Baine Bloodhoof is a loser

I admit it’s only my opinion. You can’t tell the difference between fact and your opinion.

Everyone anti bloodhoof just cant read or understand geopolitics.

Thats all, you arent clever enough to get it.

The better question is why are the Tauren even still with the Horde? Between the Orcs desecration of the forests right outside Orgrimmar and the Forsaken being an abomination and affront to the Earthmother, then the circumstances around Cairnes death they should have been gone in terms of story. The Shuhalo should have had an alliance of convenience only with the Horde, then went their own way when Thunderbluff had been secured but Cairne felt obligated because of his friendship with Thrall.

Baines character is suffering in terms of writing in that they don’t really seem to know what to do with him. Imo in terms of story he was set up to be the “soul” of the Horde but now there isn’t really a Horde anymore since Sylvannas farted on it

I gamon will save us

I dont care about politics dudes last name is bloodhoof he needs to stop crying and genocide the gnomes already why cant more horde leaders be like garrosh or Jaraxxus, Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion! and just crush the gnomes

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I see someone is trying to beat the T-squad for the most pointless topics ever posted.

Dude was freaking tortured over and over and almost killed in the Maw… The recaptured and tortured more. He deserved to be able to process.

But do the DF quest line with him he gets his fire back. Dude is a beast in that quest.

If i was baine, i wouldn’t want to be apart of SL story either.

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BBQ Baine!


I dunno man.

you couldn’t tell I was giving an obvious opinion


I could tell it was obviously your opinion.

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You don’t remember him snubbing the Horde for not being happy about Camp T because he thought the Tauren civilians under his protection were a viable military target?

Pepperidge farm remembers.

Baine is a viable military target. Someone on the Alliance should do something about him.

Oh, wait, he’s not. He’s just their puppet.


He’s due for a glow up. I think the tauren are all due for some cool story beats.

Because every army needs emergency food rations… cue horror movie ambience


…because he’s a loser. Just like the rest of the Horde.

Herné here isn’t even wrong. When the Horde moves on to factory farming the Tauren are in for a surprise.

Vulpera already see it coming so they won’t be shocked.


Is that why there’s a ton of Tauren in the Silvermoon Inn?

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Is the Silvermoon City update coming with industrial farms?

Is there evidence that it is not?


I can respect this take more than most of the other deflections.

Based Thundahstahm.

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I dunno but there’s quite a few Tauren in the Traveler’s Inn, also a weird amount of Blood Elf Warlock ladies with Succubi. Completely ignore the Night Elf standing int he corner…I’m not heeeeeereeee…

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