Baine is going beastmode

Your theory would be better if the “Orc” who posted this thread didn’t post so much in the PVP forums about how much he hates the Horde and Horde players…


Oh is that how the forums work? My bad, allow me to remedy my post:

Here’s to hoping for a public execution where they lop off his traitorous head.


i didn’t state a theory. i didn’t say what someone posts as proves anything. i said it’s fair to point out what someone is posting as. and you can put “orc” in quotes all you want but you can find him and me in orgrimmar many days queuing for bgs and killing alliance soo…

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I’m honestly curious. Why play Horde if you hate them and their players? I can see he does actively PVP, but I also see 9999 posts of “Horde players suck!” “Horde players are cowards!” “Horde players are losers!”


Nice try. You’re playing an mmoRPG and you’re a Blood Elf in it acting like some total Horde loyalist.

Just because I think Horde sucks in Battlegrounds doesn’t mean I don’t like the Horde. I actually embrace the Horde aesthetic unlike 90% of these Sylvanas loyalists. I’m not ashamed. I don’t hide my posts or hide behind an alt like you do.

i can only speak for myself but i play horde because i like the horde, i like trolls and all of that…but that doesn’t mean you have to agree with the common wisdom or opinions of the fan base… idk if you are a football or sports fan in general but sometimes its okay to say your home team sucks or laugh at its fan base. i like when my home team wins personally but i also laugh at the fans who think its the most serious thing in the world lol

Imagine supporting Baine “The Horde is Family” Bloodhoof, then accusing one of the races of not belonging in that family because they don’t conform to your aesthetics.


Then there’s that cinema showing how much he hates Goblins and thinks of them as rats. We’ve always known Baine is a racist who only loves Humans.


Nice try. You’re playing an mmoRPG and you’re a Blood Elf in it acting like some total Horde loyalist.

I play a blood elf because I like the way robes look on one. I have a female undead warrior because they do front flips when attacking and I have a goblin shaman purely because I like their casting animations.

This may come as a shock to you, but I am not the character I play in a video game. Your post might have some merit if I was roleplaying in the worlds end tavern. But I’m not. I’m posting in the story forum where you discuss the story, and my opinion of this particular story beat is that Baine has openly betrayed the Horde on multiple occasions and I would like his head to roll.


Sylvanas should fund an in-depth exposé to dig up dirt on Baine and reveal his anti-Globlomite opinions and his pro-Alliance dealings.

“Baine Bloodhoof: Bane of the Horde”


This…is a really odd stance.

I mean, in order to post on these forums, we all have to use an avatar, and most options are non-humans (and even the human ones are fantasy humans, not sapiens [yes, Blizzard prevented me posting the actual word]).

I mean, you obviously main Alliance but choose to post on a low-level Horde alt. That’s fine. I don’t think it has a great bearing on the arguments you make.

Do you think that, because you post on that toon, we think you are an actual troll, or something?


Oh no…you’re one of those. You’re one of those guys who rants every time they lose a BG and insists that their faction can’t do PvP, aren’t you?

The funny thing is, when you PvP as Alliance you hear the exact same rants. They just swap “Alliance sucks” for “Horde sucks” and otherwise it’s word for word.


Does this surprise you`? Spuddy and Trivel are obviously lacking in the intellect department, I mean, they are the type that compare incidental casualties of soldiers who had pushed too far (against orders arguably to keep them out of the range of the blight) and then get blighted because they were where they were not meant to be, to defeat the enemy and would have nearly succeeded if not for deus ex machinas saving the Alliance again to a obvious Alliance-lover who only ever does anything if it helps his Alliance overlords. And claims that the first is worse then the second.

(Had to get on a ‘TRUE HORDE RACE’ before Spud (I mean he is about as stupid as the character from the American Dragon show) and Trivel decide my opinion isn’t worth anything because other races are cooler. I would have been on my Zandalari, you know, best Trolls, but sadly they do not appear in my character choices.)


This character is 120 and the highest ilvl of any of my toons bro. 392. Nothing special, I got it all from bging/warfronts cause I’m a casual but ya this is highest geared toon. and Ya I like trolls, particularly the darkspear but also amani, and have listed my reasons why soo… far from just being a ‘low-level’ horde alt.

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You’re the ones who say anyone who doesn’t support Sylvanas or your aesthetics should have their heads chopped off. You’re insane and you don’t have a “gotcha” no matter how many fake “likes” you get. You have no point.

Yeah… You are posting in the story forum of an mmoRPG and saying characters who don’t support Sylvanas should have their heads cut off. What’s your point?
You still main a Blood Elf and I still find it funny that you main a race that looks like it belongs on the Alliance while proclaiming yourself as some ultra Horde loyalist just because you support an Elf with red eyes and her human lover with red eyes, lol.

The only human lover I see is Sylvanas. Funny of you to ignore that part.

Oh no… A golden eye Blood Elf Paladin accusing others of maining Alliance while they play the most Alliance looking race and class combination available on the Horde while acting like these total Horde loyalists. Anyone who doesn’t support the Elf with red eyes phony warchief and her human lover are just secretly Alliance! Sorry… I don’t want the Horde to just be a red version of the Alliance like you do.

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lmao just thought of this sylvanas lover is like literally a human… like she even like went out of her way to make sure he looked more humany

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Feel free to quote me where I said “characters who don’t support Sylvanas should have their heads cut off”. I said Baine should have his head removed for committing the very definition of treason on at least 3 occasions. How many passes should a character get before they’re killed for treason? I think it’s more than fair to call for his head after 3 acts of treason.

Who cares what I main? I main heal for my guild and robes look best on Blood elves. There is zero RP or story related reason I play a Blood elf. Yet somehow in your head my character choice means something. My position on Baine’s actions are still the same regardless if I’m posting on my Tauren, Blood elf, dwarf or gnome.


By saying Baine deserves to have his head cut off because he doesn’t support Sylvanas implies then that every player character who sympathizes with the cause of Baine and who doesn’t support the red eyed Elf and her human lover deserves the same fate.

I’m sure it’s just coincidence that nearly every Blood Elf main on these forums happens to be a Sylvanas sympathizer. Surely the players choice in what race they main has no impact on how they view the story.

You know the feeling as you get older that nobody is wise and everyone is at some level an idiot?

This forum seems breed this feeling at its purest form.


You must be really wise. Probably a middle aged man playing video games. Very wise. Much wiser than the rest of us. You’re just beyond everybody.