the city, so that the truly superior race can finally feel at home in the dung-heap that is Orgrimmar.


Goshom vs Trivelfrank.

When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object PART 2: Electric Boogaloo.


Maybe we DO need a civil war since it’s been 10-15 years and some people still can’t handle that Forsaken and Belves are part of the faction lol.


I agree, have people like Trivel join a Orcish Warlord who holds the same believes as Garrosh, that not other race but Orcs hold value to the Horde, and have Sylvanas kill them off and have Blizz ban all accounts that joined evil racist Warlord from the Horde and allow them to only play Alliance, where they belong ^^

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That explains it. You main Zandalari. They look like botched Trolls who got plastic surgery to try and look more like Elves. They aren’t even Horde. They only sided with the Horde now because their pretentious city was easily ransacked by the Alliance and their king killed. Now they come crawling to the Horde begging for help and respect when they never showed the same respect throughout their history.

Let me correct you, they look like badasses who sided with the Horde because the Alliance invaded their city after 90% of their military was away and even then they couldn’t even HOLD Dazar’alor and where easily pushed out. Man, your understanding of Lore is absolutely idiotic.

And last I checked, the Horde came to the Zandalari for help, which is why this entire mess started in the first place. Now, let us see… the Alliance took a city from you even though you had a entire army to defend it… the Alliance ransacked a city of the Zandalari while 90% of its military was away and still got their rear-ends handed to them by the returning Zandalari forces and were forced to retreat. Hmmmm…


I would prefer the Forsaken sort of ditch the whole “we’re still kind of just using the Horde” vibe already; but yeah … its sort of insane that people still harp on the idea that they aren’t part of the faction.


I don’t mind it at all, if they act like that, it is kinda their stick. What I dislike is people claiming that elves, goblins and some of the newer races, like Trivel said, the zandalari for example, are treated like inferior, like, really? The Zandalari were only given a big slap on the noggin’ because the Alliance made sure that the entire military was away, the moment the military returned, the Alliance were kicked hard and forced to run away.

Generally, I dislike when people try to claim that ‘THIS RACE DOESN’T BELONG IN THE HORDE!’ Usually said people do not understand that the Horde exists because of the Alliance, that it is a place where races stand together against the monsters that would try to wipe them off of the face of Azeroth.


I think he is just trolling you. He accused BEs of being all Sylvanas fanboys who want to genocide the Alliance in the same post he claimed that all BEs want to be Alliance.

Your best bet is to just ignore him. Your just feeding him by objecting to his ranting.


I dislike the Forsaken acting that way for a very simple reason. Their “Alliance of Convenience” is NOT just a one way street. For them to maintain such an heir of stubborn “we’re just using the Horde”, then they need to ensure that they are bringing enough to the table to justify why the Horde tolerates their nonsense. And … unfortunately, I do think that part of the reason Vol’jin needed to die was because of this very problem. Had he lived, he would have been increasingly less tolerant of them.

Long story short, Vol’jin (while a perfect balance between pragmatism and idealism) was not about to escalate a war with the Alliance; in fact (post Legion) a lasting (albeit tentative) peace could have been accomplished. He also was well known for DEEPLY distrusting Sylvanas, and due to his own relationship with Bwon (regardless if they are Trolls or not) … had a rather negative impression on the subject of undeath. Like, do you think he would have tolerated her stunt at Stormheim?

As long as the Forsaken maintain this “Alliance of Convenience” attitude then they are terrible representatives of the Horde and they (and their leaders) should never be placed in major positions of authority over the faction. Worse, if that relationship becomes increasingly one-sided (in favor of the Forsaken) … to the point where the Horde gains less and less from that arrangement; then increasingly the Forsaken racial fantasy is coming directly at the expense of the racial fantasies of the other Horde races (and the Forsaken players are banking on game mechanics to save them).


What would he have done? Sylvanas and he Forsaken were the best way to keep their grip on the Eastern Kingdoms it would fall to the Blood Elves to hold the Eastern Kingdoms against the combined might of the Alliance. You should not forget that had Vol’jin survived, he would have owed Sylvanas his life, and Vol’jin and his trolls are very particular about life debts.


Funny thing is … because the BEs didn’t have the worst relationship with the Alliance up until that point (and Sylvanas would have perpetually been point of confict) … he cuts them loose if they continued to be a source of extreme escalation between the Horde and Alliance. Or are you suggesting that she merely hold the “The Primitive Races of the Horde” hostage, forcing them to die in her war (and need for sources of continued propagation) with the Forsaken? Oh … wait … that’s what she’s already probably doing isn’t it? Bluntly, even the risk of throwing her to the wolves might have at least maintained at least one hand on the wheel of this mess.

Also, as a side note.

One of the primary reasons I am so supportive (and hopeful) for Nathanos to take over the Forsaken is that despite his bitter, curmudgeonly temperament he: A) Actually seems to genuinely care for the Forsaken as a people in his own grumpy way; and B) Despite being a downer, the guy actually does seem to work in a more productive way with the other races of the Horde. He values efficiency above all else, it doesn’t seem to matter what race you are (as long as you can get the job done).

The only real thing preventing him from evolving into a really genuinely OK character is oddly his relationship with Sylvanas (which … I’m unsure, even now, what the dynamics of it are). He’s extremely defensive of her … but I’m still unsure how much she’d sacrifice of herself for him.

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not as much a contradiction as you make it out to be.

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How is that a plus when the same reason you are praising Nathanos is the same thing people tend to crucify Sylvanas for? Sylvanas doesn’t wanna see the Horde dead either, nor is she a racist that cares what race you belong to, she only cares about as you said efficiency. If she needs to kill 30 Horde soldiers to save 500, she will save those 500 over the 30, that is just basic maths, which is why I am wondering why you are praising Nathanos when he is basically just Sylvanas and as you say hate Sylvanas.


On the one hand, you seem like you are basically a troll, so I shouldn’t engage. On the other, I find you sort of fascinating.

I’m not a former Alliance player. I’m a CURRENT Alliance player, as I already mentioned. I just have come, over the years to greatly prefer Horde, and the is where I do most of my playing these days, and really since TBC, when paladins became available to the Horde. I raid with the Horde, do almost all my PvP with the Horde, and follow the Horde narrative much more closely.

I think it’s really strange that you seem to need to identify people IRL with characters in a video game. I’m not a blood elf. I’m a human being who enjoys (among many other things) playing a game that you also enjoy. This game is not among the top ten things that are important to me, though.

You seem convinced that you can draw a link between the avatar that people use and very complex thoughts and behaviours. Should I start posting on a Dwarf or Dranei toon? I have Orc toons - if I posted on them, would that substantially change who I am, in your mind?

Your comment about “fake likes” is amusing to me. I don’t care about “likes” and I wouldn’t know how to make fake ones if I wanted to. If you’re not getting as many “likes” as you want, maybe there’s a reason for that: not many people agree with you.

Which is fine, but if you are going to always take contrarian positions, why worry about getting “likes”?

Oh, also, you keep framing me as a sort of unconditional Sylvanas supporter. I suggest you review my numerous posts about Sylvanas and her monstrous actions in this expansion.


I honestly don’t think Sylvie is doing anything but using the Horde for whatever personal objectives she happens to be pushing for right now. While she may care to some degree, she has a LONG history of using others as mere tools for some end personal goal; then discarding those people once they are no longer of use to her. She also seems to be the type to easily conflate what is good for her, and what is good for her people … seeing “the world as it truly is” like she does.

Long story short … I don’t pretend slapping a Warchief title in front of her name will magically change how she operates as a character. Even if she believes what she is doing is best for the Horde (and I doubt it, at best she’s doing what she believes is good for the Forsaken exclusively) … whatever she is attempting to will bite all in the butts by the end of this mess.

EDIT: Also, NO, Sylvanas does care which race she uses. She CONSTANTLY prioritizes the use of her Forsaken for priority missions. Her Inner Council is exclusively comprised of only her most elite Dark Rangers. And she doesn’t even seem to trust the Horde PC that much; rather it seems like she’s merely using you as a political bargaining chip within the Horde for your Rep. She also does not give a crap about the cultural identities of the other Horde races (not that she really seems to care about the Forsaken’s that much these days either).

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doesn’t matter how monstrous you say they are at the end of the day you said your opinion was you would still pick her because she is “strong” and baine a “weak” and “traitor”… so i don’t see why you constantly feel the need to clarify. you support who you support.


So what about those who have picked neither? Hell, what about those that picked Sylvanas out of spite towards blizzard because clearly they are trying to railroad us down a narrative we hate?

You might be fine with drinking the Cooley but not all of us are.

I go for Abesik Kampfire who sadly was overlooked for Warchief back when Garrosh rose to power. It might do nothing except make you a little warm but at least it isn’t starting genocidal wars to pander to its own crazy or secretly sending military intel or parts of its horn to leaders of an enemy country.

I would vote for Lor’themar for Warcheif but they would probably kill him off and make Gallywix warcheif to start another faction war a couple of expansions down the road.

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I doubt that, considering Rokhan was sent on many high priority missions and that Baine, before he went traitor, was also kept abreast of many going ons. Did she care for his pwecious feewings? No, she didn’t. But at the same time, she is one of the only leaders (next to Lor’themar, Talanji, Geya’rah and Rokhan) who would not go immediate traitor and help the alliance cause their poor feelings are hurt that Sylvanas is not a Orc and does not adhere to orcish honor.

How often did Thrall force others to adhere to his standards, how many times did he force others to change their beliefs to change so they were allowed to join the Horde, that is called tyrannical. But it doesn’t matter. My main does not follow the Horde either way. So if you wanna get rid of the Warchief that actually holds the Alliance responsible for their actions, be my guest. As long as Blizz keeps their grubby hands off of Talanji and don’t turn her into a Alliance fan as well, I am fine.

I have had enough of Baine making excuses for the Alliance, covering for them, and literally spying for them over and over and some idiots like Spud and Trivel thinking him some sort of Horde hero.

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