I tried this with my druid. The bags didn’t replace to their original ones, and after a few hours, disappeared again.
This too is happening to me with the missing bags. Why is this not a concern to blizzard. Seems to be a issue. I did reset my UI. I did delete the toon this happening to and restored him. I see others that unistalled and reinstalled the game and none of this is working. Seems to be related to the reagent slot we had then it was taken away. FFS blizzard fix this. People cant play without inventory.
They did the same thing to me Tzu. Hard at work on it aren’t they? Lets just send them some links and call it resolved. While we are unable to play. So sad to see how bad the CS has become in this game. I remember when they respond to you in game and actually fix your problem on the spot.
Bumping this thread to say I have the exact same issue of my bags constantly disappearing after each new log in even if I replace them.
This bug is extremely annoying and severely hinders my ability to play the game properly, I submitted a ticket with a 30 day response time also, I REALLY hope they are looking into this issue. This feels terrible especially with the new expansion coming out very soon
happened again on my hunter but this time only missing 1 bag, bag 2 if we go by wow interface panel
After 7 days of having all my bags back on my main they have now disappeared again…
Thought I’d login for the anniversary achievement…
How isn’t this on their radar at all?
Ticket time is now showing as 32 days…
It looks like this MAJOR bug is either ignored or forgotten about. /sigh
Yea still going on for me. Seems like they don’t care or don’t have a fix. I must of bought at least a dozen bags since this started and they all disappear after log out. I really should be refunded my time. Its going on a month since it happened and it happened to my main, whom is the only toon I play. As Tzu said you can’t play with just a backpack. I started a toon on classic and already getting bored with the grind of that. Been there and done that already. I want my main back with the original bags I had. In a few day the pre-expansion events start and none of us will get the chance to play it. With my ticket bouncing up to 55 days i doubt i will have the chance to play the expansion.
So after 19 days I got a response to my ticket.
They said they have “reported” the bug but a fix won’t be in place until the dev team can replicate the issue…
They also asked me to reset my UI and linked me an artitcle…
Which is quite frustrating as it’s the same link I sent them in my original ticket saying it’s something I’ve already tried… sigh
The marked the ticket as answered, again.
Now it’s a 40 day wait on my new ticket.
So basically we are all SOL until they can “replicate the issue”.
Guess I will not be playing dragonflight.
Very disappointed in this company.
Refunding dragonflight preorder and cancelling my sub after 13 years.
I have no words…
Same issue I’ve been having for more than 2 weeks now.
It get’s better though: it’s now spread to a second character. I’ve lost 14 bags, (two Papa’s mint condition bags among them), quite a bit of gold for replacements, and have resigned myself to the backpack. My bank is full of inventory now and I’m pretty much unable to play for more than 10 minutes without emptying my bags.
Instances/dungeons/raids are completely pointless as my running inventory leaves me with roughly 8 slots available, less after conjured items like healthstones and mage food.
So far, the only thing that seems to be consistent from the characters that lost bags is that it was always the FIRST character I logged in on after signing in.
Since then, I’ve been logging in on the same character and, though I’ve yet to get a single bag to stay, no other characters (since the second) have had this issue.
I’ve opened tickets, and Blizz has summarily ‘resolved’ them with boilerplate responses that explicitly ignore the contents of the tickets themselves.
I tried opening tickets in both inventory/item issues as well as UI/interface. Both have been ‘resolved’ in the same way: offering up absolutely nothing new that I haven’t tried and informed them of already.
If I hadn’t already put in for the yearly sub, I’d be cancelling and going to month to month with a running tab and considering the most polite ways to inform them of my displeasure.
I replaced my bags last night to give myself a bit of extra room and today my bags are all gone again. My main just isn’t retaining bags across sessions.
Basically unplayable, especially going into a new expansion. Come on, Blizzard, at least tell us you’re aware of this.
I have replaced mine half a dozen times AND lost my mint condition bag and all I got as a response was “report it as a bug” they didn’t even replace my items! Who is driving this clown car?
I added the crafting bag from the event and it stayed (all of the other bags were still missing) until I just logged in, they’re all missing again.
I’m not sure if this will work for others, but I installed a fresh copy of WoW on a laptop, logged into my affected character on that fresh install, equipped the bags and logged off, and the bags are still there when I log onto my main even after a few relogs.
Gonna need a few days to see if it happens again but my current theory is that somehow some addon is causing a UI error that prevents WoW from storing the fact that you’ve equipped new bags long term… although that doesn’t explain the initial loss of bags I had been wearing all expansion three weeks ago.
I’m so confused.
Well, that didn’t work.
It’s funny, my brother was looking more interested in WoW than he has since MoP but after hearing about this bug he decided to hold off on playing or getting Dragonflight. I know I can’t recommend the game while there’s no sign the devs even know this is an issue.
Sadly it seems that if this issue doesn’t happen to a big streamer it probably will never get fixed.
The fact they haven’t said anything about it is quite disturbing.
It completely breaks the game.
I know we’ve all tried without addons on, but what addons have you used before this issue? I’m wondering if there’s a common factor.
I managed to get a response on twitter, they’re aware of it and looking into it, but currently have no proper fix
1: Look in your bags and banks (yes, bank too) for any containers you haven’t opened yet
2: Open all the containers, baskets, etc, or sell them
3: Collapse or uncollapse your bags by opening them, left clicking on the main bag icon and selecting the “Convert to separate bags” or “Convert to combined bag” option
4: Click the brush icon to clean up bags
5: Put all your extra gear in your bags into void storage
6: Remove as much from your bag as possible by selling it or putting it in the bank / void storage
7: Press the brush icon again, combine your bags. You’re looking for items that magically re-populate that weren’t there before
8: Hopefully profit. Re-instate all the items you stored back into your carry on
You can skip all the steps after #2 unless you want to be thorough.
The cause is the basket containers and the changes to the mission table rewards/inventory system.
admito que yo lo había hecho antes y no me funciono en ese momento, lo hice de nuevo ayer y todo bien hasta el momento hasta me devolvieron las bolsas que ya había comprado xD, ahora tengo muchas bolsas jajajaja