You’re kind of reaching there. It’s a fantasy MMO and Tauren’s are supposed to be nomadic and lives with nature. If you are trying to draw real like comparisons then there are many other nomadic tribes across the world that live in huts and are spiritual with their ancestors.
Are you implying that I’m reaching by saying Tauren are based off American Indians? Headdresses, Tee Pees, and Totem Poles are all American Indian stuff. Tauren are directly inspired from the Pan Indian identity thats present in a lot of westerns that’s considered offensive because it homogenizes the culture of AIs. I don’t care about it, but it’s pretty clear if they did anything slightly offensive with the Tauren it could be a huge PR issue for MSFT. It’s why Baine sucks, he has to be a safe milquetoast character or risk the wrath of the blue hairs.
Are you trying to imply that only “American Indians”, Native Americans*, wear headdresses, live in tee pees, and have totem poles across the globe?
This is Blizzard’s problem. They need to stop caring so much about “PR problems” and focus on actually making a good compelling story.
Native American is an outdated term, the preferred term for the whole group according to polling is American Indian, you can google it. They would prefer you refer to them by their tribal identity. The Tauren are 100% based on them, yes. This is a fact, there’s no point in arguing otherwise.
“outdated term”, no it isn’t. It’s always the same group of people who keep trying to redefine people’s identity because they find it offensive. I’m Asian and I don’t get the whole “oriental” is offensive thing. Stop trying to change the names of groups of people every other decade.
As someone whom is personally a registered member of a North American Native Tribe, I do not remotely find Tauren, Taunka, High Mountain Tauren, or any variation of them remotely “Offensive”
It’s Generic, it’s a fantasy setting, it’s not meant to be an accurate representation of any specific tribe, because the Tauren as a faction are many different tribes coming together.
It’s not meant to be a representation of one tribe.
And if you want to get really technical many of the horde races are nomdaic to some degree and have plenty of their own variety.
Yes and we came to the term American Indian because we polled American Indians and asked them what they wanted to be called. The overly PC term created by white people is actually “Native American”
When you poll Americans what they want to be called. The term Native refers to all of the Americas. Including those outside of the states.
Do you just like being wrong? Is that why you keep commenting?
I’m not wrong and you coming back with this as your rebuttal shows that you have nothing left.
No, it just shows that I don’t want to talk to an ignorant person who thinks the Tauren aren’t based off American Indians and can just Google terms to figure out why they are used. Or you’re ESL. Either way, you’re pointless to talk to.
I’ve already explained it to you and you needing to resort to “google it” proves my point that you have nothing.
I’m not, but
coming from you right after I told you that I was Asian. Seems like the people who keeps trying to change and force identity on other groups of people are the one’s who are offensive and the offended.
Ya’ll don’t deserve such a wonderful Tauren. We will gladly take him.
America refers to two continents, North America and South America. I’m just feeding the obvious troll at this point. I asked if you were ESL because you clearly are not understanding me on purpose. So either you’re a troll or literally don’t understand. There’s nothing wrong with being ESL, I speak English as a second language. It’s weird you think that would be offensive. But ok.
Lol this topic
Baine sucks for the same reason everything else sucks in this game, white guilt
Marinate Baine and prepare the feast
There is so much to unpack here. Couldnt wait till Sunday?
So you are saying he is not even a good cut of beef? That cut of beef is NOT good, way too fatty.
Hey man it’s not my fault white people did stuff to feel guilty about.