is it not? It might not be how you view reality or how the majority views it, but I also said:
That means I am NEURODIVERGENT, like I could really be incapable of seeing characters as being good or bad, and only see how they are written. To use another common argument:
Optimist: glassis 1/2 full
Pessimist: glass is 1/2 empty
Autistic: can be one of the above or “it is just a 1/2 a glass of…”
Am I? or do you just feel that way since I am not like “Bande did these things canonically, so he is a bad character”? You and so many others come down on Baine for the actions he has done in cannon, but in a way it feels like you are treating him like an actual, living, breathing, being. My perception, which you say is not based in reality, is he is just a character that is made to be what the writers, and by extent Blizzard, need him to be at that moment.
Ever try to think that maybe, if you really judge everything, you could at least ACKNOWLEDGE everything,
Some say Baine does not care for the Horde or his people, yet in content outside the game (which I think needs to be at least mentioned IN GAME) shows he does, The most you will get from me is “the fact there are times mentioned in content out of game that canonically shows he does care for the Horde/his people” does not remove the fact that in game, his actions, that are cannon, show he values alliance life over that of the horde/his people, and, at most, they cancel each other out thus bringing Baine back to being just a character.
As far as this goes, I have a feeling if Tauren met the Alliance first, or the Horde after they fought the alliance on Kalimdore, they would be, at worst, Allied with the Horde but not members. Think Pandaren before Pandaren were a thing in game.
If Magatha had a spine she wouldn’t have resorted to assassinating Cairne by proxy by poisoning Garrosh’s blade during his Mok’gora with Cairne.
If she had a spine, she wouldn’t be sending sabateurs constantly to screw with the Mulgore Tauren and a lot of the stuff the Earthen Ring is trying to get accomplished.
If she had a spine, she wouldn’t have just run off and disappeared during BfA when she had previously promised that the Grimtotem would stay with the rest of the Earthen Ring and safeguard the Doomstone.
She’s a petty, vindictive, cowardly, short-sighted, power-hungry pest that literally no one trusts further than they could throw her. Nothing more.
Yeah, she took advantage where both Cairne and Garrosh just yelled at each other till they fought.
At least she is doing things for her people where Baine is killing the Horde to help the Alliance and hoping no one finds out.
More BFA where a lot of characters were assassinated and doing random things against their previous writing and just exist as known faces for a mess of a story.
Yeah, would be a great leader for story, missed when we had characters and not super good moral upstanding boy/girl scouts. There was a time characters disagreed and had struggles between them.
Sorry this is garbage, you are wearing Tauren heritage armor, do you think they developed that because they hate Tauren?
Heck , the devs even liberated Freewind post , because it was constantly being mercilessly attacked and filled the surrounding zone up with water to make it even less desirable to reach.
My personal opinion of Baine may be a little jaded after rescuing him from the Maw. We don’t often get to quest with the President IRL , so I have always thought grouping with Wow leaders was a little strange.
However, I don’t think Tauren are overlooked and ignored.
More like why is everyone else on the Horde? Baine is the only one worthy of the title of Warchief. Well, him and Ji Firepaw. Everyone else is a poser. The Horde used to be about honor. There’s been so little of that for years. Now it’s just about Undead edgelords.
Vul’jin, his being a Shadow-Hunter aside, Even Blackhand and Doomhammer were more upfront with their actions, this I’d give Blackhand a pass as he was the one “doing the dirty work” for Gul’dan and the Shadow Council
Blizzard likely does not "hate: the Tauren, but they might not know how to write them in certain stories, Taruen are like that one who is peaceful 90% of the time, but cross/push them and watch out. They are the one that is peaceful, not because they hate fighting per se, but they know they can do some damage if they don’t watch it They will always look for a peaceful option first, and when that fails, they will raise up arms at least in their own defense or the defense of their allies and home.
Yes, I periodically wear the heritage armor (Mixed with the Dark Shaman Armor to make it look nicer)
Just because someone designing the transmog for a quest did a good job once, doesn’t mean that blizzard has not massively mishandled Tauren and seemed to show open contempt for Tauren characters.
There should be like a Tauren event, get all the cows together and do something .
I don’t have a good solid Idea what , but It could be a thing like MOP remix in Thunder Bluff.
I have 2 Tauren and a Higmountain Tauren and I play them frequently.
I agree but I see literally no good way to write them. If they were cool big minotaur warriors that would be neat. But what were they from the start? Cringe native americans that don’t like fighting and talk slow? How do you do anything with that story wise?