Baine is going beastmode

Feel free to quote me where I said “Baine deserves to have his head cut off because he doesn’t support Sylvanas”. Kindly stop putting words in my mouth. Thanks.

I call for Baine’s head because he is a traitor. He actively works against the Horde war effort, as well as against the Warchief. Traitors deserve to die, especially ones that have done it multiple times.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t care what toon someone posts as. I care about the content of their posts.


If you think that’s my position, then you obviously don’t know my opinions very well.


It just dawned on me that it seems like the quest to free Derek can’t be taken until you clear the Battle of Dazar’alor first. So despite Jaina helping kill the only family Talanji had left, the first thing Baine does is help reunite Jaina with her brother Derek.

Even if it’s just to prevent the brainwashing plot from going through, that’s really screwed up. Talanji should be mortified that someone she’s allowed in her home has assisted the enemy who lead an attack that ultimately took her father away from her.


What drives a WoW icon?

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Wrong, we, or at least I, support the idea of Baine and Saurfang speaking out, I do not support them betraying the Horde. I support Saurfang doing the REAL orcish thing and challenging Sylvanas, not running away like a coward, but you keep building those strawmen,

That is not RP, that is us, as people, saying that Baine should be executed for high treason. Are you saying that you as a person, think that just because someone made a Blood Elf character, which is most likely not their only one, they no longer have a valid opinion? If that is your stance then you are literally not worth talking too.

Nathanos is Forsaken, but nice try. Only Baine aids the Alliance at every turn.

Didn’t you know? The only way they can make any sorts of arguments is when they put words into other peoples mouthes and build strawmen arguments that no one made.


Baine’s theme when he goes beastmode and kisses Anduin on the lips:

… which quickly leads into Baine’s theme when he eats Lor’themar and then chases the player:

LIKE A BOSS :sunglasses:


fears of the writes.

I’m not putting words in your mouth. There isn’t some deeper meaning or context to what you’re saying. You’re calling Baine a traitor because he isn’t siding with Sylvanas but then deflect that into betraying the Horde. That’s all you’re saying when it comes down to it. He’s not betraying the Horde. Sylvanas isn’t the Horde. The Horde is a major political faction that consists of more than just Sylvanas and her human lover. Just because someone doesn’t like Sylvanas and her actions doesn’t make them a “traitor to the Horde”.

I don’t know your opinions because you haven’t stated them. I’m just assuming what they are because you appeared only defending people who think disliking and working against Sylvanas makes them a traitor to the Horde. You aren’t very good at making your position a secret.

Wrong. There is no “strawmen”. Baine literally is working against Sylvanas and you are calling him a traitor for it but then hide behind this idea that oh if he just challenged Sylvanas then that’d be totally cool! Yeah, Baine challenging Sylvanas and her undead army upfront by himself is a great idea!

You literally said you’d be cool with Baine challenging Sylvanas and now complain about “high treason”. Baine is speaking out and you still hate it. You have no valid point.

He’s a “Forsaken” that looks entirely human, lol. Nice try though. Whatever makes you feel better. It’s not me who supports the Horde being led by an Elf and a “Forsaken” human. Baine aids the Horde. Baine does it without blindly following an Elf and a red eyed human. Baine is woke and going beastmode.

The difference being Rastakhan was killed in battle and that was that. He wasn’t sadistically risen from the dead to be tortured like Derek was. Horde should be mortified if that is what being “Horde” entails.

I have asked you twice now to quote me with what you claimed I said. You have failed to do so twice. That is you putting words in my mouth. Knock it off.

Baine is actively working against the Horde war effort. The Horde is losing the war and Baine decides to sabotage a military asset (potential Derek trojan horse) that could take out Jaina or any of the higher ups in the Alliance military, tipping the scales back in the Horde’s favor. And not only does he sabotage that, he kills horde soldiers, gift wraps Derek in a horde warship and sends him off as a present to his friends in the Alliance.

It doesn’t matter who the Warchief is. Hell even if Thrall was still Warchief, I would still be calling for Baine’s head. A traitor is a traitor, and they deserve a traitor’s death.


Nah it was epic and beastly not treacherous. Sylvanas lying to the Horde about her intentions and using us as canon fodder is what’s treasonous.

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Horde races were always cannon fodder for the important races though. Since when do Orc, Troll, and Tauren lives matter compared to a couple of elves and undead humans?

Gee, if only I had made a post in this thread in which I gave my brief opinion about the story and Sylvanas.

If only the 22nd post in this thread were one I had made, detailing how I only support Sylvanas out of spite towards the current story and nothing else. That I have no genuine loyalty towards her, and don’t agree with her actions at all.

And if only I had gone on further, say maybe in the 35th post of this thread! If only I had detailed how I do hate the current direction of the Horde!

How I do want a return to the “Horde is family” notion we used to have. And how I think that’s impossible because Blizz has so thoroughly ruined the Horde. And how I loathe the idea of blaming Sylvanas for everything because it only exacerbates the current issue with the Horde.

If only I had done those things!


That is not me hiding behind anything, that is me condoning Orcish honor, you know, the thing that you morons are all about? But then when the going gets tough you all deflect to the ‘Oh! BUT SHE WOULD CHEAT!’-excuse. I don’t care. Not one bit. Orcish honor dictates: Victory or Death. Last I checked Warlord Gard’ul was thrown out of the window for refusing to fight. But then, Thrall and Saurfang both are no longer real Orcs, they are pansies and shadows of their former selves and Baine? Well, he never did anything for the Horde, ever. So there goes that. Again, give me a better option, cause right now all we have is Saurfang and Baine or Sylvanas. Yeah, I choose the genocidal maniac who wishes to win this war rather then the two who would have us live as Alliance manservants again.

Doesn’t matter what he looks like, he still isn’t human, he is Undead. Just because a dragon can take on elven or human forms do not make them elves or humans, they are still dragons, you unyielding imbecile. And name one thing Baine did for the Horde, go ahead. If he TRULY wanted to do something for the Horde, he would have challenged Sylvanas to a fight right after Undercity, he didn’t. He only started killing Horde soldiers the moment that his waifu was in trouble.

Wrong, quote where I said that I hated Baine for calling out Sylvanas, maybe I called him a hypocrite at most, but I never called Baine or Saurfang out for SPEAKING THEIR MIND! I only started hating them the moment they started committing treason and ACTIVELY HELPING THE ALLIANCE!

No, he was just given the option to kneel and be enslaved or die. Gee, I wonder why he chose the second option to fight. I WONDER why he would fight a genocidal flood of Alliance players that murder their way through priests, guards, civilians, that wreck his city, that defile it and plunder his treasury, I WONDER why he didn’t submit to have his kingdom enslaved.

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Baine is going beast mode the same way any other cow in the slaughter house does.


It is so incredibly jarring to go from “Kill Jaina to complete the next step in the WC” to… “help Baine kill Horde soldiers to help Jaina out”. These two quests shouldn’t have happened within the same patch let alone back to back.


Or rather, we should have had the choice, but then, when we speak to Nathanos, he says to go along with it, which is why people assume that this was the plan to begin with, that Sylvanas used the bug idiot to deliver her weapon in a convincing manner to Jaina. I mean, it is kinda obvious, why else was Derek in Tiraguard Sound, on a ship and ready to be delivered? I swear if that IS what happened, I am waiting for all these ‘honorbois’ to admit that Sylvanas is a tactical genius and Baine is the idiot who got used TWICE by smarter Warchiefs then him.

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I’m not though. You explicitly said “traitors” like Baine need their heads cut off. Now you’re back tracking. Make up your mind. Baine is not actively working against the Horde. He doesn’t want the Horde to be the scourge 2.0 like you do.

Well you can go ahead and follow an Elf and so called Forsaken who looks entirely human and go on believing that’s the “real Horde” cause they want to “win the war”. I myself will continue supporting real Horde heroes like Baine and Saurfang who are decked out in Horde colors, symbols and flags and who will lead the Horde down a better path than Sylvanas and her human lover. I don’t have to be dark and edgy in order to oppose the Alliance. Being Horde is more than just hating the Alliance.

Story wise a Blood Elf like you belongs on the Alliance. If it wasn’t for Blizzard panicking about the population of Horde and adding Blood Elves to the Horde to boost their numbers. Blood Elf players who act like total Horde loyalists while supporting an Elf for warchief SURPISE! are a joke, lol.

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Wow attempting to deflect from how worthless baine is by commenting on my avatar being a belf. I dont care. I dont think I’m my avatar. I play multiple characters. If shaman were more fun it would be a troll shaman instead. Regardless, baine would still be worthless.


This is the xpac where one moment we’re helping Magni stop people from mining Azerite to save the planet, and the next we’re helping Nathanos mine Azerite for the Horde. Both are in two different World Quests that are pretty close to one another.