seriously, why is he on the horde?
id like to switch over baine failhoof for an alliance gnome pls
Yeah we can trade him.
We don’t want him .
Baine’s already a well known Traitor and cry baby by this point, neither of which screams Horde so yeah can we ditch him somewhere or idk… turn him into traitor steaks?
We don’t want him.
he is not, he is alliance, you got it wrong
at least he not crying like andy
All of horde is a loser. That’s why he’s there.
Jk jk lol
i personally think any horde leader not currently leading the genocide again the foul old god tainted gnomes a traitor suffer not a gnome to live they need to be eradicated from the face of azeroth
No one cared who he was until he put on the headdress.
Because he’s a moo cow.
Cuz his daddy was awesome, til they killed him off for no reason.
Baine has been poorly handled by a story team that seems to utterly hate that Tauren exist, so they kill off our good leaders off screen, and then treat Baine very poorly.
I don’t quite understand why blizzard treats the Tauren this way.
They need someone else to take over writing for Tauren as a whole. Whomever is doing it now clearly hates the Tauren.
That implies he has value.
We may be able to get 3 stale Dorritos in return.
If you don’t have Baine sitting on the floor in Oribos, who will? WHO WILL?!?
Garrosh was the ultimate loser, rivaled only by Sylvanus.
What sword?