Baine is going beastmode

I had forgotten to talk about this, but I’m actually genuinely curious how you view Orgrim Doomhammer.

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It is treason, which is why Baine is now in prison. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Okay. Nothing I did is horrible, lol. I didn’t even do anything you claim I am. It’s you guys who want to tell others how to think. Any fan base outside of Sylvanas loyalty you guys want to belittle and tell them they don’t matter. It’s you guys who want to tell everyone to think that Baine is a “traitor” and anyone who disagrees with that chorus is ganged up upon by your little cliques.

You’ve literally stated you support Sylvanas and dislike Baine because he doesn’t support her and you consider that helping the Alliance somehow. Nothing you want for the Horde is interesting because you lash out on any character that doesn’t just kneel on command and take orders to kill every Alliance.

They are. They’ve admitted so. Don’t know what else to tell you.

It’s not though and the game doesn’t think so either because it will allow us to side with him and most likely free him. Sorry they aren’t going to kill Baine for “treason”. This game isn’t going to take some ridiculous direction like you want it to where everyone is executed for not siding with Sylvanas.

No, they actually haven’t. You should stop lying. Supporting a badly written character out of spite is not the same thing as being a loyalist. You support a badly written character because you think he’s actually good. That’s more in line with being a loyalist than what those 3 are doing.


Except they actually have. Your entire problem with Baine is because he isn’t loyal to Sylvanas and he went against her wishes. How is that not loyalism? :rofl: And you’re not doing any kind of spite. The developers have stated they love Sylvanas just as much as you guys do.

Uh, no. People’s problem with Baine is his eternal proximity to Jaina and the fact that his first action in the expansion was aiding an Alliance character and not actually doing anything for the Horde.

There are people who are supporting Sylvanas out of spite because the other two options are also garbage so might as well pick the garbage option that isn’t being shoved down your throat. Very few people care that Baine isn’t loyal to Sylvanas lol. It’s the tepid actions of both Baine and Saurfang. They have not been written as heroes worth supporting, and for people who reject the entirety of the Horde narrative… taking the path that Blizz clearly doesn’t want them to take is more cathartic than redoing a story that we literally just did 5 years ago. I’m sorry that you gobble up this awful plot so gleefully that you can’t see past it.


Thank you! Bless you fount of wisdom! For without you I would have long since accepted the fact that Trivel and Spud (who are the same person) are complete morons and will never figure out why people hate Baine!

They know. They’re just super antagonistic toward anyone who thinks Baine sucks. Which… hate to tell you guys this but people thought Baine sucked way before BFA.


Except Sylvanas has done nothing for the Horde. So there goes that. Guess what? Killing Alliance aimlessly doesn’t help the Horde. It’s actually put us in further peril. Undercity is gone, the Zandalari capital was ransacked and the king killed and Horde is dying pointlessly in a war just because Sylvanas wants it. Sorry you just want this awful plot where the Horde is just reduced to “ME SMASH ALLIANCE, ALLIANCE IS BAD” and anything that strays from that and gives Horde more character you consider to just be “helping the Alliance” and “traitorous”. That’s your entire problem with Baine is because he doesn’t believe in aimlessly smashing the Alliance and he disobeys Sylvanas. It has nothing to do with “helping the Horde”. The only plot I see being shoved down our throats is this forcing us to have a psychopathic warchief plot and these cultish fans who claim to dislike it cause it makes Horde look bad but yet they also support it because the other option isn’t a “ME SMASH ALLIANCE!!!” option.

Coming from people who are super antagonistic towards anyone who likes Baine and strays away from your usual cultish chorus towards him and are reduced to insulting me and Spuddys intelligence over our liking of Baine. You’re the ones flooding my pro-Baine thread because you hate seeing it.

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aaaand that still means you support them and are therefor a loyalist. so yes, it is. if you aren’t a loyalist you can easily not support them by picking baine by not doing the war campaign by quitting the game. you still picking sylvanas out of the choices and that makes you loyal to her.


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Fun fact, Sylvanas and the Forsaken were instrumental in curing the new Plague that the Scourge unleashed during the Zombie Infestation. Their tireless work helped save countless Horde lives!

Fair enough.


Another fun fact, it is thanks to Sylvanas that the Horde did not die on the Broken Shore because Matthias Shaw is the worst Spymaster to ever exist.


Fun fact : Sylvanas was also behind the Wrathgate which killed Horde soldiers. Blizzard said so.

Fun fact: You are talking out your rear end, that never happened.

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Fun fact : Yes it did. Baine is cool. :woman_shrugging:

No it didn’t that was a idiot making a statement that he knew nothing about. Anyone that did the actual quest-line and who KNOW Sylvanas, know that she was not responsible for that. Otherwise:

B.) Putress would have not be seen as a traitor by her for doing this.

So no, she didn’t.

Also, name ONE cool thing that Baine did for the Horde.

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This is an awfully dry fun fact. I’m gonna need some sauce to help it go down.

You do have sauce, right? Something backing up your statement? Like this interview with Danuser verifying that Blizz doesn’t have an official stance on Sylvanas ordering Wrathgate?

So, did Sylvanas give the order and engineer the Wrathgate?

“We’re not saying one way or another,” Danuser said.

Which is from this larger Polygon interview from the beginning of this year?

Tell me you have sauce, cause that fact is dryer than a Ritz.


Something something human looking race something something castles something something you want to kill Alliance so you actually love the Alliance.

That’s all you should probably expect.


I love you, not being gay here. I just enjoy people like you and Dotzy schooling this idiot. I mean with a guild name like ‘Thugstas’, I am not expecting much intelligence either way, but dang.

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“we’re not saying one way or another.” “we want players to look back at sylvans history” “its interesting”

these statements all come after Afrasiabi said this

“I’ve heard these discussions on the internet about ‘she’s going off the rails’, but is she? I’ve been writing Sylvanas personally since 2006, and this is pretty much – the Wrathgate and the Blight and the Forsaken – in character. Those were all under Sylvanas’ orders. What we’re seeing now is an escalation of the plans Sylvanas has, clearly, and we’re in the middle of that.”

Danuser doesn’t contradict this he just does the equivalent of pleading the fifth amendment

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