Baine Bloodhoof is a loser

Is that wagyu? It looks incredible lol, the marbling is amazing.

pats back
it’s okay tovi… one day the tauren will rise
just… not this expansion, or the next and probably that titan one lol.


My biggest beef is that, compared to Cairne, he’s been nothing but a gigantic (wait for it) nothing-burger.

Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all week.


I’ll forgive you for the tauren puns because they’re directed at Baine.


he should have stayed with bolvar in oribos


I’m sure the tauren rise on daily basis when waking up and while on the hub

I don’t think he loser.
I think… he tire of war and his lost his family.
He want a good WarChief, Not Sylvanas like kill her own Horde people

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Gamon should lead the Tauren, not him.


Why can’t he be a peaceful ‘loser’ even tho he’s on the horde if that’s what Taurens are supposed to be racially? They are supposed to be the option for players who want a more peaceful race but still want to be horde- because the lore would be boring if it was ultra simplistic and Horde = Aggressive edgy winners and Alliance = Peaceful good-natured losers. I would say most people are a complicated mix of both and so categorizing them all that way seems dumb.

If male gamers want a race to better project their masculinity into, Orc seems a much better fit for that lol.

We get it though, you want him to be more bull and less cow because this is world of WARcraft but I actually like that not every character is a stereotypical overly aggressive and edgy male lol.

But really he’s that way because in general the staff are edgy abusers themselves and don’t know how to write characters that are supposed to be more diplomatic, so they make them come across as too wimpy because in their minds being that way is the same as being a wimp. The writers themselves don’t understand the nuance and difference between being diplomatic and being wimpy, so Baine isn’t going to either- as he’s obviously not a real person but a projection.

It’s part of the toxic culture of WoW and it all is connected, it’s the same reason why they didn’t do that Turalyon guy justice and why Holy Priests were overly nerfed for years and meh-diocre in almost all forms of content just because they are somewhat beginner friendly. And probably also why they nerfed Holy Paladins a lot this expansion. In real life heroic characters can stop or punish Blizzard from abusing others, so in fantasy world they like to turn the tables. /shrug

Baine is a hero, period.

Yeah I don’t see the world in black and white like you.

I know that a character can have a backbone without being bloodthirsty :roll_eyes: That’s the only thing most people really wanted from Baine.

Btw, that’s exactly how his dad was written. Cairne was a pretty peaceful dude until you messed with his people then you seen The Bull.


Damn, Baine is a bigger mess than I thought.

Who was that again?

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Derek Proudmoore.


Ah, this one.
Jeez, this whole storyline was trash.


No idea Vulpera did a better job at solving the Hordes problems then him and fir some reason he is the chosen representative of the “horde council” like ugh useless awful character.


He’s your problem you can keep him.

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Man that Halloween set looks really good.

I’m so tempted to buy that instead of the mount.


I think this mog and the pirate one from last month might be my favorite looks.

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I agree with general sentiments that the team probably have something against Tauren or something. They haven’t caught a W in a bit.

Recolored Plunderstorm set?

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