Baine is going beastmode

Yes, and I repeat, the dude seems to forget his own writing, considering that no, the Blight creation came from the Royal Apothecary Society, NOT Sylvanas, quite sad when players need to remind Blizz of their own lore, which happens often enough. Ever heard of Red Shirt Guy?

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Hilariously, Broken Shore alone shows Sylvanas doing more for the Horde than Baine has ever done but moving on…

I don’t get to choose the theme of the expansion but if they’re going to make it a faction war it better damn well be a faction war between the Horde and the Alliance and not Horde v Horde with a dollop of Alliance. You think that Sylvanas fans were happy when WoT and the Warbringer came out and it was revealed she burned Teldrassil down for no good reason at all? God no. Them turning her into a stupid cackling, mustache-twirling villain is way less palatable for us than it is for Sylvanas fans.

Maybe if you stopped being so weirdly obsessed with the characters that people post on and doing your best Garrosh impersonation dismissing their opinions because of their avatar people would be less antagonistic towards you.

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the red shirt guy isn’t really the same cause it was a spur of the moment question and metzen said he was caught off guard. they also admitted they were wrong and even put a npc for him in game. they as of yet have not retracted the statement on wrathgate. “we’re not saying” is not a retraction.

They were happy though… They were joking about “BBQ’d Night Elves” and cheering on the destruction. They’re totally fine with genocide upon Alliance races. What they don’t like is the story insinuating that they are bad for doing it. That’s what they don’t like and are sad about. They want to do genocide and burn and smash everything but want the games story patting them on the back for it. Smash everything! Kill all! For the Horde! Horde united! Burn everything! YAY!


Many people have decided against the War Campaign or outright quit but not everyone plays this game solely for the story. Personally, I’m not going to quit my raid and m+ teams because the story sucks and if you want those mounts you have to do both WCs. Either way, taking a meta stance against Blizzard’s awful story is in no way the same as saying you outright support the things they have Sylvanas doing. The fact that Blizzard can’t tell who is actually supporting and who is doing it out of spite is fantastic. Maybe they’ll think harder before they give us a poor, rehashed story we’ve already done. Maybe they’ll actually just never do it again since it was unpopular both times!


Again, because no one has yet to point out this idiot the two major reasons why Sylvanas could not be responsible for the Wrathgate that I mentioned previously. If they really push for that to be canon now, it is a retcon to shoe-horn Sylvanas into another villain position that no one wants another Warchief to be.

Look, I get you don’t like Sylvanas, I get why others don’t like her. I get you don’t like her stance on efficiency and pragmatism above all. That is fine. What bothers me is that you outright support people who are working against the Horde and say they are some sort of heroes for the Horde. They aren’t. Baine has done exactly 0 things for the Horde. His accomplishments for the Alliance far outweigh the 0 things he did for the Horde.

Saurfang is acting like a major hypocrite which is why I do not like him either. And that is why I am baffled when people like you praise these two idiots as some sort of symbol of Horde honor. They have done nothing to deserve it.

Rokhan, I understand, Geya’rah, I understand, Talanji? Sure. Lor’themar? Hey, better then Baineduin Bloodwrynn and Traitorfang.

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You’re making a straw man out of some GD posters, I guess. You’re not actually talking about anyone in SF. People were (and still are) angry that they railroaded Sylvanas and the Horde with an extremely poor plot that made us look genocidal and stupid.

Either that or you take Cailias’ posts way too seriously lol.


I’m pretty sure deathisfinal genuinely supports Sylvanas, as did Cursebywords for a while. Does it matter where Sylvanas supporters come from?

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Then why do they hate characters like Baine who want no part with this genocidal Horde? You guys speak of wanting to kill or imprison him and all those who work against this undead raising Horde as “traitors”. In the words of Baller Baine “No life is worth living if we can’t be true to ourselves”.

I’m not siding with Sylvanas because I see it as the good and right thing to do. I don’t believe it spites anything supporting Sylvanas. Judging by my post and the reactions it has received it appears siding and supporting Baine spites a lot of people on these forums.

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When he’s trying to paint all the “supporters” with the same brush, yes. Do you honestly think that Carmageddon and Hackbrew are Sylvanas loyalists? Hell, even 3slot… who mostly just memes.


You are basically arguing from an IC pov. Many of the people who have made this decision feel so utterly disconnected from the current narrative that they aren’t making their decisions based on what their character would do. Sylvanas, Baine, Saurfang, the entire Horde have been written like absolute garbage. Choosing Sylvanas represents rejection of the entire narrative.


only to you. objectively, in the game and to Blizzard, if they even care enough to track who picks what lmao, it represents picking sylvanas and nothing else.

Yeah, I have a hard time caring at this point. They’ve destroyed the Horde, they’ve destroyed 2 beloved Horde characters, they’ve pushed Baine further into just being an accessory to Jaina. It’s all crap. They made their bed, they can sleep in it.


Because as I have mentioned, Baine is not Baller. There are other ways to refuse to fight this war. Sylvanas has pardoned all who wish to aid in healing Azeroth, which is why you see many Horde aiding Magni with his efforts. Baine could have just taken that and aided Magni and allowed the Horde to continue its fight. Or challenge her to Mak’goa for position as Warchief, I may not like Baine, but that would be a less treasonous path then what he actually took.

Man, I haven’t once said I want Baine dead, or even imprisoned. Because I don’t believe the way to fix a character is to kill them off. That doesn’t fix anything, it just sweeps it under the rug.


You don’t need to say it. It is obvious by looking at the Big W that is your avatar. A true, disgusting neutral…


lol I’m almost sure this guy is trolling.

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